Steam Remote Play homestream
Steam Remote Play homestream
7 November, 2013
Keybind for Performance Overlay
The performance overlay provides a lot of useful information for the user such as resolution and graphs in detailed mode. These come in handy when the game streamed is changing resolutions and or the networking hardware is having troubles and needs rebooting. As it is currently implemented, the performance overlay when in "show details" mode, can be toggled via F6 to be either in it's normal state or a minimal state that shows just an fps counter.

If possible, may I request the feature of being able to bind a key to toggle between fully hidden (disabled), "show icon" (just shows the icon), "show details (shows all the graphs and details), and the "fps counter" overlays?

Unless I haven't figured it out or read the documentation enough, there doesn't seem to be another way to toggle on the performance overlay if it is disabled (hidden or off) besides going to the steam settings, remote play, and choosing the other two options in the performance overlay section.

Most graphical or frame overlays from AMD or Nvidia are able to be bound to a key, and when pressed, can show or completely hide their overlays. It'd be nice to have that convenience and ability for the Remote Play performance overlay feature as well without having to dive into the steam settings every time to manually toggle it on from when it was previously disabled.