TeamSpeak ]I[ Server voicespeak
TeamSpeak ]I[ Server voicespeak
14 december 2014
Alla diskussioner > Applications > Ämnesdetaljer
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[F]requently [A]sked [Q]uestions
Q: Can I have more then 32 Slots?

A: I'm not offering more slots directly, because you need a licence for more slots.
If you got a licence, I can apply it to your server.

You can get a licence by either applying for a sponsorship from Teamspeak directly or you can buy a gamer licence, which is still 50% cheaper then renting a server directly.
Sponsorship[] · Buy A Licence[]

Q: Is filetransfer enabled?

A: No, filetransfer is disabled by default to prevent abuse and prevent you from using the server as a cloud storage.

Q: I got my own domain, can I use it?

A: Sure, you can map your domain to the server.

Q: Is the server DDoS protected?

A: Of course, for more information click here[]

Q: I already got a server, can I move it to you?

A: Yes, that's possible. All you need is query access. The most hosters are providing it, but we can check your case then.
Alla diskussioner > Applications > Ämnesdetaljer
Datum skrivet: 21 okt, 2022 @ 6:42
Inlägg: 0

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