/v/ Tribes Modding betascend
/v/ Tribes Modding betascend
15 december 2013
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Beta damage values
During the beta there was a chart circulating around with the damage values and fire speeds for every weapon. Given that we're trying to bring the game as close to the beta as possible, that'd be a really good thing to have. If anybody has it somewhere, please share! Or, if you remember/have screenshots of beta damage values we can put together a new chart for that.

Of course, the megapatch-era beta had balance issues, but the first step is to revert it to that stage as close as possible before attempting to fix them.
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The megapatch was february 2nd, 2012. Here are the patch notes:,_2012:_0.1.742.0

As that table contains values from weapons that hadn't been released at the time I doubt it's accurate to the beta values.
I guess it would be possible to take a later chart and use the percentages in the patch notes to reverse back to approximately the original values
The way I see it, we can do what euclid just said, but refine it later on if we realize it's not working right.

Another thing you guys need to remember is that there were a few perks that got changed too, namely Close Combat. I think they made it 3x backstab damage, but it was first 2x, and in the middle area of the game it was 1.5x if I remember right. I think 2x is most balanced, because that way a backstab still can't oneshot a fully-upgraded Soldier, but can kill anything lower than that instantly. At 3x, it becomes possible to kill Heavies way too easily.

I played a lot of Infiltrator, so I know a few things about how they worked from experience. The stealth spinfusor felt a little weak for some reason. Less powerful than the Pathfinder's Light spinfusor, which didn't seem fair, but I don't really know much about game balance. I guess we'll see. It probably makes sense for it to do lower damage.
I worked on a starting place for weapon damage. It is based on a table I found dated September 25th, 2012 and I worked through the patch notes to revert values to just prior to the megapatch.

About: The first table is the reverted data and the second is the original source data. The yellow cells indicate a change has been made. The red cells indicate weapons that were introduced post megapatch though I'm probably missing some of those. The one grey cell indicates that a value was changed but gave no information on how to revert it. It's also possible that data I had to start with was not 100% accurate or I made some mistake along the way. The original data didn't have anything on grenades or deployables like mines.

I figure this is one of the first things we need to iron down to bring the game back to its former glory.. so any help or corrections would be welcome.

I assume we will be removing post patch weapons to start if possible?
[VGCY]. And yes the plan is to remove post-megapatch weapons
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