MegaTagmension Blanc Blanc_Rules
MegaTagmension Blanc Blanc_Rules
7 лютого 2017 р.
 Ця тема закріплена, тому вона, мабуть, важлива
'My Event' Requests
Members who want to request their own event, can ask here or on the Discord.
(Please answers the following questions)
1. What is the name of your own event? (If you want the announcement, this will be the heading of the announcement)
2. What is the goal in your event? (Do you want to just play with others?/Do you want to level up some characters?/Do you want to get achievements?/Do you want to help other members?/etc)
3. How long are you playing for?
4. What time/date will you start? (Please use your timezone, so we can convert it to our timezone (PST/GMT/UTC/AEST/EST))
(The rest of the questions can be answer after the your event is finish)
5. Do you want a event announcement for your event?
6. Do you want screenshots in the announcement? (You need to give us the link to the screenshots)
7. Do you want to say anything to the members who join?
8. Do you want to say anything else?
Thank you for answering the questions.
Me or a Moderator will make your event in the event page.
Please tell us your event before you start hosting. (This will let members know that a event is on and can join or tell you that they want to join)
If you want to cancel your event, please tell us before the event starts.
You can request a event on the same time/date as a other member's request. (This will let members know that their are two or more members hosting)