STEAM グループ
ThePaydayGuys OriginalTPG
STEAM グループ
ThePaydayGuys OriginalTPG
ThePaydayGuys について

We help you with any achievement for Payday 2

Welcome to ThePaydayGuys!
We are a group founded in Juli 2016 with the purpose of making it easier to get achievements, find a group or just level up in Payday 2. In order to achieve this goal we have setup our own TeamSpeak channel (address can be found below) which can be used for easier grouping and better communication during the heists, you can ask us to make a video about a hard achievement so we can explain it to you in a step-by-step guide or you could just simply make a post on our forum asking for help with a specific achievement. We’re out there to help you, even if you are new to the game.

Since this is a public group, there are no restrictions to joining it. We only ask of our group members that they treat each other the way they want to be treated themselves.


The Payday Guys Youtube
We are never tired of making video's
Freedom Gaming & ThePaydayGuys
Freedom Gaming Network
Freedom Gaming Network(Click here to go to the steamgroup) is a multi-gaming community with 1 purpose, make it easier for people to find others to play with. This means that we don't support just one game, but a few and this expands by request. Right now we offer our members an Ark: Survival Evolved server, a Minecraft server and a Discord server for communication. But not only that, we've also cooked up a little something for Payday 2!

Join our Discord by clicking here[]

A leaderboard system!
In our leaderboard we have 2 different sections:
  1. King of the kill - Make as many kills as possible during a mission, but do finish it.
  2. Rush - Finish a mission as fast as possible.

You can visit our leaderboard system by clicking on this link.[]

Freedom Gaming & ThePaydayGuys
Now why is this announcement posted on ThePaydayGuys? Simple. ThePaydayGuys started out as a YouTube channel of 2 real life friends making videos about the game they love most. As a result of these videos they got a following that wanted help with the game (achievements/leveling). This grew out to become quite a large community, but this wasn't their initial plan. ThePaydayGuys want to focus on making videos to help you guys out with achievements.

We from Freedom Gaming Network are promoting people to play together within our community. We help people find others to play the game with and enjoy it. Freedom Gaming will work closely together with ThePaydayGuys to build a big following for Payday within our community and they get to do what they love most.

Giveaway at 400 members (33 left as of writing this announcement)
Once our community reach at least 400 members we will pick one lucky member to pick one of the following games as a prize:
  • Ark: Survival Evolved or the Scorched Earth DLC
  • Payday 2 Game of The Year Edition (A little bit obsolete for you guys)
  • The Forest
  • 7 days to die
  • Borderlands 2 + all available DLC's

16 件のコメント
88683infinitie 2021年1月5日 6時31分 
want to form a crew to complete achievements
Strix 2018年11月8日 19時55分 
New to payday, looking for friends to play with.
sphere_remix 2018年6月6日 14時24分 
Need some help with Here Comes the Pain Train achievement:steamhappy:
SHAC 2018年4月3日 5時05分 
WireSpeed 2017年10月21日 19時12分 
Hello, I need help with the Wind of Change achievement.
DixBe 2017年6月2日 5時00分 
Can someone help me with these achievements: The Turtle Always Wins,Here Comes the Pain Train ;-;
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