Legendary Argonauts legenargo
Legendary Argonauts legenargo
게임 중
2014년 10월 17일
Legendary Argonauts 정보

Argonauts Groupfighting Team

Argonauts (not all taken )
Jason, Leader of the campaign (taken by Hopsin)
Agaios the Great, son Lycurgos
Agaios the Small, son of Poseidon
Admitos, Prince of Feron
Ethalidis, son of Hermes
Akastos, son of King Pelias
Aktor [taken by Rommel]
Amyros, son of Poseidon
Amphyaros, diviner/prophet von Argos (taken by XerXes)
Amphydamas, son fo Lycurgos
Argos, son of Frixos (builder of ship Argos)
Askalafos the Orchomen, son of Aris
Asterion, son of Comet (taken by 2oothBrush)
Atalanta, the virgin hunter (taken by Bessieres)
Augias, son of king Forvanta
Butis, the beekeeper
Erginos the Argonaut, von Militos
Euryalos, son of Mekistos
Euphymos, the swimmer
Echion, son of Hermes
Hercules (taken by Petl)
Theseus, of Athens (taken by Spellpfeffer)
Idas, son of Ampareos
Lygeas, the observer (taken by Bob)
Linkeus (taken by Pieter)
Idmon, of Argos son of Apollo
Ifiklis, son of Thestionos
Ifis, brother of king Eurystheus of Mycenae
Keneas ( taken by Rebellious)
Kalaes, the flying son of Boreas (taken by Fwuffy)
Zitis, brother of Kanthos
Kanthos, brother of Zitis
Kastor, Spartan wrestler (taken by Gressien)
Polydeukes, brother of Kastor and boxer they also known as Dioscuri (taken by Eddie)
Kifeas, son of Aleos
Laertes, son of Akris (taken by Rizzet)
Melampus, son of Poseidon
Meleagros, von Kalydonos
Nauplios, Son of Poseidon (taken by Timlef)
Orpheus, the poet of Thrace and son of Poseidon (taken by Beorning)
Palemon, son of Hephaestus
Peryklimenos, the Telamon
Peryklimenos, von Pylos grandson of Poseidon
Peleus the Myrmydon, Father of Achilles (taken by Jan)
Pyneleos, son of Ippalm
Peas, son of Thamaksos
Polyphemus, son of Elatos
Pollux (taken by Jonnyboy)
Telamon, Father of Ajax brother of Peleus (taken by Varun)
Tefes, the wheelman of Argos
Ylas, Athenian Archer
Phanos, von Crete son of Dionysus
Stafylos, brother of Phanos
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Should we organize some 5v5 or 10v10 guys?
5vs5 GF Tournament
댓글 28
[BD] Pieter 2020년 6월 18일 오후 2시 23분 
Apperantly we aren’t as good in the eyes of Herishey so better listen to that man right ? Lmao we dominated 8)
MeoW.Hunter 2020년 6월 17일 오전 9시 59분 
[BD] Pieter 2019년 3월 13일 오전 9시 35분 
lol we are back for 4 years now
FearRipper 2019년 3월 11일 오전 8시 05분 
ded just like pieters love life
[BD] Pieter 2018년 3월 4일 오후 1시 50분 
yea I can feel it
!Jonnyboy¡ 2018년 3월 4일 오후 1시 50분 
did you hear that as well?
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2014년 10월 17일