Steam Labs SteamLabs
Steam Labs SteamLabs
2019. május 29.
Personal notes in library
People who have a lot of steam games, or play them frequently, sometimes don't remember exactly how and how far they played and how they felt about the game. It was a good game, but there will be things you hold off for now to play in the future, such as waiting for updates or waiting for DLC.

A review is a place to leave an evaluation or review of the game, not a place to record each individual's play history.

Even now, there is a space in the library where you can write reviews immediately, and the addition of places to note will allow individuals to re-play certain games more intuitively on the aforementioned things.

I think this will be helpful to some extent in writing appropriate reviews in the future.
Eredetileg közzétette: cSg|mc-Hotsauce:
There is a notes feature in the games details page on the right column. .

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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
E téma szerzője jelezte, hogy ez a hozzászólás megválaszolja a témát.
There is a notes feature in the games details page on the right column. .

Thanks i didn't noticed
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Owlor; júl. 4., 8:52
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