The Heavy Warriors T.H.W.U
The Heavy Warriors T.H.W.U
18 January, 2016
hamcon 24 Dec, 2020 @ 11:31pm
What is your opinion on the Huo-Long Heater?
For me personally, it is my favourite weapon of Heavy, despite the downsides. Plus I love Payload gamemodes which really suits that minigun well
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Bobbyp02 25 Dec, 2020 @ 11:47am 
hate it.
Greeny 26 Dec, 2020 @ 5:24pm 
its fine
in case you're really anxious.

It's the final solution to the spy question.

Why do i sound so horrible ?
Spiffyputt 4 Jan, 2021 @ 10:40pm 
I only really like to use it on maps with a lot of vertical heights as to ambush enemies easier such as suijin or banana bay. I'd use it more if the damage penalty was removed. I've never really used it as an anti-spy weapon tho I found i could wipe out more babies with just jumping down onto unsuspecting enemies and light them on fire for the 25% damage bonus. Other than that I tend to tap rev the gun to make it ready without ammo consumption. I've been testing the Huo long with different shotguns seeing if they work but I can't really say much about that type of play. Would love to see a damage res under 50% health like the bb or natascha so you can push up easier.
steemingpipes 8 Jan, 2021 @ 9:11am 
Its fine. The ammo drain is annoying to me. but the damage penalty is not that noticeable to me
♥ Paz ♥ 10 Jan, 2021 @ 2:36pm 
i can't play with this thing. ( only payload-heavy )
Last edited by ♥ Paz ♥; 10 Jan, 2021 @ 2:37pm
AmateurFool 11 Jan, 2021 @ 7:19am 
meh weapon, only use it if you are feeling very paranoid of everyone and want a 'counter' to newer spys, you also have a pyro buddy. or you're playing cart heavy.
yung meatball 11 Jan, 2021 @ 4:49pm 
It's actually good if you want to train yourself to play defensively. The damage debuff forces you to play around corners and manage your health, since you can't kill enemies as fast. The ammo drain forces you to play around the payload or around your Engineer. Basically, use this if you want to discipline yourself into a more passive Heavy playstyle.

Other than that, this weapon is too situational for my liking.
Swagman Dan 25 Jan, 2021 @ 6:24am 
In my humble opinion it is only the best minigun there is. But I'm am just about the biggest anti-meta player you'll ever know. Is it shit? Then I'll be using it. xD
Headcrab Gaming 21 Dec, 2023 @ 6:35pm 
it is ok
eMercody 22 Jan, 2024 @ 6:15pm 
Necrobumping? Well, I suppose we don't have 27 posts talking about the same thing.

Heater is 3rd best minigun, it's a more extreme version of Sasha in the whole Tomi vs Minigun debate and can pump out shockingly similar total numbers.
SG_SALATIZGOVNA 15 Apr, 2024 @ 2:03am 
it's kinda good
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