Steam Labs SteamLabs
Steam Labs SteamLabs
29. Mai 2019
Worst Steam Lab experiment ever
I just can't resist. I have to say it out loud, because I'm so confused. Why are people liking this? What is "nice" about this?

Who on earth would intentionally and in full consciousness want to watch generated video of any length, consisting of 4 square videos, cut out of trailers? One in each corner? What the heck? What is the point? It doesn't make sence. Normal, mentally health persoun would never think this is the way how he learns about games.

It's ridiculous, how far was this idea able to get. Please cut it. It is the worst Experiment Steam Lab has ever published.
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Plaute 20. Mai 2020 um 10:31 
It's called "Generational gap"
Vali 20. Mai 2020 um 12:47 
I like getting recommendations from steam. I like watching trailers for hot games. Or top 5 games of some genre. Or best games of 2019 or best games with zombies, or anything. I like it. It has sense. It tries to attract me to the game. It tries to make me to buy some more games. And I'm being informed about what's going on on market with games. And I can also choose some game, if I'm looking for some to buy. It just all has sense.

But watching this ♥♥♥♥♥ has no ♥♥♥♥♥ sense. It takes everything good out of it and serves the information / promo / hype in the worst possible way. Splitting screen in 4 screens? WTF? You want me to get epileptic attack? And each one of them shows random 5 seconds cuts of randomly selected trailer of that game. What the heck. Where is the point. I can't focus at all of them and even if I could, it wouldn't show me a ♥♥♥♥.Even if I focus just at one of those 4 screens, I just see few seconds of random trailer I have no clue how does it really look like. just.... WHAT? WHY?

There is just no possible way, that this generated video could show me anything, I could enjoy atleast half as much, as I would enjoy just watching normal video from that game.

And what concerns me the most.... how do not people did not get this too? Imagine TV advertisement like this. Imagine ads being just 4 random videos playing simultaneously, non-linearily. Imagine how stupid it would be someone to watch it. Just to get the feel, how advertised product looks? :D Oh god...

It just makes me so sad, that Valve actually employs someone that much retarded, who came up with this idea. And it hurts my brain, that this idea made it into the Steam Labs.
I think it's more about giving you a glimpse rather than actually showcasing the games.
I mean, if 4 things are displayed to you. Your eyes are naturally going to be attracted to the thing you like the most.
So let's say that there is one game that steals your attention for those 5 seconds. You'll note down the name (Or pause the video) to check that game out closer.

Sometimes, it feels like you can scroll through steam for a long time before finding anything interesting. Most often, you'll know within 5 seconds if the game "Might be interesting", or just a hard pass.
Showing 4 at the same time and quickly after eachother, you'll be able to select& pass on many more games in a timeframe.
Consideringg there's just so many games.. It might actually be useful.
It's a long time since i saw this experiment though. But if i remember correctly, i thought it was helpful.

As for TV-ads..
In a TV ad you can often find out if you want to buy the product or not.
I think you should rather compare these videos as billboard ads riding down the highway.
Many more ads in the same time, not as memorable or "selling". However if there's something that really does appeal to you, you'll investigate it further yourself.
Vali 21. Mai 2020 um 11:30 
You explainded it pretty well, but still. Watching it for longer time could cause health issues. Hyperactive kids may go crazy after this. Even I feel pretty disoriented and full of everything after watching this kind of video for more than 30 seconds. And I'm a Starcraft2 player, used to do many actions per second, splitting my focus, etc.
Kaleb 21. Mai 2020 um 20:02 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Vali:
You explainded it pretty well, but still. Watching it for longer time could cause health issues. Hyperactive kids may go crazy after this. Even I feel pretty disoriented and full of everything after watching this kind of video for more than 30 seconds. And I'm a Starcraft2 player, used to do many actions per second, splitting my focus, etc.

I doubt that it would cause health issues, more than computers does by themselves.
It's not really that demanding on your brain since there's no demand to retain the knowledge. I'd understand if you were required to retain the knowledge as that could be a stressing factor.
Not worse than many occupations out there though.
I used to do a little binary options and daytrading a few years ago. I frequently had 8 different stock-graphs on 4 screens, analyzing them all in real time betting real money on it.
Fair to say, 2 hours could be pretty straining.
However this is things that some people do every day, without any damage to their health. Even if you get stressed, if you just let your body rest, you'll recover.

In any case, everyone is different and everyone likes or are capable of doing different things. It's certainly more than okay for you to diss this idea. There are bound to be people hating this even more than you do, but also those thinking it's the best idea since fire was invented ;)
Father 12. Juli 2020 um 0:31 
Now I may not be a "normal, mentally health persoun" but hey, I know what I like. This is it, chief.
Vali 12. Juli 2020 um 4:23 
I still don't get it...
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