-=The Vigilantes=- [Vigilante]
-=The Vigilantes=- [Vigilante]
12 maja 2014
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Ranking System and Promotion/Demotion
Hi! Vigilante Veteran and Cdt Leading Officer, Lightnin9515 here!
I'm introducing the Ranking System, the Ranks will go from Lowest to Highest.
When you join us you won't, or shouldn't go straight into the main group, you should join the Vigilante Cadet Corps were you will become a VIGILANTE CADET, when you do you'll learn the basics of ranks, skills, and gamemodes we play. In the future we may also involve some Drill move and commands that are given such as when an officer walks into a room or when were saluting our Vigilante Logo (AKA: On parade), when you have completed your studies you will be allowed to move up into the Main group, from there you will become a VIGILANTE RECRUIT,
you won't really learn/do much as other ranks but you're kinda the first wave into every raid/assult and defense, unless it's a stealth operation or you need only a couple of skilled players. After being promoted you'll most probably be a VIGILANTE, which is the normal rank, pretty much the same rank as VIGILANTE RECRUIT, but it just shows that you've passed your probation and you're doing what is necceasary for the cadets! After either a certain amount of time in the Vigilantes or you've been promoted cause of how good you are (Bye getting players joining up ormaking us alot of coin etc etc:) then you'll be promoted to VIGILANTE SENIOR, (Note: We made change this rank's Name in the future, you will be notified) which is more of a "I'v been in the Vigilantes along time and they're starting to reward me" type thing. You have been either known for you efforts and you deserve a rank to show you're a hard working Vigilante (Note: This is just a rewqrd rank, you won't always get promoted to this, don't expect it!). After you'll either be promoted from VIGILANTE or you'll get promoted from VIGILANTE SENIOR into VIGILANTE VETERAN, Which is the highest rank you can get befour becoming an JNCO (Junior-Non-Comissioned-Officer, Basicaly a Corporal) and this Rank will get you in the heading of being a Corporal, You'll start to study some lessons about being a JNCO and we'll see if you elligable after the test we'll give you, this rank will give you a 50% off all prices issue in the Vigilante held shops (So if a gun dealer was a Vigilante, they'd have to give you 50% off all prices. This is a rank were you can give commands and lower ranks which then have to follow, or punishment will be given. VIGILANTE CORPORAL is the next rank, and this is the first official JNCO rank, this rank MUST NOT be taken lightly, you are a position of authorety and this must not be abused, ant abusing will result in a warning, a secondary abuse will result in a demotion, no questions asked. You will be taugh about Corporal and told how to use, it is Secret Information unfortunately, Code Tree Zero Fower. Next promotion will lead to VIGILANTE SERGEANT which will be taugh to you when promotion is iminant. Same as CORPORAL! Position of authorety except you're an NCO instead of JNCO, (Note: Positions of authorety require patience, intelligence (Servers & General Knowledge). WARRENT OFFICER, wil be the next rank issued, this is a VERY highrank, And I personally wouldn't be suprised If one of you never got it, Only two members can be a WARRANT OFFICER, as this rank you'll be the officer that takes parades and give out commands (Maybe Drill in the future).
VIGILANTE JUNIOR MASTER (Note: From now on you have to call a VJM "Sir", the third highest rank you can get, the likelyhoof of one of you getting this, is quite slim unless Me, Titan and Exxpeled think you're worth the effort. VIGILANTE MASTER, Second Highest Rank, not much to say, but listen & do EVERYTHING he says, no questions asked.
VIGILANTE LEADER, You can probably geuss. You MUST do everything he says and you MUST Salute, Call him "Sir" and never Backchat him.

(Note: When speaking to a Vigilante Corporal (VC) you must refere him to Corporal, When speaking to a Vigilante Sergeant (VS) you must refere him to as "Sergeant", When speaking to a Warrant Officer (Or Cadet Warrant Officer) on parade you must refere to him as "(Cadet) Warrant Officer" and when NOT on pardae "CWO (Prenounced C-Woe)". When you're speaking to a Vigilante Junior Master or higher, you must Salute and Refere to him as "Sir"

How do I get promoted?:
Well, Promotions arn't an easy thing, but they're also not a hard thing. Firs off you need to show potential, intelligance, obediance, understanding, dicipline, good observational skills and can take a group succesfully.

And, What about demotions?
If you lack to do what you're meant to, lack information about our group, abuse, disobediance and in-activety.

Vigilante Cadet Corps Ranks:

Vigilante Cadet - First Rank you'll be when joining

Vigilante Recruit - You are still in the Cadet Corps for about half a week then shipped into the main group

Vigilante Cadet Senior - If you choose to stay in the Cadets Corps then you'll be promoted to this.

Vigilante Cadet Veteran - Same as Vigilane Veteran except, People in the normal group won't do what you say, unless they're recruits.

Vigilante Cadet Corporal - Same as Vigilante Corporal, except in the main group people won't do what you sau unless they're Vigilante Recruit/Vigilante.

Vigilante Sergeant - Same as Vigilante Sergeant except people in the main groupe won't do what you say unless they're Vigilante Recruit/Vigilante.

Vigilante Cadet Warrent Officer - Same as Vigilante Cadet Warrant officer and can command upto Vigilante Sergeant. Can also temporarily pass over to Vigilante Main group as a Vigilante Sergeant

Vigilante Flight Lefttenant Officer - Same as Vigilante Junior Master and can command upto Vigilante Warrant Officer.

Vigilante Leding Officer - Same as Vigilante Master and can command upto Vigilante Warrant Officer.

Vigilante Cadet Corps Leader - Same as Vigilante Leader and can Command anyone in the Vigilante Comunity.

Any questions or Queeries then please ask me, [VigVet+CdtLO/CG]Lightnin9515 and make sure that your question is in a proper state or I won't answer it, If you can't get through to me post it on this. All of these ranks and pre/de-motions will have to BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY or a warning will be issued. We'll either Change our names or job In game. I may or may not change this post in the future if we change/make new ranks.
Note: This is for Garrys Mod
Thanks for reading...
~[VigVet+CdtLO/CG]Lightnin9515 AKA: The_Vigilante
The Vigilante Cadet Corps : The VCC
Hey guys, I though of adding some sort of Cadet Corps to the Vigilantes to give people who want to join and idea on what we do and how we do it. Obveously theres gonna be some people who want to get as much infomations as they can about the main group like the code to the base or how and when were going to raid. The VCC will have a differant base to the main group in the same district as the main base so we can keep an eye on both bases at the same time (EG: Main base getting raided, ill retreat to the VCC base and defend it. Same the other way round). I Will also show the VCC of any new types of commands if there is any. I will also teach the ranking systems and how you shold trea differant and vareious members of the Main Vigilantes and the VCC. The Ranking Systems will be decided at a later date but I would like to given the opertunity to become the VCC Officer if possible as i have more experiance in the ATC (Air Training Corps) and know how most of the ranks and commands (If neccesary) will work and how they should be preformed.

I would also like to add a system of commands to give a response to a VCC or Vigilante Officer walking into the room insetad of just standing there not giving a dam. This will boost our members Initiative and make people hae a reason to do theire best to get premoted!
I will write all of the command that the VCC will learn once they join and all the one The Vigilantes should learn to response to an officer or aproching the leader.

Newbies to the VCC will have to have atleast 2Hours of training, basically the way the Vigilantes and VCC were founded and then a further 1 Hour to be taugh and train the Commands and Drill.
The rank they will be at at this stage is "Probation".
Then after they have completed the VCC and Possibly a magorety of the Vigilantes have to attend. TiTAN and Expelled will have to as well as they are the ones giving the recodnition and giving the Probationers experiance in what they have to do when collecting the recodition of a rank. They will reapeat after The Vigilante Leader TiTAN "I pledge my alleigance to the Vigilantes and promise to do my best to the Vigilantes and the VCC"

Once this rank has been stated and given by the Vigilante Leader TiTAN the VCC will have the rank "Vigilante Cadet" or "Cadet" for Short. they will be given more research about how to raid and were aboust they should enter from all various types of bases. This will be taugh by me and another member or the Vigilantes or VCC to showcase. This will oncour about a 2-3Hour training followed by an exam to see if the studants are lyable to enter "1st Class Cadet". If they fail they will not be given the rank and will fall behind on everybody elses progress. the will be given another chance to take the exam after 1 hour has passed. They do have a chance to catch up again as the progress off the new 1st Class cadet doesnt continue till 1 hour and 30 mins has passed, this gives time to realax and possibly have some private training.

The Later Cadets Ranks of the VCC will be later put in and though about.

Thanks for reading and ill answer any questions TiTAN or Expelled ask.

VCC : The Vigilante Cadet Corps By VCC F/Leftenant + Vigilante Veteran Lightnin9515
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