13 November, 2020
TITOMOSQUITO187 18 Aug @ 8:19pm 
Yup I'm in that group. MOST of their reviews are negative usually. Even on games I will still buy many

Some are based on some sketchy reasoning, but overall they point out all the scamming in games.
18 Aug @ 7:11am 
Maybe some here are aware of this list but for those that aren't, it's a good thing to be aware of and very helpful in my opinion when you need to look into certain companies and practices.
TITOMOSQUITO187 7 Aug @ 8:06pm 
The Satanic Openeing Drag Show kind of clued us all in to what a shitshow this was gonna be.
7 Aug @ 4:20pm 
Is it no surprise that the Olympics are allowing mentally ill men, pretending to be women, batter women in the boxing ring?
Mozgus 15 Jul @ 8:23am 
Yeah Tom cranked that thing out pulling an all nighter
TITOMOSQUITO187 15 Jul @ 2:47am 
Bitch you Missed:

Moz...:trump::godemperor: Up up up$$
Groogo 13 Jul @ 6:36pm 
Mozgus, send me a friend request please. I was doing account maintenance and a window stayed open that I did not notice and I accidentally removed you from my list.
Mozgus 26 Jun @ 6:35am 
Many such cases.
TITOMOSQUITO187 26 Jun @ 5:16am 
Look at this photo.If the link will show up from X. Is there anything more full of soy that you have ever seen ever?
TITOMOSQUITO187 25 Jun @ 2:10am 
People seem to be excited for it actually, which makes it more disgusting that they do it. Only thing I've sen people worried about is the gameplay being like top down instead of first/third person games like Witcher.

I guess I can't blame the propagandists for concocting rage bait again. That's all they can do to be relevant anymore. The only time they get views is when they attack the fans/customers for the corporations.

That Mercante girl at Kotaku, or IGN or someplace has outed herself on that before. Claiming some rage bait article on GG was one of the top read articles of the year. Even if it was completely false, and lies.
Mozgus 25 Jun @ 1:20am 
God forbid we have the first actual.........Legend...of.....Zelda.
TITOMOSQUITO187 25 Jun @ 1:06am 
Look what the media is trying to do now. Since nobody complained about Inside Out 2, and haven't complained about Zelda being the lead in the new Zelda game, they simply just concoct another magical bigot. Pumping out articles saying how the CHUDS are super mad about all this. Literlaly nobody has done this. Worst I've heard is that IO2 is meh. lol

This is from Clownfish:
TITOMOSQUITO187 23 Jun @ 4:21am 
You upvote friends no matter what for their reviews whether you agree, or not. Unless of course they are saying something vile, or evil. It's jsut what you do. You support your friends regardless of if you agree. It still may be a fine review, or simply just a joke review, but :upvoter: it anyways imo.
Storyteller 23 Jun @ 4:16am 
So, basically you want us to click like on the reviews? (I’m seriously still falling a little behind [and on lack of sleep] so please don’t take offense).

I’ve seen a number of “Mozgus’” reviews on my feeds. A few I have agreed with or even liked, some I didn’t agree with and didn’t feel the need to argue.

How should we respond to “Adventure games suck…” if we have 400 adventure games in our collection (for example… not saying that you have ever hated on that specific genre)…
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 11:37pm 
He since deleted his hundreds of reviews because he got paranoid about something affecting his real life in the future.
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 11:37pm 
How odd. Maybe you got fucked with. My buddy Akka, every single notification I get on any of his post threads, steam fails to load the thread and I always have to scroll for days to find it chronologically in my feed, if I can even remember it.
TITOMOSQUITO187 22 Jun @ 11:15pm 
yeah...I always upvote reviews if I see them. Do it on every Store PAge too if I missed them for friends. STupid Steam won't load all the Friend's Reviews anymore though when you click to "see all friends reviews". Just shows up blank. Been doing that for like 2 years.

People are using the feed a lot less. I used to get 20 upvotes minimum on reviews. Now I'm lucky to get 5-10 most of the time.
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 11:13pm 
Yeah I like your posts. My content feed only takes me 3 minutes a day and I want it to be thicker. Also it would be nice if my reviews got more than 1 updoot.
TITOMOSQUITO187 22 Jun @ 11:02pm 
IF we curated a big enough group of friends, however on there we could literally use Steam like Twitter. Most people want to ONLY talk about games on here though. The blissfully ignorant, and indoctrinated by their media. Isn't it insane for someone in Africa to lose their mind over who the president oin the U.S. is as if they live here? XD
TITOMOSQUITO187 22 Jun @ 11:00pm 
Activity feed is useful if your friends use it. I use it a lot to post news, or say random stuff. My main problem is that I don't really look at the feed unless there is something I want to ask, or info I am looking for. Otherwise I forget to look most of the time. 90% of mine is just screenshots and game buys tho.

Can't talk about anything good really because half our friends will throw bitch fits and cry about anything. I am always happy to be unfriended by such people that have emotional rage over things that shouldn't even matter to them.
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 2:45am 
Dude, shush. The wackiest things always get you worked up. Chill. Go back to your business.
Storyteller 22 Jun @ 2:10am 
sorry. 9.5 hours and it was a review for Little Inferno.
Storyteller 22 Jun @ 2:08am 
I really don't care if everyone sees my "content", so I guess I'm a little lost here. Well, there was a review for a game that I gave that I had hoped to have made an impact on but instead it got me booted for all my achievements. Still have like 16 hours but not a single achievement. I believe I got them all, too.
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 2:03am 
I promise to be a very good upvoter of your reviews, screenshots, and other such stuff when I can. Steam seems to give people no chance at having content go viral unless you have hundreds of friends upvoting your crap very quickly. Thats the algo they use.
Storyteller 22 Jun @ 2:03am 
"spam add" and "I wanna see more activity in my Steam Feed"...? Are you being ironic here or do you seriously not see any activity in your Steam Feed?
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 1:51am 
It spam controlled me after about 30% of you, lol.
Mozgus 22 Jun @ 1:47am 
Just gonna spam add you all as friends. Decline if you want. Either is fine. I wanna see more activity in my Steam Feed.
14 Jun @ 1:05pm 
Replaying F1 2017.
Forgot that my real life surname, which is a Hungarian name, causes offense in this game and I cannot use it.
LMFAO, no matter what I do, I offend someone, somewhere.
Even with my real last name.
TITOMOSQUITO187 26 Apr @ 10:29am 


Petition to return the parts they censored for Sony when they promised no censorship.

Look at Grummz thread on X.
TITOMOSQUITO187 24 Apr @ 5:12am 
SBI Detected is going all out now.


For every media format. MAde that site. They were on Geek & Gamers yesterday to announce it.

KAbrutus was on:
Mozgus 23 Apr @ 10:53am 
Man I should get back into Dead Cells. I need to test and perhaps update my old workshop mod for it. I'm betting it's incompatible these days. I did a soundtrack replacement.
TITOMOSQUITO187 23 Apr @ 3:39am 
I'll probably get on there later today. Playing Dead Cells right now so don't feel like messing with it. I'll let you know when I have it set up. Probably be @DickDickstein
Mozgus 23 Apr @ 3:16am 
And of course Signal doesn't show prior chats to new arrivals. It will be empty to you. I try to post daily stuff. Couple others have been semi active. Hope it keeps growing.
Mozgus 23 Apr @ 3:14am 
Ill be awake for another half hour to accept your invite if you make it that quick. Just make sure your Signal username is engaged and phone is hidden. Should be default settings these days.
TITOMOSQUITO187 23 Apr @ 3:11am 
Thanks...I'll get on there later after I download the app.
TITOMOSQUITO187 23 Apr @ 3:08am 
Link it please lol
Mozgus 23 Apr @ 1:11am 
I'm still being 10x busier on the Signal chat group than the Gab group. Sorry to say for all who havent switched. Fuck gab.
TITOMOSQUITO187 23 Apr @ 12:59am 
They still haven't reached 100% fully funded for the month. That has been a done deal for the last couple years by the mid-way point at worst.

BTW...they didn't allow image postings for free users the way it was. It's still restricted, and they are still going to force you to pay to use it. As far as I can tell he's now running a "before it's too late" narrative. Why can't the guy just admit he f'd up, and go back? That is ALL he has to do. I am more than willing to forgive someone that learns, and admits to mistakes.
TITOMOSQUITO187 22 Apr @ 6:53pm 
HAven't been back to see notifications at all. I still have notifications in there from February I haven't looked at. I know all of them are just Torba boot lickers anyways.
TITOMOSQUITO187 22 Apr @ 6:52pm 
I went on there the other day and just posted to thedonald:

"I can't believe all you assholes cucked for that f****t Torba"
Storyteller 22 Apr @ 1:02am 
I just went on for the hey of it... Torba's post is at the top of course. It's 4 days old and has only gotten 43 likes.

He used to get a 1,000 in a day or two.
TITOMOSQUITO187 21 Apr @ 10:35pm 
Old black dudes have the most insane stories. Like the dudes that lived through the 30s-40s. Basically everyone that lived in that era now is almost dead so it is rare to hear the kinds of things they saw back in the day.
Mozgus 21 Apr @ 8:48am 
I work with an old black biker and veteran and one time he was having a smoke and ranting to a few of us about how he notices black privilege in the black kids fresh out of college who become our bosses and get completely overwhelmed at the tiniest shit like picking up a shovel. He had us cracking up so hard. Just telling it like it is, but hearing a black dude fully admit what we all know was refreshing.
TITOMOSQUITO187 21 Apr @ 4:20am 
I may have found a job at a DEI place. My buddy went from labor to shift supervisor, jumping two levels in 45 days. Full hiring control. Black dude of course. If this is a DEI joint, I'm going to help black people take the business over. :haha:
19 Apr @ 6:24am 
Reading up in KCD2 discussion page. JFC with the babies calling to reoort people. Steam is so overrun with cry babies. It would be so much better here if the moderators told these people to cope because their parents obviously won't or didn't do it.
Mozgus 18 Apr @ 3:52pm 
I mean I wouldn't be able to afford to live in a major city that actually has attractions and such. That's for sure.
Storyteller 18 Apr @ 3:07pm 
I’m glad for you as well.

I was not as fortunate. But I am still alive and grateful for that.
Mozgus 18 Apr @ 2:41pm 
I'm glad I have a good job that's not very stressful or physically brutal anymore. My body wouldn't be up for the type of stuff I used to do for less. And glad my lady contributes so much to the bills.
TITOMOSQUITO187 17 Apr @ 7:33pm 
Everyone is too worried about their own stuff nowadays. Economy is so bad, and after they trained them all to stay inside during Covid for two years. People can't afford to "go out" anymore with the inflation on food, and everything else. So it is even more difficult to get together now. Besides having families, and all that of course.

You know this was all intentional Mozgus. It's not even debatable at this point. More I look into anything the more I realize I was lied to about it. Post-WW2 propaganda has been brutal against us. From the Cold War USSR, to China, and from our own country, who are arguably the worst in the world. We own news stations all over the world that pushes propaganda.