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Kalle Pärsson

This is Kalle, Kalle Pärsson. He is 11 years old, and he's celebrating the winter months with a cold Nocco Foam Santa. A tasty carbonated beverage, that tastes just like the old man himself. Kalle has recently been allowed to buy Nocco, his parents were against it at first, but realized that Kalle has matured enough to grab a drink of Nocco with his old man.

Kalle would love if you could all donate money to him, so he can give Nocco to all his friends, he loves sharing, but he does it too much. He has now put his family in financial debt, and his family have had to move out of their house, and into an apartment. But they're not mad at Kalle, they're actually quite proud of him. You must really love being generous, if you give away enough money to put your family in serious financial turmoil.

Update (2021-12-17)
After 3 years of barely surviving, Kalle has now moved out of his parents apartment. He has found himself a flat in the west end of Rinkeby. He has found a job at ICA Supermarket, and he's doing alright. He flunked out of school at 15, his infatuation with Nocco only grew after middle school, he can't stop. After coming home from work, he finds himself injecting an exorbitant amount of heroin into his veins. Okay, it's not all heroin, he mixes it with Nocco. This has sadly progressed so far, he has developed schizophrenia. He can no longer function among a group of people, he's always paranoid... and he's always looking for a bigger high.

Update (2023-5-28)
As of the 26th of May 2023, Kalle Pärsson has been hospitalized for his rampant nocco and heroin addiction. He weighs 70lbs and is 6ft tall. When police went to his tent at the end of the freeway, they found several human bones, seemingly from children. They are currently conducting tests on the bones to see if they match any missing persons. If so, it seems as if Kalle has started committing illicit and horrific crimes to pay for his addictions.
12 件のコメント
natt 2024年9月17日 18時56分 
Congratulations @Jblund for gamer of the week! AKA Group Player of the Week god gamer man huge respect
natt 2023年7月17日 12時12分 
Congratulations @Jblund for gamer of the week!
YOLOSWAG420 2022年9月3日 11時40分 
natt 2022年1月2日 9時31分 
Congratulations @Jblund for gamer of the week!
police 2021年12月16日 16時19分 
Kalle Pärsson on god Nocco tog han😔😔😔
natt 2021年12月16日 16時09分 
Kalle Pärsson my man gav mig 20 lax på julafton vilken grabb asså🤑
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