Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
8. tammikuuta 2013
Kaikki keskustelut > Beta Feedback > Aiheen tiedot
new Screenshots window has no button to open a game's screenshot folder
Old version had a folder button next to the game name, and also next to the lower-right trashcan button, which would open the Steam screenshots folder associated with that game.
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+1, bring back this functionality. Yes, I'm bumping every one of these posts, no matter how old.
Been asking for this for a while now and valve and continued to push out updates that DO NOT include this feature... So I'm 100% convinced they have no intention of ever bringing it back.
+1 Please restore
+1 - Please bring back "SHOW ON DISK" option!
Why was this feature removed? Bring it back now!
+1 but currently screenshots don't work at all
Vaz lähetti viestin:
TehSpoopyKitteh lähetti viestin:
I found a workaround by accident and experimentation.
wrong issue
I created a shortcut to mine. It was easy. Just go make a start menu shortcut of the “remote” folder in “/Steam/userdata/(user number)/760/“. You can rearrange the list of folders by Date Modified.
TehSpoopyKitteh lähetti viestin:
Vaz lähetti viestin:
wrong issue
I created a shortcut to mine. It was easy. Just go make a start menu shortcut of the “remote” folder in “/Steam/userdata/(user number)/760/“. You can rearrange the list of folders by Date Modified.
you do realize all the folders under that are named by game ID number, right? which is, let's say, not user-friendly. if you just want to find your latest screenshots, sorting by date modified works, but if there are any other screenshots you want to find, get ready to cross-reference every ID number and make renamed shortcuts of every subfolder.

In any case, the workaround you just described here is not the workaround you linked to. What you linked to is a completely different workaround for a completely unrelated issue.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Vaz; 30.7. klo 23.33
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Kaikki keskustelut > Beta Feedback > Aiheen tiedot
Lähetetty: 15.7. klo 13.44
Viestejä: 12