/v/lancers Brolancer
/v/lancers Brolancer
19 giugno 2009
615 commenti
BAF|Lt.Lawrence.Livesey 16 set 2023, ore 18:44 
Discovery Freelancer, guys, new patch upcoming, join the hypetrain!
Drive 9 apr 2023, ore 11:47 
Bros... everspace 2... we're going home
Devoirity 26 mag 2018, ore 13:02 
Malazag 21 set 2017, ore 19:37 
If anything does not work, or you encounter some bug or ♥♥♥♥, just tell me. Or add me in steam, if you need a buddy for broventuring.

I'm nowhere as good in modding as Pasta, but I'm trying.
Ditch 21 set 2017, ore 16:19 
Downloading it now. I'll give it a shot. I miss the random Battleship cluster♥♥♥♥s with bros.
Malazag 21 set 2017, ore 10:33 
Steam keeps removing my ♥♥♥♥.

Here, a bit late, but there is is:
Messer 21 ott 2016, ore 1:27 
just host yourself the server and play on it (that's how I play it, can't connect to the only server available as it crashes after 15 seconds of joining).
Nohran 13 set 2016, ore 5:27 
Hey, does anyone have the server patch? Mega link's dead.
I just want to try it out in openSP but half the features are missing and the unofficial server crashes me every time I undock.
Malazag 27 gen 2016, ore 14:47 
I'm working on a more or less stable version of /v/-Lancer atm (V-Lancer ressurection had some bugs If I remember correct), once I'm done with squashing bugs I might ask Pasta if I can 'release' it here.
Messer 31 dic 2015, ore 22:50 
>want to play veelancer
>one server available
>game crashes right after exiting pittsburg everytime

feels bad tbh
Lt. Smocaine 2 dic 2015, ore 6:03 
megalink is ded
Paranoia Rising 17 nov 2015, ore 3:20 
Xenesthis 5 lug 2015, ore 20:14 
One day...
Messer 27 giu 2015, ore 3:54 
is vlancer still alive? ;_;
Registered Rug Muncher 22 mag 2015, ore 18:03 
i cant find the server
Tony Kito 27 ott 2014, ore 2:55 
Why is the server version different from the veelancer file in Mega?
Cady 8 giu 2014, ore 19:33 
-s50.159.36.51:2302 to connect to my server, got a new IP from derpcast.
DonDonVulpino 17 mar 2014, ore 19:44 
Have there been any changes done recently to the files? FLServer is working but crafting is busted.
St. Haborym 4 set 2013, ore 19:15 
what does this hotfix 1 do?
Chizu 4 set 2013, ore 12:25 
I can't find the server. Is it up?
Bubbawolf 10 ago 2013, ore 10:04 
Servers down?
Pain Solana 5 ago 2013, ore 15:53 
anybody still playing this mofo?
Jigglebot 9 lug 2013, ore 13:40 
Rojo 18 giu 2013, ore 10:30 
Wah Fu-in Go-in On where The fu-in Servagh?
SERIOUSLY Crunchy 10 giu 2013, ore 12:35 
/v/lancer revival AWW JEAH TIME FOR MINES
Salty Buster 25 mag 2013, ore 20:19 
Sounds like a fun game, and with such little file space! Downloading now!
ShnitzelKiller 25 mag 2013, ore 20:14 
was dage responsible for this?
revilo 25 mag 2013, ore 20:13 
what's happening
Tokanova 25 mag 2013, ore 20:11 
Huzzah for Viruses
ShnitzelKiller 25 mag 2013, ore 20:10 
oh no, it's happened. Group finally snapped
Dennis 25 mag 2013, ore 20:10 
Saladofstones 25 mag 2013, ore 20:10 
oh no we got a ruseman
Creamy Mac N' Cheese 25 mag 2013, ore 20:10 
spammin ♥♥♥♥♥♥
senj 25 mag 2013, ore 20:10 
Eisengratz 23 apr 2013, ore 18:23 
The fonts download seems to have 404'd. Can anyone re-up?
Here and There 9 mar 2013, ore 22:11 
So, I miss anything interesting while in basic?
Commander Claw 15 dic 2012, ore 15:38 
I get a CTD when the message from juni leading to mission 6 ends. Any ideas?
LoFi bear to Chill and Relax To 20 nov 2012, ore 10:41 
Adding -dx to the command line gives me an "Unrecognized command line parameter" error when I run the shortcut, same when I add the server connection info.
Protoman 19 nov 2012, ore 17:28 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Trainwiz 6 nov 2012, ore 19:05 
Join the one that isn't the hat server.
Nashmau 5 nov 2012, ore 14:15 
There seem to be two servers up currently
1-800-big-possum 23 ott 2012, ore 12:46 
Getting yet another CtD when trying to go to Alaska by the New York warp gate. Currently riflign through the SDK and the mod. No luck yet.
Calabain 19 ott 2012, ore 22:13 
I just installed this mod and started playing, so this might be a stupid question, but how come enemies don't seem to be doing any damage to me?
Trainwiz 16 ott 2012, ore 17:05 
You could have just put -dx in the shortcut, and it'd do the same thing.
Save Widowmaker 16 ott 2012, ore 16:55 
Well to fix the resolution I just opened the config files and changed it there.
DonDonVulpino 16 ott 2012, ore 13:59 
The Nomad Gate in Mazerous is still busted and won't open.
Trainwiz 15 ott 2012, ore 21:22 
Well you'll have to tell us what you did to fix the resolution
Save Widowmaker 15 ott 2012, ore 19:13 
Alright I fixed the resolution but now none of the voices work. Anyone know a fix for that?
Save Widowmaker 15 ott 2012, ore 18:44 
So the download link for the resolution fix posted here doesn't work. What do?