Steam Labs SteamLabs
Steam Labs SteamLabs
29 mei 2019
Alle discussies > 012 Exploring Sales > Details van topic
bring back the previous game searching layout before this one please
why the menu layout for searching games back to between late june to 7 july of this year? the old layout before this one was much more simpler for searching games. the tag was also in right side which is easier to navigate, with more popular tag words among gamers such as FPS or MOBA rather then searching with more complex tag and sub tag like genre>sub genres>visual&viewpoint>themes&moods etc. i personally dont need large icon/image of the game which is the layout consumed so much RAM. please considers that not all gamers are super rich and have super high-end PC, bring back the old ones please also bring back tag/option release date of the game
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Alle discussies > 012 Exploring Sales > Details van topic