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Islam in the News

15 comentário(s)
SituationalJared 14/fev./2012 às 19:54 
Shariah law with the new rule of equal rights for women...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................and only a few blacks have been killed, and most will probably be released due to politcal pressure.
Sefu 14/fev./2012 às 18:36 
I was just answering your question cuz you seemed to think that in Libya they are "reforming" Islam or some ♥♥♥♥ lol
Yeah the first link says there will be sharia law...exactly lol...sharia law is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ barbaric legal system
And blacks are being killed in Libya damnn

But anyways, islam is not becoming more moderate in Libya lolol
SituationalJared 14/fev./2012 às 14:36 
The first one just says there will be Shariah Law, with the exception of equal rights for women................... And the second has some reason to it, the blacks acted as mercenaries to Gaddafi, and now all of them have been rounded up and put in prison, none of them have been killed, and most of them will probably be let free............
Sefu 14/fev./2012 às 6:32 
You think Libya is "reforming" islam? The Libya where now that Gaddafi is gone the new leadership has embraced sharia law...
Some of the more moderate laws under Gaddafi have been replaced by laws based on barbaric islamic law. Where they are rounding up blacks and killing them?
Some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reform...
SituationalJared 13/fev./2012 às 19:45 
The entire country of Libya doesn't seem like alot of Muslims?
Sefu 13/fev./2012 às 18:32 
Also not many muslims are trying to reform their religion, yes there are some, VERY FEW, who are trying, but considering the number of muslims in the world who are becoming more and more radicalized, the shift is happening in the opposite direction - islam is not becoming more reformed and peaceful but more violent and opressive. The few people who did try to make islam more moderate have a very hard time considering the explicit instruction in the quran and hadiths towards violence and opression of women etc etc
It's hard to argue against some of the very straightforward and explicit verses in the quran.
That's why I don't have much hope for Islam to become more reformed and accepting of other people.
Sefu 13/fev./2012 às 18:14 
1st off the Crusades happen in response to muslim invasions and forced conversions of Christians
2 - There are huge fundamental differences between the Bible and the quran, I suggest you read my earlier posts to see the staggering amount of violence the quran preaches. No other religion even comes close to Islam in its level of violence and oppression.
3 - To say that the Bible tells Christians just like the quran tells muslims to force their religion onto people is not exactly true. The Bible tells Christians to evangelize and preach to people, the Quran tells muslims to forcibly convert people. Basically it gives you a choice between living as a 2nd class citizen without the same rights or becoming a muslim and living a life of submission of the ancient retarded islamic law.
SituationalJared 13/fev./2012 às 17:39 
in many countries have been changing the Quran, so that it would support women equality, and many other things.
SituationalJared 13/fev./2012 às 17:38 
See the bible tells the Christians and Muslims to force their religions onto people, they have both done this, Jihads, Crusades, and many more, but after the medieval ages the Vatican fell, and so Christians stopped their religious wars and started going for more Nationalist views, eyeing countries more then religions. But on the Eastern side of the Old World, stuff was the same as before, killings because of one's religion, religion still held a small affect in Europe, unlike The Ottomans, they were still religious radicals, they killed because of religions. See the Christian world slowly made Christians change their ways to more peaceful values, putting in Women equality, ect. The Islamic world still held their old biblic values, this is due to constant dictatorships. In all the ways of the Old Christians, and Old Muslims are the same, but the Christians changed the bible slightly, saying "this does seem unfair." Thus you have radical Muslims and peaceful Christians, and now Muslims
Sefu 13/fev./2012 às 14:28 
Pose little or no threat? To who? To all the Christians they are killing in Egypt? Maybe to the hundreds of Churches and thousands of people they have killed in Nigeria? To the Christians of Pakistan who are treated like ♥♥♥♥, raped, murdered??
This is a worldwide phenomenon, the 9 out of 10 countries where Christians and other religiou minorities are the most persecuted are muslim countries. Even in Europe, Christians can't go into some muslim neighbourhoods look up "no-go zones", because they will be harassed and attacked.
This has been going on for centuries, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, North Africa, those places were all Christian until muslims took over.