[[One For All]] [[OFA]]
[[One For All]] [[OFA]]
16. maj 2016
OM [[One For All]]

One For All. . All for One. .

Chihiro Kosaka (admin): I'm only administrating this group in order to invite people who don't know how to join/create a team in the game "Unturned". . .

think of it as a Newbie group. .
Unturned Gas Masks & Bulletproof Glass! (Streamer Mode + New Furniture Too)


Update Notes:

  • Added Gasmask. [ID 1270]
  • Added Radiation Filter. [ID 1271]
  • Added Wall-mounted Flares. [IDs 1272-1277]
    1. Blue Flare [ID 1272]
    2. Green Flare [ID 1273]
    3. Orange Flare [ID 1274]
    4. Purple Flare [ID 1275]
    5. Red Flare [ID 1276]
    6. Yellow Flare [ID 1277]
  • Added Wardrobes. [IDs 1278-1281]
    1. Maple Wardrobe [ID 1278]
    2. Birch Wardrobe [ID 1279]
    3. Pine Wardrobe [ID 1280]
    4. Metal Wardrobe [ID 1281]
  • Added Umbrella. [ID 1282]
  • Added Cooler. [ID 1283]
  • Added Tables. [IDs 1284-1295]
    1. Maple Rectangular Table [ID 1284]
    2. Birch Rectangular Table [ID 1285]
    3. Pine Rectangular Table [ID 1286]
    4. Metal Rectangular Table [ID 1287]
    5. Maple Circular Table [ID 1288]
    6. Birch Circular Table [ID 1289]
    7. Pine Circular Table [ID 1290]
    8. Metal Circular Table [ID 1291]
    9. Maple Square Table [ID 1292]
    10. Birch Square Table [ID 1293]
    11. Pine Square Table [ID 1294]
    12. Metal Square Table [ID 1295]
  • Added Beach Chair. [ID 1296]
  • Added Glasses. [IDs 1297-1299]
    1. Weak Glass [ID 1297]
    2. Bulletproof Glass [ID 1298]
    3. Oneway Glass [ID 1299]
  • Added streamer mode option.
  • Added example structure to sources.
  • Accepted 12 new Curated Workshop items.

  • Improved character movement to slide down steep surfaces.
  • Improved profanity filter option to work with signs and notes.

  • Tweaked custom objects with a non-one scale to show error, but ignore scale tool.
  • Tweaked arrow weapon ranges higher now that ballistics make them harder to use.
  • Tweaked amount of scope sway slightly lower.
  • Tweaked Matamorez player damage back up.
  • Tweaked footsteps in Arena lobby to be silent.
  • Tweaked debug info to hide when HUD is disabled.

  • Fixed several obstruction check issues with triangular structures.
  • Fixed escape while connecting to cancel further attempts.
  • Fixed rubber banding right after exiting vehicle.
  • Fixed viewmodel precision on larger maps.
  • Fixed climbing sides of barracks.
  • Fixed failed exchange to show timed out message.
  • Fixed inventory to show message when waiting for response.
  • Fixed to damage cover before players during explosions.
  • Fixed triggers blocking stance changes.
  • Fixed extra icons for items with the same name.

The trend toward more challenging deadzones continues: gasmask filters are no longer infinite and need to be kept track of as you loot a deadzone. Previously wearing a complete biohazard suit would protect you from the radioactive waste, but now the gasmask or biohazard hood are the key items acting as a higher capacity buffer to your immunity. When wearing a mask with depleted filters you can equip a new filter and screw it on to replace the old one. On future official maps the endgames will be in the deadzones, so you'll need to collect filters and quickly get in and out in raids with your team.

Streamer Mode:
If you are streaming the game and running into issues with viewers stalking you there is now an option called "Streamer Mode" intended to prevent this. When enabled it prevents joining you through Steam, hides server info from the loading screen and pause menu, player icons from the player list and replaces player names based on Steam ID. You can customize the replacement names used by modifying the file "StreamerNames.json" which can be cool for putting viewer/subscriber names in-game with you. Update Notes

Scope sway, bullet drop and bullet travel time have been added! You can steady your scope by holding your sprint key. Dedicated snipers now have slightly longer range with a faster muzzle velocity than all other weapons, and their stats have

been adjusted to prevent quickscoping while allowing you to track the bullet through the air to adjust for drop.

Suppressors slightly decrease muzzle velocity causing a bit more bullet drop, but even more so with internally suppressed weapons. By default all guns will use the default ballistic values with Ballistic_Travel set to 10.0, Ballistic_Steps as Range / 10.0

rounded up and a Ballistic_Drop of 0.002.

Zombies in deadzones now explode in a radioactive mess when killed! This means you need range on these zombies, so melee combat isn't an option. The intention is that any future official maps will have high quality rare loot in heavily protected

deadzones, and several upcoming changes will work towards making deadzones more challenging.

Update Notes:

  • Added scope sway to zoom optics. Focus keybind is same as sprint.
  • Added bullet ballistics i.e. travel time and drop.
  • Added radioactive zombies to deadzones.
  • Added Triangular Floor. [IDs 1262-1265]
    1. Maple Triangular Floor [ID 1262]
    2. Birch Triangular Floor [ID 1263]
    3. Pine Triangular Floor [ID 1264]
    4. Metal Triangular Floor [ID 1265]
  • Added Triangular Roof. [IDs 1266-1269]
    1. Maple Triangular Roof [ID 1262]
    2. Birch Triangular Roof [ID 1263]
    3. Pine Triangular Roof [ID 1264]
    4. Metal Triangular Roof [ID 1265]
  • Added View Comments button to in-game news feed.
  • Accepted 9 new Curated Workshop items.

  • Improved zombies/animals/resources/objects to have configurable XP rewards.
  • Improved gas/canteens to be full when manually spawned.
  • Improved in-game news to allow clicking links in the post.

  • Tweaked freeform buildables to be vulnerable to all weapons.
  • Tweaked sentry to not be placable on vehicles.
  • Tweaked military zombies to grant bonus XP and targets give 1 XP when knocked over.
  • Tweaked wire crafting recipe to use half as much scrap.
  • Tweaked local coordinate to use first object position as well.

  • Fixed in-game news showing behind connection failure info.
  • Fixed forcing self out of map bounds with ladder.
  • Fixed items not dropped straight to grond after unable to pickup item fix.
  • Fixed oven showing as item storage in context menu.
  • Fixed sentry to ignore players with "vanish plugin" enabled.
  • Fixed inventory hotkey to work when no item.
  • Fixed crafting pine counter sink.
  • Fixed explosions damaging dead zombies/animals.
  • Fixed animal kills stat not tracking.

4 kommentarer
farhan123 1. juni 2016 kl. 6:06 
RAGEINVADER 27. maj 2016 kl. 6:13 
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 20. maj 2016 kl. 1:36 
add me as a friend and we can hang aroud in unturned cuz i ddint bought a game in steam so i cant invite players :P
Lady Iris Valou 16. maj 2016 kl. 21:53 
Ideal server to play for SEA (South East Asia). . 

see here:
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16. maj 2016