The Sovereign Unity !TSU!
The Sovereign Unity !TSU!
14 de agosto de 2015
United States 
Bungle 28 AGO 2016 a las 2:34 a. m.
Just saying, someone just tried to scam me out of this group.
Too bad they were dumb and I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ a genius. I mean I wish i was, but i can settle for my hand any day of the year. Anyways, here's the chat we had

GENiUS: Hey sorry for just now messaging.
GENiUS: You there?
Dr. Steve Brule: Yeah sorry
Dr. Steve Brule: Whats up
GENiUS: Basically I'm here on behalf of VSG.
Dr. Steve Brule: Oh, what is that?
GENiUS: You own The Sovereign Unity
Dr. Steve Brule: Yeah
GENiUS: Basically VSG is a Steam Group Service that grows steam groups.
Dr. Steve Brule: Oh, I haven't even tried doing anything with that group, everything with it has kinda just came from being there
Dr. Steve Brule: Minus 14
Dr. Steve Brule: Im just gonna leave it alone
GENiUS: Hold on
GENiUS: Not finished ;p
Dr. Steve Brule: kk
GENiUS: What we would do is co-own the group with you
GENiUS: Assign moderators and admins of our own
GENiUS: and grow the group from giveaways and publicity.
GENiUS: All that changes is Strats or I will have the group ownership for a little bit and the bio of the group will say
GENiUS: " This group is owned by Vinewood Steam Groups "
GENiUS: We both get more publicly known.
Dr. Steve Brule: Oh ok
GENiUS: We are closing a deal on a CS:GO group called Knife COllectros
GENiUS: Collectors
GENiUS: It has grown rapidly and it will make us more popular also
GENiUS: Are you interested?
Dr. Steve Brule: Oh yeah baby
GENiUS: Alright
Dr. Steve Brule: stop scamming people

*Instantly blocks right after*
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Bungle 9 SEP 2016 a las 2:28 a. m. 
This is his URL incase he ever tries to scam you
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Publicado el: 28 AGO 2016 a las 2:34 a. m.
Mensajes: 1