STEAM グループ
Steam Labs SteamLabs
STEAM グループ
Steam Labs SteamLabs
The store uses tags to help identify games. Bring that to the Steam Library please. My games don't sort themselves. It takes forever to organize stuff into categories.

Just let us use the dang metadata, dammit.
最近の変更は◢ k r i s ◤が行いました; 2019年7月15日 11時06分
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1-15 / 16 のコメントを表示
I agree ! Why is steam only developing the UI for the store page? Why are the exact same navigation/discovery features NOT available on the LIBRARY page? And all the new steam labs features are for the store. Does this mean valve are giving the community NOTHING to help them search and manage and enjoy the games they have already bought? Since Steam Workshop in 2011 I can't remember anything new for the community except streaming. The LIBRARY tab is just so old and dated with terrible functionality to organise your catalogue of games. It's totally unusable for a large collection. I am just so disappointed that valve have done nothing for year after year after year to help us enjoy the library of games we own. I am so disappointed by valve that I don't want to buy any more games from the steam store until valve provide a way I can manage my collection.
Tassu 2019年7月15日 11時52分 
That and sort by year
mm.324 2019年7月15日 11時53分 
Yep, by year would be very useful
you guys do realize that there will be an entire overhaul to the steam library coming out sometime in the near future, right?
𝕯𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗Յ の投稿を引用:

That would be fantastic if they truly would include this feature in their overhaul! :slimehappy:

I've been asking for years! I actually gave up after the last time in 2015 and only mentioned it now because I had such poor impressions of these three Steam Lab ideas they presented.
+1 would love this
J. の投稿を引用:
+1 would love this

This is already possible...
Dimanor3 の投稿を引用:
J. の投稿を引用:
+1 would love this

This is already possible...
You can filter it by selecting multiple tags?
最近の変更はJ.が行いました; 8月10日 15時24分
J. の投稿を引用:
Dimanor3 の投稿を引用:

This is already possible...
You can filter it by selecting multiple tags?

Dimanor3 の投稿を引用:
J. の投稿を引用:
You can filter it by selecting multiple tags?

Explain how i can select multiple tags in library and filter through games with those selected tags.
In Old STEAM, The Users Used To Be Able To Go
& Actually TAG The Games Whatever Genre They
Needed To TAG Them As In The Store Page...

I've Never Done This Myself, But
It Would Somehow Have Someway
To Connect With Your STEAM Profile Settings...

In 2024, I think many People have forgotten
about this feature, & that it at one point had
already existed once before...
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