Singapore TTT UncleKun
Singapore TTT UncleKun
21 January, 2014
PotatoFear 4 Dec, 2014 @ 6:41am
Mod Application
Country / TimeZone :Sinagpore
Garry's Mod Playtime: 325 Hours
Activeness: Almost every day whenever I'm on holiday. However, on normal school weeks, I typically play 3 times a week.
Experience: I have been a moderator on a DARKRP Server.
Maturity: : I am fairly mature for my age.
Friendliness: I am friendly until my patience runs out.
Which Admin / Moderator inspired you to apply for Moderator? :
Uncle Roy and Rheotic

Why do you want to become a Moderator? (Be as Creative and Original as possible)
I want to be A mod To help out with the workload and when no mods are on to prevent Rdm
As Much as possible

Problem Solving (Please be as Honest and Original as possible)

1. Person 1 freewounded Person 2 and Person 2 kills Person 1 and insult Person 2 using Microphone chat. What will you do? : I will Warn Person 2 and if he continue i will slay and i will tell Person 2 not to disrespect Person 1 because it could have been an accident

2. A fellow Moderator RDM'd an Innocent, but he tells you not to slay him because he didnt did it intentionally. What will you do? : I Will Do ANything If needed if the mod hurt the inno first i will Inform a Admin and slay him as Mod need to be fair as possible

3. Uncle Roy got Propkilled by Vanilla. The logs states that "world has killed Uncle Roy". But Uncle Roy is certain that Vanilla is the one who Propkilled him. You asks Vanilla if he Propkilled Uncle Roy, but he says no. What will you do? : I Will Ask For Any Witness who saw the incident i will warn vanilla if it was the first time for leing and if he killed a T i would warn but if it continue i will slay tha ban
Last edited by PotatoFear; 5 Dec, 2014 @ 8:43pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Harmless Sheep 4 Dec, 2014 @ 11:21pm 
Your grammar gave me a headache. Other than that, +1 you're friendly and nice :D
(and you should warn person 1 for Freewounding)
PotatoFear 5 Dec, 2014 @ 4:29am 
o3o My grammer is not always bad :P
Harmless Sheep 5 Dec, 2014 @ 4:53am 
You should probably proofread your application and edit it though...
Harmless Sheep 5 Dec, 2014 @ 8:32pm 
pls veex you aren't inspirational enuff. Moderator is like 999x more inspirational!
PotatoFear 7 Dec, 2014 @ 6:49pm 
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