FemShep ~ (Mass Effect) FM~Effect
FemShep ~ (Mass Effect) FM~Effect
6 Agustus 2011
TENTANG FemShep ~ (Mass Effect)

Shep – “Not everything I’ve done is something to be proud off...” Anderson – “I’m proud of did good did good...” Shep – “Thank you sir...”

"FemShep" as she is affectionately know to her many fans, is the female incarnation of Mass Effect's main protagonist, Commander Shepard. Many of her fans have followed femshep from the beginning in Mass Effect 1. Although femshep has never appeared in any promotional trailer or screenshot she has grown a steady and vocal following within the last four years. She may be sidelined, but femshep, quite by accident, has forever changed the way we look at games. One can only hope that she will inspire new, strong, female heroes but there will never be anyone quite like her.

(((( New Information/Page Summary in the future! As the Summary on FemShep is now outdated... ))))

Basic Group Rules (Updated: 16/10/2011) -
- No Ad's without permission
- No Harassment
- No Spamming
- No Illegal posting (Illegal websites, Illegal content etc.)

1000 Members: April 27th 2012
500 Members: October 23rd 2011

Picture - I didn't draw the avatar artwork and only thing I did do was add the Mass Effect style text...the link to the artist is here:

Mass Effect 3 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Website[]
‘Mass Effect’ Producer Teases E3 Announcement Via Twitter
Diposting pertama kali oleh Robert Gordon on Game Rant:
Mass Effect 4 is one of the most highly anticipated games in development, and so far BioWare has been tight-lipped about any major details. The developer has managed to avoid any serious leaks, in spite of some claims that a survey revealed some major plot details, and has instead been incrementally updating fans with news on development. ComicCon saw BioWare revealing the return of the Mako, as well as setting the game during the Commander Shepard era.

In particular, BioWare has been a fan of releasing images to gamers, letting loose brief glimpses of Mass Effect 4’s production. The developer released several pieces of concept art in November, giving would-be players a look at some new planets and potentially new alien races. Meanwhile, BioWare also showed off an image of the motion capture process for the title.

BioWare’s latest image reveal, however, is undoubtedly the most cryptic of the lot. Michael Gamble, producer of Mass Effect 4, dropped a rather oblique image on his Twitter page this weekend. The image merely showed a star in space, but it was more than enough to get fans speculating about just what the picture could mean for the in-development Mass Effect title.

Twitter Link
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) May 3, 2015

Although the image itself it not confirmed to be related to Mass Effect, there is certainly enough to tie it to BioWare’s franchise. The picture contains Mass Effect’s trademark sweeping arc, as well as the blue-to-yellow color palette that makes up part of the occasionally cliche-unleashing cover artwork. It all points towards some kind of Mass Effect 4 reveal in the near future, and E3 looks like the most likely venue. After all, it has previously been suggested that the 2015 expo could give fans a first look at gameplay footage.

A reveal at E3 in June would certainly tie in with Mass Effect 4’s production schedule. Analysts have previously predicted that the game could see a release by April 2016, which would still give the developer the better part of a year to complete the title. Of course, that may prove to be a little too early for BioWare – the project still doesn’t have a name and just nine months ago the developer said the game was only in the early stages of development.

As it stands, then, there may well still be some way to go before Mass Effect 4 becomes a reality, but that will not stop fans of the franchise from speculating on what the game will be like. Gamers already have a long wish list of things the upcoming title needs to deliver, particularly after the mixed reaction to Mass Effect 3. So far, though, BioWare is making all the right noises. The developer has said the title will not simply copy the Dragon Age: Insquisition template, and will still stick to the roots of what made Mass Effect such a powerful trilogy. Hopefully, June will see more details about the project revealed.

Article Link[]

Mass Effect 4 - Is Bioware Actually Making it Open World?
Diposting pertama kali oleh Kenny McDonnell on MOVIEPILOT:
One of the lead references that Bioware has utilised when talking about Mass Effect 4 has been their recent success, Dragon Age: Inquisition. Apparently the development period for Mass Effect 4 has been shortened due to the fact that the core system of DA:I is being used to help create ME4. This means that Bioware essentially don't have to work from the ground up on the project.

While this may help bring Mass Effect 4's release date forward in time for the XBOX One, PS4 and PC, will it actually have an affect on how it plays too? One of the main things that players are wondering about is whether Mass Effect 4 will be an open world game on release date, at least in the form of Dragon age: Inquisition. Let's take a look at what we know on this front.

Naturally, the large degree of information that we've received about Mass Effect 4 has been fairly cryptic so far. However, we are aware that Bioware intend to place a stronger emphasis on the Mako in the next instalment. I think it's fair to assume that their next work will be closer to Mass Effect 1 in terms of exploration, though naturally improved upon and diversified.

You can check out some of the conceptual footage for the movement of the Mako and the terrain in Mass Effect 4 here[]. From what this demonstrates, I'm sure that Mass Effect 4's open world stage will be extremely similar to that of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Rather than using the war table, we'll have our system map once more, which will allow us to navigate different worlds, each one having a lot more room and characters to interact with than before.

The Witcher 3 has taken a similar approach in how it allows players to explore its dynamic world. There are several large maps that the player travels which will be filled with side quests and characters to interact with. Hopefully there will be a lot more to do on the planets in Mass Effect 4 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC then there was in ME1 .

But What About Combat in Mass Effect 4?

But with an open world framework comes issues for a cover-based shooter. If Mass Effect 4 became gave us more freedom to wander, would the combat suffer? The ME series has a lot of carefully designed corridors and open rooms, filled with objects to take cover behind. If we wander around a large open space, wouldn't it be strange to have so many objects we could take cover behind scattered around the terrain? Or be forced into a fight with no cover at all?

But then I'm sure that Bioware could find a fluid way to make combat work. But taking a look at the conceptual footage above, perhaps the Mako will fill in for fights in large open space. Maybe it will become as key to the combat as the Batmobile is in Batman: Arkham Knight. Perhaps if we come upon a base or village we can hop out and then engage in cover-based shooting more effectively!

So what do you think Mass Effect fans? Would you like to see Mass Effect 4 become more of an open world game? Do you think it would poorly affect the combat? Let us know in the comments and hold strong for ME4's release date for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC!

Article Link []

154 Komentar
KOVEIRA 2 Mei 2023 @ 9:10pm 
Hey all, not sure if this group is still active, but just another Femshep and Mass Effect fan here :Liara:

If you don't mind could you leave a fun comment about my looong haired Commander Shepard:

Thanks! :monsterbold:
🌸🌺 Yayifications 🌺🌸 10 Agu 2021 @ 3:29pm 
B@Nd!t: I'd have to find time play through the Legendary editon first, but I will eventually. I've got too much on my plate at the moment to replay the original trilogy, but I really want to! I like your femshep, the short hair looks nice. I personally love the ponytail style myself though. :chocola2:
B@Nd!t 30 Jul 2021 @ 7:20pm 
🌸🌺 Yayifications 🌺🌸 27 Jul 2021 @ 2:45am 
Dead group~
eternal_fury 20 Nov 2020 @ 1:22am 
DARKARTA .....It's a great hidden object game that kids and parents love to play together ....try it.
eternal_fury 20 Nov 2020 @ 1:13am 
Ke ruang obrolan
6 Agustus 2011