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RB6 Siege team finder RB6S Teams
กลุ่ม STEAM
RB6 Siege team finder RB6S Teams
4 สิงหาคม 2016
เกี่ยวกับ RB6 Siege team finder

A group for people that are tierd of playing with shitty team mates

After playing Siege for sometime, my friend I and decided to make a group where people can team up with others and make premades. One bad player/troll ruins the team and makes it hard to play ranked.

Please Follow this format when looking for a team
1. Experience:
2. Rank:
3. Ubisoft / steam name:
4. Main operators (if you main any):
5. Hours played:

Sub to this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuKGB2OnQ5upmdBcvKa0-Yg
Thank you :)
196 ความเห็น
IzzyJohnno 16 ก.ย. 2021 @ 8: 57am 
1. Experience: Noob/ Bad
2. Rank: Highest (on console) Copper 3, PC N/A
3. Ubisoft / steam name: IzzyJohnno
4. Main operators (if you main any): Sledge and Fuze on Attack, Lesion and Rook on Def
5. Hours played: 56 on PC (probably closer to ~200 on console)


I'm looking for people preferably from EU who don't take the game or themselves too seriously and are up for having a bit of fun while playing the game. I used to have a group of friends who I played with before but none of them have been on in a while so I guess its time to start again.

I am looking to improve myself too, but I want to be able to do it at my own pace rather than getting screamed at for not knowing something then not being told what I should do.

Feel free to add me if you're on the more casual side of things.
DrewSki 15 ก.พ. 2021 @ 1: 32pm 
1. Experience: Y3S3 Grim Sky
2. Rank: Gold 2
3. Ubisoft / steam name: its.DrewSki
4. Main operators (if you main any): Flex
5. Hours played: 2,659
Invadez_ 16 ส.ค. 2020 @ 9: 08am 
1. Experience: Been playing since Season 3 - Operation Skull Rain - August 2, 2016
2. Rank: i was Champ on xbox and silver 2 on pc now
3. Ubisoft / steam name: wu_chang
4. Main operators (if you main any): thatcher or ace for attacker or lesion , valkyrie for def
5. Hours played: 900+
Nocentis 16 ส.ค. 2020 @ 5: 53am 
1. Experience: Noob
2. Rank: Best - Silver, currently unranked
3. Ubisoft / steam name: Nocentiz
4. Main operators: On attack I like Mute, Kapkan and will buy Valkyrie soon. On attack I like to play Nokk
5. Hours played: ~420

I want to team up with some people from EU to play regularly. I had long breaks from the game in the past due to not having anyone to play with and solo ranked is just bad for your sanity. I want to join/create team of chill people who want to improve at the game, apply some tactics and have fun.
Truth Bringer 28 ก.ค. 2020 @ 4: 25pm 
Looking to start an amature team.

Looking for people 18+
Rank doesn't matter
Current rank silver
Uplay name - Woth.lo-fi
current season k/d 1.11 overall .92
Must want to play regularly
Play mostly ranked
SARTY 8 พ.ค. 2020 @ 11: 16am 
1.Experience 900 hours on ps4, 619 on pc my main account. i have played from red crow on ps4 and blood orchid on pc.
2 Rank currently gold 3 but i have been to plat 2 times in solo.
3 ubisoft name FARESHI_
152 ในแช็ต
4 สิงหาคม 2016