Back to school campaign Bts
Back to school campaign Bts
22 de julio de 2009
83 comentarios
Pov 2 FEB 2024 a las 11:06 (Left 4 Dead 2 - Back to school (Duo Realism Expert No Restarts with Zelet))
Get-6aget 13 DIC 2023 a las 8:37 
Лучшая кампания в мирее!!:angry_vatnik:
MERRYROSA 16 OCT 2020 a las 2:58 
i couldnt install this beautiful campaign mod, when i choose models and chapter 1-7 game says
to me "this mods are overlapping". and when i dont care, i try to open map game will crash. please help me
BadGamer 🎮 13 AGO 2019 a las 6:37 
Hello, I'm BadGamer- I like lots of games.
Looking for friends to talk to about anything, on Steam quite a lot.
Frozen Fire 11 MAY 2019 a las 15:56 
Эта карта была первой кастомкой которую я прошел и как приятно я был удивлен зайдя в нее сейчас снова. Многое изменилось и в лучшую сторону, видно что разработчики поддерживают карту, за что им огромный респект)

Анивэй, кто-нибудь знает что за песня в конце в крЕдитах?
☠Grimm1981|Twitch☠™ 18 SEP 2018 a las 21:27 
can you please upload a newer copy to gamemaps
glanni glæpur 5 SEP 2018 a las 12:41 
anyone play
Flammable 23 OCT 2017 a las 16:53 
Мапа топчик
Jar Jar The Pimp 5 DIC 2015 a las 23:53 
Hi ugm yes a admin vinny vittle or something came on our game and banned us all for being abusive.
Old Chap [No Glows] 25 NOV 2015 a las 3:54 
ALERT !!!!!!!!!
And i signal that IP sdress: (Steam Outbound-Processus: L4D.exe) is suspected:
Scanning all Outbound Ports ........
ALERT !!!!!!!!!
I just detect HTMI: iframe-inf (Infection) on this Mods downloading adress: ........!!!!!!!!
Better go on:
Or see my Groups List who gives Links and Secure Adresses !!!!!!.......
Falk Von Krone 13 OCT 2014 a las 16:33 
i cant find the key for the secret theater room
Cocaine Kate 17 JUL 2014 a las 13:21 
Just finished this campaign with a friend and loved it all the way through. That being said, does anyone know the name of the piano music used in the end credits?
crunchymusic 26 JUN 2014 a las 14:31 
Found the key on level 3. Found the door on level four but cannot for the life of me find the key. And didn't I find a spot to drop in on the scaffolding in the theater before? I am seriously starting to dig Back to School. It's a good deal of fun!
Polisorb 11 ABR 2014 a las 7:03 
отличное приключение) спасибо огромное за компанию)
envirozavr 9 ABR 2014 a las 19:03 
There are 3 keys - in chapter 3, 4 and 5. Each of them opens one secret (with easter egg inside) on each map.
Two more tips for you:
Keys are on the same map with the secret, which they can open.
Keys are not so very far away from the secrets - in same building or on the same floor or just across the street.

Also campaign has a lot of other easter eggs: some of them - just references, others are interactive and very hard to find, and of course most obvious and ongoing - "spying" teddy bears throught all maps.

I think we've made fourteen or so medium to big easter eggs (not counting teddy bears).
crunchymusic 30 MAR 2014 a las 11:42 
What does the key do? I have done it with and without picking it up and I cannot see the difference!
envirozavr 24 FEB 2014 a las 17:03 
@AndrewRi [RUS]
Одно большое точно будет, т.к. я его уже начал, а вот дальше - посмотрим.
AndrewRi 17 NOV 2013 a las 22:02 
А будут ли выходитьь обновления для кампании?
Hellz 30 JUL 2013 a las 2:18 
why am i crashing when playing this is it because i have a low end computer?
h2o 25 ABR 2013 a las 9:22 
жаль перестали вести ветку на
envirozavr 25 ABR 2013 a las 9:04 
Эмм... С какими невидимыми стенами?
76561198041263265 10 MAR 2013 a las 0:30 
Из-за чего могут быть проблемы с невидимыми стенами на версии 1.05?
envirozavr 31 ENE 2013 a las 1:22 
I've already said all about that problem in the comments for the first part of campaign earlier [].
Workshop problem, not our. You can find a solution here .
I had this problem earlier myself (when Dawn of The Dead campaign was deleted and uploaded again), right now all came back to normal for me.
kazyaffka 30 ENE 2013 a las 19:37 
Ну спасибо товарищи! Крутейшая кампания, я восхищен размахом и уровнем профессионализма. Не хуже чем кампании от valve по качеству а местами и лучше!
Zoey 30 ENE 2013 a las 13:46 
This is a review about the WHOLE campaign:
I played through the entire campaign single player (with bots), and found that in places special infected couldn't get through an area or couldn't reach the survivors (the truck part in 6 I think, they were stuck behind a fence). The survivor bots also struggled in places and on hard mode, I almost died because the bots kept running around the bus at the end instead. Also, the CEDA tents in the last mission should be marked and the ones you have searched already (e.g. opened the fridge and taken the vaccine if there) are unmarked. Also in the first 3-4 missions there wasn't a single tank or witch. The campaign is also quite long and the collecting 3 things thing... it gets repetative.
Zoey 30 ENE 2013 a las 13:46 
However, the positives: other than a few minor bot bugs, it was bugless for me. The maps were really well made, and the safe rooms were brilliant (although you would think if you blew a wall up with a C4 it would attract the horde). I also liked the undead survivor carrying the health kit and molotov, that was a nice touch. Also, I like the use of the voices of Bill and the other survivors and how it all fits in nicely (although the helicopter that crashes, the pilot still says "ETA 15 minutes" and then appears like instantly: perhaps have a short defensive wait and then the helicopter crash and a run to the safe room or something like that)

Overall a very well made campaign with new things and real great fun!
Michonne 30 ENE 2013 a las 12:39 
Downloaded all 7 parts and now game crashes and somtimes crashes steam as well. Would love to play it but now I can't even play L4D2 :(

win xp sp3
q6600 2.4ghz
4gb ram
SLARSH! 24 ENE 2013 a las 8:23 
Spasibo bolshoje!!!
envirozavr 24 ENE 2013 a las 3:21 
Now it's back. More info here .
SLARSH! 23 ENE 2013 a las 11:03 
Why is the Campaign gone from Workshop?
Adagio 17 DIC 2012 a las 5:42 
Incredible. Better than most of the valve maps and they're awesome. WD guys.
M. 16 DIC 2012 a las 0:47 
when is the workshop gonna come out
envirozavr 28 NOV 2012 a las 4:10 
Best playthrough of Back To School campaign so far - Watch Here
Very entertaining playtrough from really awesome guys!
They are very attentive to details and immersed into gameworld entirely!
envirozavr 11 NOV 2012 a las 2:01 
What do you mean corrupt? I downloaded the campaign from both mirrors on 5 minutes ago. File is fully functional.
Blue- 10 NOV 2012 a las 21:43 
is the file available? on the file is corrupt. (downloaded it 4X now) and on Mod DB it is not available...where is there a "good" copy to dL so I can test it out?
envirozavr 10 NOV 2012 a las 2:27 
Потому что ты пытаешься подключиться к серверу с версией 1.00. L4D 2 определяет только несоответствие версий, он не знает у кого версия новая, а у кого старая.
♂♀ 9 NOV 2012 a las 10:13 
Почему меня просят обновить версию, если стоит последняя 1.5?
Demonz312. 4 NOV 2012 a las 12:01 
Finally Who want to play with me right now? :D
fozzik96 3 NOV 2012 a las 6:42 
envirozavr 3 NOV 2012 a las 4:28 
The best gift to us - the players' attention. So feel free to spread information about our campaign everywhere!

P.S.: List of changes was added on the main page of the group.
NoNose 2 NOV 2012 a las 23:05 
Can I buy you guys a BEER? Great job and a LOT OF FUN! I'm trying to get up the nerve to move to a higher level. So much new turf to explore and doors to open. Lots of eye candy.
envirozavr 2 NOV 2012 a las 13:43 
We have been noticed by PC Gamer !
Meth501 31 OCT 2012 a las 18:48 
just saw your trailer. congrats guys/gals. awesome, awesome work. :D
[A3] リン 29 OCT 2012 a las 7:41 
Woot! Its released! Thanks guys for your hard work!
envirozavr 22 OCT 2012 a las 14:38 
А тем временем всю эту неделю, каждый день будут выкладываться финальные скриншоты каждой из глав кампании по очереди. Один день - одна глава.
Nobödy. 3 MAR 2012 a las 15:48 
Народ, а я вот что подумал..... Можно же создать петицию, чтобы эту кампанию потом включили в оффициальную, и не только ее - есть же много мапперских кампаний, которые этого достойны + это даст что-то новое в "L4D".
А вообще, "Valve" - "молодцы" - очень хорошо убили свое творенье сиквелом. Хотя, сиквел хорош, но где обещание поддерживать первую часть?
Loinz 25 FEB 2012 a las 12:12 
а что за режим "Мародер" ? интересно стало что придумали
envirozavr 17 ENE 2012 a las 8:59 
Очень сложно оценить сколько осталось, т.к. работаем в рваном темпе. Могу сказать что осталось выполнить: сделать изменения на 5 и 6 картах для режима "версус", доработать финальную сцену, дорабоать режим "Мародер", сделать пару моделей, поработать со звуком и озвучкой на всех 6 картах, ну и поправить мелкие ошибки тоже на всех картах.
пиздюль 2 ENE 2012 a las 8:15 
Ну пора бы уже сообщить нам что нибудь...
NN 10 DIC 2011 a las 11:48 
Забили видимо.