Dead Items Trading Post DeadItems
Dead Items Trading Post DeadItems
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10 Tháng 04, 2017
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Non Marketable Items Store 20 Thg10, 2021 @ 1:42am
[H] Rare Non-Marketable items [W] Gems / TF2 keys
I am trading any of my non-marketable items in Inventory
I am NOT BUYING/SWAPPING your non-marketable items.

Please Read
  • Please write here if you have sent an offer
  • Please do NOT add me by default, write here if you want to ask me something
  • Try to send fair offers (check at least prices of items when they were traded on the market before, use Steamcardexchange for example)
  • I prefer Gems, but any other marketable item is acceptable too
  • No item is lower than 100 Gems (save your time sending me lowball offers)


Available unmarketable items:
- Emotes
- Backgrounds
- Normal trading card Sets
- Foil trading card sets

:tradingcardfoil: Foil card sets:Find foil sets here

:tradingcard: Normal card sets:Find normal sets here

Available Emotes:
:lo_armor: :skulhalf: :space_inc: :scspike: :lucky_shuriken: :luf: :TrooperTS: :B_Robot: :apostate: :micon: :gokey: :exclamationpointUB: :impaled: :Winners: :bbb: :ProtoBullHead: :auto_noir: :TickTock: :hentai_puzzle: :onlydoe: :tireSign: :mylittleblackexit: :positiveo: :peepz: :mskul: :stop1: :cros: :campfiredialogue: :e_fuse: :metalbones: :lifegood: :kuth_bag: :rescueheli: :HT_Gun: :nyfood: :Op_Coffee: :Op_Angel: :pistol_gun: :noqstn: :zawa2: :lesapo: :sickleandhammer: :exultance: :Op_Gun: :AKEdition: :FracturedSpace: :CyberSentry: :mammo: :M_RSphere: :targeting: :reallyhappy: :fod2gesture: :1Key1: :A_bullets: :resin: :pistol_9mm: :tsmile: :Ragerider: :nf_worm: :BLACK_SPIKE: :BLACK_SPIKE: :minipogon: :red_splat: :REDSTARCCCP: :21logo: :bullseye: :pimpheart: :Longel: :uralboss: :apokguardian: :baseball: :servant: :EZ_Horn: :redstarkr: :mastertrojan: :stop_beetle: :solderp: :GemRed: :FOURINION: :FU: :MFF_Mog: :MOBIUSFF_Mog: :locon: :Nibbler: :cycloph: :dmhlove: :sepulcher: :babylonpotion: :zoeyes: :spintires_star: :legendary_weapon: :MaterialGirl_expression1: :angryfist: :1cross: :Devorak: :dl1tyson: :lenincccp: :mdot: :bheart: :lenna: :NanoBorgRedyAngry: :Otaku_5: :gruffian: :mori1: :akaneiro: :infested: :ussrguy: :CunningPepe: :dat100percent: :NaughtyRabbit: :piggyinhat: :Smart2: :ringtoy: :Rule_3_Emoticon: :cutpig: :round_shield: :dhruby: :thumbdown: :TwoBalls: :bad_guy: :reddoll: :ToothlessSoD: :brickw: :Trollemote: :adown: :rrrMoor: :roger_jack: :Hihentai: :go_beetle: :WitchHandValortha: :dmhwow: :fodpistol: :F12015Trophy: :happy_astro: :DoggieTS: :demonh: :mghappy: :arrowtower: :uralgeek: :bad_guy_ss: :FeetEpica: :23bronze: :xinyan: :Cowboyhats: :star_tank: :oscoffeecup: :ThreeBalls: :TRBM_Sad: :gohack: :Ironguard: :NK_NO: :rucksack_bag: :StickMonster: :StickMonster: :deleague: :redmarkedblock: :HandShakeEpica: :deer88: :HedgehogOfDie: :ltsmile: :hatmerchant: :SUADpoop: :ffviedgar: :ltshout: :muvluv_marimo: :HumanInsignia: :mhpumpkin: :mhpumpkin: :superTowerMagicTower: :PaPaPub_Angry: :2cupz: :shortgun: :insidia_naima: :Grobda_2: :workjob: :O1Rank: :judgephil: :gokigen: :CreepyWoodenDoll: :cactusorioSecret: :zzzzz: :thedoc: :opn: :HGPedro: :poolstrike: :OOF: :tripleshot: :camp_fire: :happymonkey: :hedgehole: :chainpain: :godmode: :vitya: :hfhhero: :huntingrifle: :MasScientist: :tfcstrength: :SRS: :nomansfly: :waspqueen: :poolballs: :poolballs: :21hitter: :honour: :19glove: :surrendernow: :Sharon: :rrrAhoy: :orc_sad: :DARKPORTAL: :M_Energy: :FOTambulance: :stickmandead: :fs_beer: :entity: :igtough: :golddragon: :torchcave23: :sovunicorn: :CloudPiratesBomb: :EVIL_INV: :igsir: :EMO_POOP: :madmole: :poolrack: :22perfect: :moccasceptic: :Simeon: :vssword: :pc_hammer: :21goldball: :mylittlecoin: :GS_Jumpy: :pramin: :Food_for_thought: :qiao: :buryyourhatchet: :fsfsandwich: :goread: :Tobacco: :thrking: :Blocks: :armor3: :FlowerOfHope: :welcome: :mannequin: :monstersmiles: :fsfburger: :Hthumbsdown: :pencilproj: :Wizrogue_Key: :Grimm: :surprisedfire: :BITRAY_CrazyCube: :VSSmile: :torch_tdod: :ZenRider: :misterpro: :smiley: :strangeamulet: :FIRIDI: :LuauLarry: :desu: :BStea: :shushu: :liemoji_yoba: :AngryVirus: :Osgood: :steamhappy: :CloudPiratesWheel: :spaceship_fighter: :MOBIUSFF_Chocobo: :happyaz: :wide_blade: :puzzlesolve: :ussr_banner: :bollo_tongue: :bollo_shoked: :ZombiePOTD: :fodbeer: :steelorange: :cgoldkey: :agamail: :beezz: :BENANA: :capitanmedal: :HelpMePlease: :F12015Shield: :sprintcup: :rvscience: :UT2004flak: :Star_demon: :Ghaldir: :Bumblebee: :RosyDoll: :0022: :eyemoticon: :uproz: :leftroz: :fodphoto: :ujkm: :empathygauntlet: :wtf_: :mgvip: :ho_ho: :OLCheers: :bnm: :REMAIN_Hello: :kinky: :REMAIN_Sleep: :simon_says: :hobbe: :philipe_jack: :binge: :fmchocobo: :fmchocobo: :dreamy: :Query_chan: :waropn: :WetFloor: :8bc1: :hookah: :klim: :vpwhite: :KRolikTV: :OneStar: :Misha_Smile: :creaturehand: :valantraider: :Yellow_Stone: :mousehehe: :KUMAMAKERGhost: :KUMAMAKERGhost: :B10GG5DHeatblast: :ZombieGinger: :fcdrums: :dibth_mushroom: :gushinymedal: :crying: :steamfacepalm: :shegnqi: :lolslime: :2spacecraft: :mechanicon: :greenpotion: :tsarbomb: :weap_r: :BarFuzz: :thebigpower: :19pitcher: :Hermeswear: :spellbreak_toxicologist: :greencauldron: :KUMAMAKERDonut: :KUMAMAKERDonut: :explorer_F: :PaPaPub_Apathy: :HSRPriest: :jungletree: :trasher: :oooo_totem: :crycry: :NDT_Money: :HiQuestion: :shlem: :pcars: :projgo: :LittleGreenStar: :war_grenade: :steammocking: :Gbloon: :query: :CoS_sickalien: :furrrious: :green_zombie: :war_platro: :pixel02: :choki: :LUMOMrHat: :backpackchika: :Medium_Tank: :mech_c: :green_bomb: :laik: :steambored: :tfccloak: :Harmonograph2: :Harmonograph1: :ChildBoot: :manz: :satch: :VoidHunter: :perplexity: :orcho: :VampireInsignia: :icering: :mathematical: :gauntlet_ww: :spacy3: :HyperSprint: :zombiedude: :planet_one: :SentenceSplitter: :smile_sleight: :birdsweatdrop: :hopliteatack: :cryst_life: :nicesword: :steamsalty: :BlueEnergyContainer: :Prickly: :Fmoji: :TheLight: :oldtv: :Light1: :Grobda_5: :JW2Glock: :23diamond: :extractor: :WaterBottle: :vcjamming: :eusalliance: :22diamond: :scx_football: :spintires_gears: :hexagondefender: :iswb_cup: :shonen_suspicious: :0055: :rem_4: :iswb_champ: :22silver: :blue_ship: :Research: :Getstarted: :paa: :empgren: :Knockingbones: :estariwarden: :bitcleanpro: :yourpinion: :headgear: :Sparring_Partner: :forgottenhero: :footacrobat: :steamsad: :Botlens: :mylittlebullet: :NANOSDamaged: :bpsblueteam: :FishMonster: :FishMonster: :bhshieldlogo: :bugspeed: :ffvighost: :ffvighost: :klace: :driver_hat: :helmeton: :HeelsSayaka: :Blue_Stone: :tradingcard: :vrjrnboss: :hoplite: :speed_train: :startet: :tradingcardfoil: :SPRING: :houseprint: :djbad: :gun_noir: :17: :mgangry: :Looking: :Gas_MTG: :23logo: :OurHero: :buko: :pickuper: :spgdu: :tvega: :spaceguy: :BallOfLight: :WP_Binoculars: :mexicomcano: :speedranger: :litteras_P: :OSWBlueBox: :timetoride: :2600tank: :SmokeMonster: :ancientspirit: :envgoods: :pimpglass: ːcyber♥♥♥♥_girl_2ː :SparcShield: :faultriktor: :AISandra: :WakanaKamikawa: :Taima_2: :Garrison4xP36: :hammertime: :Hexaform: :TheBetrayerOne: :tohaard: :yetienemy: :evil_hell: :pyou: :Green_Justice: :brokinin_robot: :cursed: :russf: :yayin: :drop_tears: :Grobda_1: :mammulet: :PaPaPub_Happy: :kt_4: :PurpleRider: :toyball: :pinkslimes: :liya1: :JiPSSmile: :unitedstates: :Trieye: :wousa: :frleague: :angrydevil: :guyfawkes: :EnvShip: :triangle_3: :argosy: :sharkflag: :lastsnowman: :WtSmileOF: :Dragonia_expression5: :pinkgauge: :PaPaPub_Shyness: :obtdbain1: :BountyHunter: :kt_3: :Otaku_1: :KUMAMAKERKUMA: :famspirit: :KUMAMAKERFlatBear: :crystal_cond_2: :mg_EJ: :momoko_anger: :ddgbomb: :hell_ball: :Johnny07: :RoflCat: :momoko_normal: :CatInLove: :sc_rip: :barbie: :barbie: :KUMAMAKERSushi: :KUMAMAKERSushi: :fodcola: :hammer_ss: :Sara_right: :Sara_left: :headcoach: :Thunder_Girl_4: :artist: :myst_pirate: :WtSmileLove: :Light2: :OFBBrain: :FOTfirefighters: :dchrono: :time3: :fastvillain: :EZ_IWillShootYou: :angryteeth: :red_time:
Lần sửa cuối bởi Non Marketable Items Store; 3 Thg06, 2024 @ 5:09am
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Đang hiển thị 1-15 trong 152 bình luận
stardustsunday 20 Thg10, 2021 @ 1:44am 
Hi!! how much for :puppylove:? Let me know how many gems you expect :goof2:
Nguyên văn bởi stardustsunday:
Hi!! how much for :puppylove:? Let me know how many gems you expect :goof2:
20k gems
🐥 14 Thg12, 2021 @ 7:59pm 
what is the cost for 4 sets of "Gochi-Show!"(and with or without the emoticons available for this game)?
Nguyên văn bởi 󠀡:
what is the cost for 4 sets of "Gochi-Show!"(and with or without the emoticons available for this game)?
just sold them. Getting more soon. Cost is 1900 gems for a set
🐥 16 Thg12, 2021 @ 1:29am 
Hi how much does these each cost?

Nguyên văn bởi 󠀡:
Hi how much does these each cost?


:treats: 1800
:ringtoy: no longer have
:puppylove: 20000
:algebraic: no longer have
:momoko_charm: 10000
:eurika: 100
:wat: 150
:dreamy: 1500
:smooch: 1500
Merry Christmas for all of you! :puppylove:
Shayu 13 Thg01, 2022 @ 8:59am 
how much do you want for :LUMOSatoriEye:?
Nguyên văn bởi Shayu:
how much do you want for :LUMOSatoriEye:?
:LUMOSatoriEye: = 3k gems
🐥 28 Thg01, 2022 @ 2:42am 
offer sent
aims 28 Thg03, 2022 @ 6:02am 
how many gems each for :mhghost:, :Shuffle_Kurotama1:, :Shuffle_Kurotama2:, :desu: please? :threehearts:
:mhghost: 10k gems
:Shuffle_Kurotama1: 800 gems
:Shuffle_Kurotama2: 500 gems
:desu: 300 gems
Lần sửa cuối bởi Non Marketable Items Store; 28 Thg03, 2022 @ 7:31am
aims 1 Thg04, 2022 @ 11:11am 
Nguyên văn bởi Non Marketable Items Store:
Nguyên văn bởi 󠀡:
Hi how much does these each cost?


:treats: 1800
:ringtoy: no longer have
:puppylove: 20000
:algebraic: no longer have
:momoko_charm: 10000
:eurika: 100
:wat: 150
:dreamy: 1500
:smooch: 1500

I sent an offer for :wat: :) Planning to send more when my gems are no longer on hold.
Nguyên văn bởi sub to my only fengs:
Nguyên văn bởi Non Marketable Items Store:

:treats: 1800
:ringtoy: no longer have
:puppylove: 20000
:algebraic: no longer have
:momoko_charm: 10000
:eurika: 100
:wat: 150
:dreamy: 1500
:smooch: 1500

I sent an offer for :wat: :) Planning to send more when my gems are no longer on hold.
aims 4 Thg04, 2022 @ 12:44am 
how much for :smiley: :kinky:? sent an offer over for :smooch: and :desu: :)
< >
Đang hiển thị 1-15 trong 152 bình luận
Mỗi trang: 1530 50

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