Simetria League SMTLeague
Simetria League SMTLeague
17 februari 2018
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Group Rules
Community Guidelines and Rules: Version Superfabs 1.0

:SpeedEmoticon: Absolutely no personal attacks on others based on RACE, COLOR, CREED, NATIONAL ORIGIN, SEX/SEXUAL ORIENTATION, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, OR AGE. Period. This should be an obvious one for those who have an inner “moral compass”, but it still needs to be expressed. If you find somebody posting something that is potentially dangerous or harmful to themselves or others in the community, even if it’s in their belief system, then that is the one and probably only instance where the above may not necessarily apply. These issues may only be discussed if it is posted by staff and game-related. Make sure to be careful when approaching any of these subjects!

:SpeedEmoticon: Do not argue and bicker unnecessarily. It is an eyesore for anybody else in the community who may view a topic. Take it to messages or another place if you want to have a heated argument. A logical, rationally based, and mutually acceptable debate is fine in certain cases, especially when it can lead to growth or progress in some area, or to have better insight into a solution for changes that could make things better for all involved.

:SpeedEmoticon: Please keep the political, sexual, religous, or otherwise potentially offensive subject matter out of discussions. While we should respect another’s beliefs and perspectives, this can alienate or anger people who feel strongly oppositional to whatever is mentioned in a topic. Let’s try to keep the focus on unity, gaming, and respect for one another, regardless of what they believe, how they see the world, and what they want to follow. Keeping a level head and an open mind is a commendable quality to have, and we deserve to be kind to one another in this regard. I think we can all appreciate that!

:SpeedEmoticon: No spamming, flooding, or other similar actions! This includes promotional material. Please ask one of the group’s admins/moderators if you wish to mention or promote other groups or other types of steam or non-steam related businesses, sites, or other random referral-based content, whether it is for commercial, or non-commercial use or benefit. Failure to do so will result in warnings and/or bans at the discretion of the staff who maintain the group’s integrity.

:SpeedEmoticon: One instance where the above doesn’t necessarily apply is posting a free giveaway in the appropriate section is fine, if you wish to keep the community updated on such matters. Make sure it’s a direct link and not a referral for personal gain; no links that refer friends as an example of NOT to post.

:SpeedEmoticon: Do not beg for keys for games, or anything else of monetary value in discussions! This is not a charity, and a lot of users can become very annoyed with this behavior. Repeated offenses will result in further action by staff members as they are notified of, or become aware of a problem. Same goes for any conduct that is inappropriate. Use your own common sense and judgement when making a topic, responding to a post in a created topic, or starting a new topic that has been created.

:SpeedEmoticon: Keep it clean! Try to make sure there isn’t a topic already created that might have the same question, or have a solution that is already provided.

:SpeedEmoticon: Ignorance of a rule is no excuse for breaking a previously disclosed rule. Please do your best to follow these simple guidelines. Your community members will appreciate it. The staff will appreciate it, making their jobs easier, and you will feel better about yourself if you can be a positive force in this or any other community you are part of.

Failure to comply with any of the above may result in a warning, kick, or ban from the group.
Alle discussies > Algemene discussies > Details van topic
Geplaatst op: 7 sep 2020 om 11:44
Aantal berichten: 0