The Emperor's Legion 10th Company SKNF-10th
The Emperor's Legion 10th Company SKNF-10th
게임 중
2011년 8월 17일
The Emperor's Legion 10th Company 정보

Shall Know No Fear

welcome initiates, recruites and brothers in arms.

the 10th company was created out of the need of strong and pure members to join the ranks of The Emperors Legion, and if you progress possibly even the 1st company.

Im trying to make 10th company as open as i can and so if you have anything you want to talk about 40k related or otherwise just comment on the profile, i'd also like to ask you to post your games list on the "Games" announcment, if you have a big list just say you have lots and name some of the key games you play.

we will have frequent events with The Emperors Legion, possibly if the blight of xeno or chaos groups oppose us we will have battles with them.

If you are found to have any xeno or heretical, group connections you will be first questioned with a high possibility of being kicked from the group.

everyone starts off as nothing but when you gain your first rank you pick either imperial guard guard or space marines. to become elegable to move on to the next group u must attain the highest rank for your chosen army.
ranks are partially transferable, when u get put into The Emperors Legion u will be placed as either a tactical/ assault/ devastator marine or imperial gaurd storm trooper.

you can gain ranks by perfoming well in events and behavior in the group. three admins have to agree you deserve a rank before u will recieve one. (performance will be determind by admins).
you will also recieve a rank for the first and second people you have invited playing in a game/ event.

rude and disrepectful/ disgraceful behaviore will result in you losing a rank, two agreeing admins may lower your rank.

Space Marine Ranks:
Scout Neophyte - SN
Scout Initiate - SI
Scout - SC
Scout Sergeant - SCS
Veteran Scout Sergeant - VSCS

Imperial Guard Ranks:
Recruit - RC
Guardsman - G
Specialist - SP
Imperial Guardsmen Sergeant - IGS
Lieutenant - LT

The Emperors Legion
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Timing and stuff
댓글 34
Vrakos Anthrakir 2011년 12월 24일 오전 10시 08분 
happy holidays and such :3
Vrakos Anthrakir 2011년 11월 28일 오후 2시 33분 
ah if anyone wants to play a game of DOW II or something and need another person, im usually available, just contact me if im online
Cpt Striker120 2011년 10월 30일 오전 6시 03분 
congrats to grimfury and lord dragonis for your participation in the retribution game, u didnt win guys but u definaly did well considering you where up against two teams of human and ai
Eldritch Horror Dexter 2011년 10월 25일 오후 11시 06분 
so their still bad ass as all space marines
Hugus Heliodorus Glycias 2011년 10월 25일 오전 10시 20분 
the crimson fists are a second founding chapter which like many of second founding looks for the guidance of first founding, and they are broken and rebuilding
Cpt Striker120 2011년 10월 22일 오후 3시 46분 
well i dont know why i bother, sorry about the event. server was down and aussie (server admin) was out of contact. im getting fed up with trying to hold events, and if the next one doenst work, im gona stop trying untill at least december
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2011년 8월 17일