CGiveaways CGiveaways
CGiveaways CGiveaways
29 Temmuz 2014
 Bu başlık sabitlenmiş, muhtemelen önemli bir başlık
Are others allowed to do giveaways?
Are non-moderators allowed to post giveaways here? I have two games that I would be more than willing to give to a moderator at least to giveaway.
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12 yorumdan 1 ile 12 arası gösteriliyor
Everyone is welcome to do a giveaway in this group, if it has no entry fee :)
İlk olarak Malka tarafından gönderildi:
Everyone is welcome to do a giveaway in this group, if it has no entry fee :)
It is off humble bundle, so it's a code. Is that okay?
İlk olarak Malka tarafından gönderildi:
Sure :)
Sweet, thanks!
No problem, and thank you for choosing CGiveaways :)
Thanks for your kindness RyMC3!
İlk olarak Jakaryy of Portugal tarafından gönderildi:
Thanks for your kindness RyMC3!
No problem! Both giveaways are now posted! I didn't consider how much spam my notifications are going to recieve .-.
İlk olarak Malka tarafından gönderildi:
No problem, and thank you for choosing CGiveaways :)
welcome to the kwiki mark, please come again. lols
İlk olarak RyMC3 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Jakaryy of Portugal tarafından gönderildi:
Thanks for your kindness RyMC3!
No problem! Both giveaways are now posted! I didn't consider how much spam my notifications are going to recieve .-.
O_O wait till u get the 200 comments or 300-500 xD
İlk olarak shade00 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Malka tarafından gönderildi:
No problem, and thank you for choosing CGiveaways :)
welcome to the kwiki mark, please come again. lols

That's exactly what I thought lol XD
İlk olarak shade00 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak RyMC3 tarafından gönderildi:
No problem! Both giveaways are now posted! I didn't consider how much spam my notifications are going to recieve .-.
O_O wait till u get the 200 comments or 300-500 xD
Woke up to 384 XD
İlk olarak RyMC3 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak shade00 tarafından gönderildi:
O_O wait till u get the 200 comments or 300-500 xD
Woke up to 384 XD
loools :3 thats what happens when u allow 3 comments LOL , expect it to rise even more over time
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12 yorumdan 1 ile 12 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50