MufasaPredictions EzSkinsM8
MufasaPredictions EzSkinsM8
게임 중
2014년 12월 25일
MufasaPredictions 정보

Information Regarding This Group

1. I always post all the research i do and my prediction within 4-3 hours of the start of the game.

2. Don't bet big on games with more than 80%! You won't get anything and there is a chance to lose doesn't matter what is the team!

3. NEVER Bet all in and risk all your items! always keep a few nice skins!.

4. If you already bet on a team, and my prediction says otherwise, dont just change your team! Make sure you have a good reason to change! Do not blame anyone if you lose.

SS of Bet history:

1) Q: Are you a scammer?
A: No! I'm simply just a bet predictor. All im asking for is $1 and if you are generous to donate some of your winnings.

2) Q: I lost all my skins, can you lent me some to comeback?
A: No. I wont scam any one for 1 dollar dont make fun from me i dont need get banned for 1 dollar scam.

3) Q: I lost all my skins! Its your fault!
A: Don't blame me for your losing. I'm just a predictor. What and how much bet its your choice.

4) Q: Can you donate me some drop?
A: No.

Well, If you have no claims, WELCOME to my group. GLGLGLGGL


1invite=1$ USD Anything under $1.00 will not be accepted

sent me trade offer with your nickname.

Trying to view the discussion page where i post who will win will result in an error page. Without being a member to the group you will only have access to this page. Nothing else.


Predictions on DISCUSSIONS
인기 토론글
최근 공지
HJC vs ADAPT - Aftermatch
MyRev vs Gplay - Aftermatch
댓글 2
flyingdutchman 2015년 3월 9일 오후 5시 30분 
are we ever going to get more analysis?
Nissan ALT-ima 2015년 1월 18일 오전 10시 48분 
Anyone have a chroma key they can spare? pretty please. <3
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2014년 12월 25일
관계된 게임