กลุ่ม STEAM
กลุ่ม STEAM
3 ตุลาคม 2009
เกี่ยวกับ NGE-

Die Alte Garde zu mir ! The old Guard to me ! La vieille Garde a moi ! Gumma garde åt mig ! A me le guardie ! A me la vieja Guardia ! Neu\nuovo\new Ts3 channel Kaggregit\NGE Adresse: by\bei\presso Mount & Blade Warband Sawig Clan

Welcome to the NGE-Group! How are you?: Willkommen in die NGE-Gruppe! Wie geht's dir?: Välkommen till NGE-Gruppen! Hur mår du? Soyez le bienvenu entre notre NGE-Groupe! Comment ça va? Benvenuto nel Gruppo NGE-! Come ti va? Bienvenido en el Grupo NGE-! Como està usted?
-Clan founder, Gründungsmitglied, socio fondatore, membre fondateur, clangrundläggare, socio fundador ^^ Mythe"Ehreu.Mut" [*****§§CF]
-First administrator and War adviser, Geschäftsführer u. Kriegsberater, Amministratore capo e consigliere militare, administrateur en chef et conseiller militaire, första administrator å krigsrådgivare, primero Administrador y consejero militar^^ Odan [****§§ 1°A+WA]
-Counsellor and active clan member, Ratsmitglied und aktives Mitglied, consigliere e socio attivo, conseiller et membre actif, Rådgivare och verksam ledamot, consejero y activo socio ^^
-Addehoje [***§§C+R] NGE-Counsellor and NGE-referee and founder of the Kamikaze-Group,
-Fubar. [**§§C+R] NGE-Counsellor and NGE-referee and founder of the XL2!-Group.
-(NGE) Luis - Joseph Bonaparte [*§§C+R] NGE-Counsellor and NGE-referee. Founder of the Group^^ Grande Armée De La France (GADLF).
-Proie [**§C+R] NGE-Counsellor and NGE-referee. Proie is founder of the Groups^^ i cavalieri ospitalieri di san giovanni da gerusalemme and toyotomi clan.
-Der (GaW) Kaiser [*§C+R] NGE-Counsellor and NGE-Referee.
-Llannapalm (°°°§Sm), alemarcus (°°§Sm), Pinkel (°§Sm), Nedkil (°°°Sm) and Mortezzaro (°°Sm) , are senior NGE-members! Congratulations!!!!
-NGE-players-Award Winner 2011\ NGE-Preistraeger des NGE-Pokals 2011
-Butters (1°AW-2011) !!!!!!! -Empire of Giovanni (2°AW-2011) !!!!!!! -Phönix (3°AW-2011) !!!!!!! -Timo (4°AW-2011) !!!!!!!
-No scurillous language. Beleidigende Worte sind nicht erlaubt. Inconvenantes mots n'est pas admis! La correttezza del linguaggio è una regola essenziale! Korrekt språk är respektssak! El lenguaje vulgar y ultrajoso es excluido!
- Everyone member has the right to add <NGE-> to the end of his own online-name,
-NGE-Group entered an Alliance with the Kamikaze Group and XL2 Group and Grande Armée De La France (GADLF)!! Thank's to Addehoje and Fubar and Napoleon Bonaparte!!
Achtung bitte:-Bündnis mit Kamikaze-Gruppe und XL2-Gruppe und Grande Armée De La France (GADLF) geschlossen! Recht vielen Dank Addehoje und Fubar und Napoleon Bonaparte!!!!
Se upp:-Förbud bland NGE-Group och Kamikaze-Group och XL2-Group och Grande Armée De La France (GADLF)beslut! Tack så mycket Addehoje och Fubar och Napoleon Bonaparte!!!!!!
-Alleanza conclusa tra il Gruppo NGE- ed il Gruppo Kamikaze ed i Gruppi XL2 e Grande Armée De La France (GADLF)! Grazie ad Addehoje ed a Fubar e Napoleon Bonaparte!!!!!!

Frohe Ostern.!!! Buona Pasqua !!!!
Buon anno 2012\happy newYear 2012\ein Glueckliches Neues Jahr 2012 !!!
370 ความเห็น
Pier 24 ก.พ. 2016 @ 12: 29pm 
Ragazzi! il 1°Reggimento Reale Ussari Italici recluta giocatori!

-Eventi linebattle per rivivere le fantastiche battaglie combattute durante l' era Napoleonica in veste di cavalieri.

-Allenamenti per affinare le proprie abilità in combattimento e concepire nuove tattiche al fine di superare in destrezza gli avversari.

-Infine puro divertimento nella cornice di una communty che sta nascendo e che è desiderosa di giocare insieme a voi in tutte le versioni di gioco.
Pier 31 ธ.ค. 2011 @ 3: 15am 
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…………………………… Buon anno 2012\newYear 2012\Neues Jahr 2012 !!!
Pier 13 พ.ย. 2011 @ 11: 57pm 
SET is NGE-week player, congratulations!!!
Pier 3 พ.ย. 2011 @ 9: 37am 
"eine Art Labetrunk "
Pier 20 ต.ค. 2011 @ 12: 15am 
ThePrussianKing is NGE-Weeks player !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pier 5 ก.ย. 2011 @ 2: 04pm 
Wolfgang is now NGE-week player, with compliments !!!!
9 ในแช็ต
3 ตุลาคม 2009