Color Chemistry ColorChem
Color Chemistry ColorChem
5 March, 2015
strix 28 Dec, 2015 @ 10:59am 
Thank you! :steamhappy:
Register 28 Dec, 2015 @ 10:49am 
You got my up vote :)
strix 28 Dec, 2015 @ 10:26am 
Invitations are not sent randomly. I invite people who like to play puzzle games.
Like most groups in Steam, that group gathers the people to discuss the game which I made for you.
You may leave your feedback, take part in discussions or in events.
You should not getting disappointed, enjoy the life ^)
Register 28 Dec, 2015 @ 10:03am 
Hi Voldan, just curious why you sent me an invite to this group? Please tell me you are not randomly sending invites to people to join your group just to advertise your game. That would be dissapointing. :(
strix 28 Dec, 2015 @ 6:47am 
@SphinxBogen57 Thank you!
I really happy to hear it!
I will contact you when I will be ready.
SphinxBogen57 28 Dec, 2015 @ 6:36am 
It's a wonderful nice game idea and I'm already amped up about starting your game. Pls, let me know if you plan a german version of your little masterpiece, I'd love to assist you. :puzzlecube: :goldenpiece: ;)
strix 30 Nov, 2015 @ 5:38am 
@CONAN_Fabrice, thx! I will keep in mind!
CONAN_Fabrice 29 Nov, 2015 @ 1:24pm 
If you ever need a French translation, I can help :)
strix 22 Mar, 2015 @ 4:17am 
Thank You :)
strix 8 Mar, 2015 @ 3:43am 
@Vipboomz Thank You for your assistance offer!
As an new indie game developer, I want walk this path alone in order to gain more experience.
But I really need help in making a nice cover picture(512x512 pixels) and few icons for my game.
If You can help it would be awesome! :)