Steam Community Market CmMkt
Steam Community Market CmMkt
12 December, 2012
lost money because of hijaked account, steam sides with scammer
earlier today my account got hacked or something because i woke up to find a fraudulent purchase had been made on my account for a stupid dota 2 cosmetic, i tried to have steam support maybe reverse the transaction after i had told them it was fraud but they refuse. is there a way to get my money back or is it gone forever?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
What price have that dota 2 cosmetic ?
sfcnimmo 6 Aug @ 11:07pm 
its worth only 1 cent but i paid like 8.60
Nerien 8 Aug @ 12:10pm 
Hey, same here. someone bought random dota2 items. When I go to the ingame purchases :
I see to who it was bought. All the items were bought to the same account.

He sold a few CS2 weapons too. I still dont know how is it possible to connect to an account with steam guard activated.
Last edited by Nerien; 8 Aug @ 12:14pm
This same thing happened to me today they sold a tone of my stuff and used the money to buy a Dota 2 cosmetic thing
Nerien 8 Aug @ 11:50pm 
Originally posted by Cosmo Neos:
This same thing happened to me today they sold a tone of my stuff and used the money to buy a Dota 2 cosmetic thing
IF you go on
you can see to which account it as been sold. Me it was "gtik0paf"

But dont worry, steam wont refund your wallet or items. Because less than $1 transactions are pityfull for them
Last edited by Nerien; 8 Aug @ 11:52pm
WICKED 16 Aug @ 1:00pm 
i also got the same .. i was holding 2euro in my wallet and sadly while i was spacing to my account i saw the wallet money go down and up very fast .. i insta removed all devices and rest password - re-active the guard .. also i saw that the money was in YEN when he also sold some of my stuff .
BrabraDL27 17 Aug @ 10:08am 
The same thing just happened to me a few hours ago and I lost 12 euros because of it. idk how this thing works but what I do know is that I'm broke now. For me there were multiple transactions with different people somehow all at around the same time. Is there really no way to get a refund or get your money back?
WICKED 17 Aug @ 11:11am 
Originally posted by BrabraDL27:
The same thing just happened to me a few hours ago and I lost 12 euros because of it. idk how this thing works but what I do know is that I'm broke now. For me there were multiple transactions with different people somehow all at around the same time. Is there really no way to get a refund or get your money back?
Yeah for me around 10 pages of transactions cause i have many stuff .. all in just 1min .. and when i search for the names in the receipts it says not found .. i informed steam support they literally said we have nothing to do in community market bla bla bla
Sasukeee 17 Aug @ 2:46pm 
I got hack too and they sell my Dota2 items in the market almost 80 pages but I saw it and changed password before they use that money to buy anything. it's pending money. Can steam help me with this problem ? I don't want this money. I want my dota2 items back. Or How to contact steam ?
Last edited by Sasukeee; 17 Aug @ 3:08pm
Just had the same happen to me, they sold my items to buy some dota 2 cosmetics, is steam just gonna let this go?
This happened to me too started on the 14th i didn't change my passwords on time and all my money is gone, i don't even have dota2 on my account they sold my cards to accouts that were named like bots, i haven't been able to get my cards or money back and don't know how to proced. Did you also download something dogdy or get a friend request on steam from a cleary fake chinese account? Bc i suspect one of theses have something to do with it :(
sfcnimmo 17 Aug @ 9:07pm 
Originally posted by zaspo_sapin:
This happened to me too started on the 14th i didn't change my passwords on time and all my money is gone, i don't even have dota2 on my account they sold my cards to accouts that were named like bots, i haven't been able to get my cards or money back and don't know how to proced. Did you also download something dogdy or get a friend request on steam from a cleary fake chinese account? Bc i suspect one of theses have something to do with it :(

i think its cause i linked my steam account with a game and a bunch of my stuff got leaked
sfcnimmo 17 Aug @ 9:08pm 
Originally posted by Gabriel404:
Just had the same happen to me, they sold my items to buy some dota 2 cosmetics, is steam just gonna let this go?

when i went to support about this they basically said too bad so sad bc it coulder interfere with legit buyers and sellers
sfcnimmo 17 Aug @ 9:09pm 
Originally posted by BrabraDL27:
The same thing just happened to me a few hours ago and I lost 12 euros because of it. idk how this thing works but what I do know is that I'm broke now. For me there were multiple transactions with different people somehow all at around the same time. Is there really no way to get a refund or get your money back?

as far as ive been told they really just dont care so im gonna go with no
zecenker 19 Aug @ 10:56am 
Same thing happened to me today as well. 22 of my items were sold, my wallet received +0.70 and several Dota2 items were bought. I don't much care for the said items and the loss of the sale money, but this is too disconcerting. Now I'm thinking somebody could have erased my Library if they wished to!
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