TF2 Online Players TF2OP
TF2 Online Players TF2OP
2010 年 11 月 11 日
United States 
關於 TF2 Online Players

Please Invite Your Friends!

TF2OP Is the un-offical Fan Group for the Steam game Team Fortress 2! The group was created to fill lobbies and have fun on Team Fortress 2! TF2OP is currently updating and improving. Questions, Comments Or Concerns are accepted through the group comments. Since the group is improving, please follow the group rules at the bottom of the page or you can be kicked and/or banned. The Group Tag is (TF2OP), you can put the tag on your name if you want. We are looking for admins to help with group, If interested tell me through Steam. Feel free to friend any admins if interested in becoming one. Please invite friends and have fun in TF2OP.
Thank You
Team Fortress 2 Online Players (TF2OP)

*Group News Comes Out Every Sunday*
*New Player Of Week Every Sunday*
*All Admins Must Keep (TF2OP) Tag On Or Else They Will Be Demoted*
*Visit our Site at the links below*

(TF2OP) Group Rules
1. No cursing, posting racist comments, posting inappropriate comments or insulting comments (In any language). *Everything should be PG Rated*
2. No using this Steam Group to hack people or do anything illegal. *Do that crap somewhere else than here*
3. No abusing admin abilities or provoking trouble with admims. *Do not try to get someone in trouble with admins*
4. Admins are the boss but should not abuse their powers. *For example: Banning or kicking people without reason*
5. No Impersonating an admin! *Do not say you are an admin if you aren't*
6. You MUST listen to admins! *If you do not you can be kicked and/or banned*
7. No recruiting for your clan, server or anything else! *Unless you have permission from me: Pvt. Duderyan (TF2OP)*
8. No arguing with admin decisions when it is really None of ya' durn' business. *Including bans and kicks from the group.
9. If you would like to contest a ban from the group you can friend me: Pvt. Duderyan (TF2OP) and chat with me or any other admin just tell them that you are contesting a ban. *But please do not beg.*

The group will die.
Group ownership up for grabs!
21 則留言
Wulpo 2014 年 3 月 7 日 下午 2:50 
buying shaudenfreude
❟❛❟Curtis 2012 年 4 月 12 日 下午 4:40 
Buiyng strange rocket louncher add me
NinjaGhetto 2012 年 2 月 7 日 上午 7:01 
selling name and description tags both only for 2 ref! add me
Snaker 2011 年 10 月 1 日 下午 7:19 
sell Sergeant's Drill Hat ,add me
drunk uncle 2011 年 7 月 27 日 上午 6:18 
[SS] мŖ. ρέทġὗﺂท™ 2011 年 7 月 26 日 下午 5:11 
502 members!
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2010 年 11 月 11 日
United States