Castaway.tf cstawy
Castaway.tf cstawy
18 Ιουνίου 2024
230 σχόλια
Jacob the dude 10 Ιαν, 21:05 
Racist and bigoted server

Don’t be fooled gabber is not who he makes himself out to be as, he thinks he is this guy who can somehow revive pre MYM TF2, when in reality he is a delusional nutcase who harasses anyone who disagrees with him, do not join unless you are a racist bigoted edgelord
lysytsya 10 Ιαν, 9:53 
anthroGODs own this sever :Teuton:
Jacob the dude 9 Ιαν, 19:21 
Lmao, there's a castaway copy pasta now.
Society Gaming 9 Ιαν, 17:46 
Castaway won. TF2 won. America won. Insane this place is starting to take off and live up to it's potential. We're gonna make TF2 great again!
Gabber 9 Ιαν, 17:22 


CASTAWAY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WON!!!!!!!
Gabber 7 Ιαν, 23:11 
Weekly report:

Jan 1 - Dallas lasted 3 hours / Paris lasted 5 hours / Singapore lasted 1 hour
Jan 2 - Atlanta lasted 5 hours / Paris lasted 2 hours / Singapore lasted 3 hours
Jan 3 - Atlanta lasted 7 hours / Paris lasted 4 hours / Singapore lasted 1 hour
Jan 4 - Atlanta lasted 4 hours / Paris lasted 4 hours / Singapore failed to fill up
Jan 5 - Atlanta lasted 2 hours / Paris lasted 4 hours / Singapore lasted 1 hour
Jan 6 - Atlanta lasted 2 hours / Paris lasted 3 hours / Singapore failed to fill up
Jan 7 - Atlanta failed to fill up / Paris lasted 2 hours / Singapore failed to fill up
Sixteen60 7 Ιαν, 12:24 
It doesn’t matter, I just wanted to experience what TF2 was like before Jungle Inferno. The Sandman combo was truly busted.
kuz 7 Ιαν, 12:07 
Racist and bigoted server

Don’t be fooled gabber is not who he makes himself out to be as, he thinks he is this guy who can somehow revive pre MYM TF2, when in reality he is a delusional nutcase who harasses anyone who disagrees with him, do not join unless you are a racist bigoted edgelord
Yui 6 Ιαν, 16:08 
thank you for the copypasta @lul :steamhappy:
SherifAden 6 Ιαν, 10:36 
@lui thank you for convincing me to stay
SquidMann 6 Ιαν, 5:47 
75 more members to 1k xisters!!!!
Fabrius Espositux 6 Ιαν, 3:41 
guy under me is the average Uncletopia player btw
lul 5 Ιαν, 14:26 
Racist and bigoted server

Don’t be fooled gabber is not who he makes himself out to be as, he thinks he is this guy who can somehow revive pre MYM TF2, when in reality he is a delusional nutcase who harasses anyone who disagrees with him, do not join unless you are a racist bigoted edgelord
Ah yes IIRC chat is not on steam mobile. They made it like a separate app or something.

If on desktop its usually bottom/ bottom right of friend list
Sixteen60 4 Ιαν, 19:25 
Plus I don’t have either the dock nor a Bluetooth K/M so I’d be stuck with a gamepad. I’d just say it ain’t worth the risk as much as SolarLight makes using a controller in TF2 look easy.
Sixteen60 4 Ιαν, 19:08 
I don’t have TF2 installed on my Steam Deck. And I would need to get all the mods I normally use on Steam Deck (Comfig, HUD, Announcer, ect).
Gabber 4 Ιαν, 19:05 
just join now
eon (join castaway.tf) 4 Ιαν, 18:39 
Well then I think a good solution would be to use desktop instead?

Another method is to look at the "Event Schedule" at the bottom of the description and join the server IPs listed above at those times, with the console command "connect" or whichever IP you choose. However these times are not set in stone and can change, the group chat is the fastest way of being notified of those changes.
Sixteen60 4 Ιαν, 18:32 
Well I’m not seeing the button you’re talking about. Probably doesn’t appear on mobile.
eon (join castaway.tf) 4 Ιαν, 18:27 
You'd do well if you read the group description.

"Join the group chat for announcements!"
It's that button to the right in the overview tab, "Enter chat room"
Sixteen60 4 Ιαν, 18:24 
Aren’t events usually announced? I’m not seeing any this month in the events tab.
GGgaming 4 Ιαν, 16:59 
also space whos attacking you and why
GGgaming 4 Ιαν, 11:46 
nah it was the guy who made the ring thing
Society Gaming 4 Ιαν, 11:23 
wait what tfconnect shilled this group?
Space 4 Ιαν, 6:15 
im being attacked by members of your community
Alvy 4 Ιαν, 5:03 
Damn, more than 100 new members in just 4 days. The TFConnect ring guy shilling us was perfectly timed with Gabber's last video.
Jacob the dude 3 Ιαν, 22:54 
I love all you guys that made this server possible. Thank you.
Crusadey John 3 Ιαν, 20:02 
Castaway.tf is organized strictly within the Steam group and has no other third party platforms apart from official YouTube clip channel. There is an apparent lack of need o any other platform at the moment, and there will never be a discord server. I advise you to make your way into Steam group chat to stay in touch with session schedules as well as what other members of our wonderful community have to say.
unconnected 3 Ιαν, 18:01 
disregard the last part of my last comment i just read the description more LOL
unconnected 3 Ιαν, 18:00 
just saw this server mentioned in a youtube video, this is awesome; i wanted to host my own community server with a premise similar to this

is there a forum or discord i can join (a forum would be awesome lmao)
Asmo 3 Ιαν, 14:06 
9000 soon
random 3 Ιαν, 13:45 
900 members!
protons oppai 2 Ιαν, 19:12 
You can also join the servers via the in-game server browser. You can type "castaway" with the tags set "to include" to filter right away to Castaway servers.
Asmo 2 Ιαν, 16:53 
You can join our servers using the in-game server browser or alternatively you can visit https://castaway.tf and click the hyperlinks located on the left-hand side which will automatically connect you to their corresponding server. All server IP addresses are listed on the group landing page and our website. I also highly recommend joining the steam group chat so you receive notifications when we are playing.
MRcedaguy 2 Ιαν, 16:08 
how do i join your server ingame?
eon (join castaway.tf) 1 Ιαν, 20:27 
If you look at previous pages on this comment section, you will find Gabber's report on session duration.
Sixteen60 1 Ιαν, 13:07 
Now, how long does an event usually last?
Asomn 1 Ιαν, 11:51 
Yeah, but nobody else is going to join if there isn't a session probably.
Sixteen60 1 Ιαν, 11:48 
But you can still join even when an event isn’t in place, right?
eon (join castaway.tf) 1 Ιαν, 11:16 
Event Schedule
We have daily events in both NA and EU servers. The times are as follows, however the specific server may change and the time might be slightly different each day. As of writing this, the community currently favors playing on the weapon revert servers.

Monday-Friday - 7 PM GMT / 9 PM GMT+2
Saturday-Sunday - 4 PM GMT / 6 PM GMT+2

Monday-Sunday - 5 PM PST / 7 PM CST / 8 PM EST

Monday-Sunday - 7 PM UTC+8

These events are announced in the group chat when they start.
Sixteen60 1 Ιαν, 10:28 
So what’s with most of the servers besides Paris being empty? Are they only open at certain times or something?
random 31 Δεκ 2024, 10:22 
If you can't connect to anything, that's probably an ISP issue. If you're from Russia we have received similar reports about it in the past. Otherwise, there's not a lot I can do without more information
protons oppai 31 Δεκ 2024, 6:54 
Asia server report:

Lasted for 1 hour, map change Asians didn't like killed it. However Asians are celebrating New Years. This might explain the short play sessions.

Fortunately more new players have joined the server these past few days, both from what I've
personally seen and from BattleMetrics.

Asia still needs regular seeders from other regions so that more Asian players find about the server and become regulars who will seed the server.

Player retention, more Asian seeders and more new players are the main goals for Asia right now.

As for the Asian's monotonous map tastes, it will take months. Consistent play sessions while gradually playing on less played maps over time will help. Try not to force maps they don't like or full lobbies are less likely. A/D maps like Gorge seem to be safe options.

Side note, the Asian players are mostly from Southeast Asia (based from their pings), not East Asia as some players here would think.
douchebag the copycunt 31 Δεκ 2024, 6:14 
None of the servers are responding when I try to connect to them. What should I do?
Alvy 31 Δεκ 2024, 3:43 
>I hope this doesn't die like cre*tors.tf

we have micro-civil wars every hour and still going strong. We are not dying any time soon.
Join Castaways.tf SG Server! 30 Δεκ 2024, 20:45 
Well well. I never thought I'd see a vanilla tf2 server here in Asia.

I wish you the best in your endeavor. I hope this doesn't die like cre*tors.tf

You have my support. I will make sure to spread it to my friend list.

The moment I saw TC_Hydro in that video I was hooked.

And agree 100% Asia players have ♥♥♥♥ map taste. They be playing the same c*sual maps over and over again.
Alvy 30 Δεκ 2024, 11:30 
reminder for the new members:

join the group chat for session alerts
(and dont forget to set the notifications to "@, @online and @mentions only")
Gabber 30 Δεκ 2024, 0:11 
Weekly report:

Monday - Singapore lasted 2 hours / Atlanta lasted 2 hours / Paris lasted 1 hour
Tuesday - Singapore lasted 2 hours / Dallas lasted 2 hours / Paris lasted 5 hours
Wednesday - Singapore failed to fill up / Atlanta lasted 1 hour / Paris lasted 5 hours
Thursday - Singapore lasted 4 hours / Atlanta lasted 2 hours / Paris lasted 1 hour
Friday - Singapore failed to fill up / Atlanta lasted 4 hours / Paris failed to fill up
Saturday - Singapore lasted 3 hours / Atlanta lasted 1 hour / Paris lasted 4 hours
Sunday - Singapore lasted 2 hours / Newark failed to fill up / Paris lasted 5 hours
ceecil 29 Δεκ 2024, 1:02 