LiFers United LiFersUnited
LiFers United LiFersUnited
3 december 2014
13 kommentarer
HarlemStruggle 3 feb, 2015 @ 19:47 
wth the server is going down hill we neeed to bring it back ............... mabey take down the wall ......................and gms arnt on nearly as much now
Mediocrates 29 jan, 2015 @ 12:00 
Any ETA on when the server will be updated?
Smirfette 18 jan, 2015 @ 18:58 
Couple people asking for an admin for trading/selling.
Smirfette 16 jan, 2015 @ 15:34 
We need someone on that can sell the rocks and help remove items please :)
Tanamil 11 jan, 2015 @ 15:52 
server just crash at 652pm EST Jan 11th?
SirNobody 30 dec, 2014 @ 20:40 
ty for the update, waitting and ready
PapaTankredTTV 24 dec, 2014 @ 17:49 
I'm new to LIF and I have no friends who actually play it. If anyone would like to add me, I'll accept any friend requests.
Tirnuen 19 dec, 2014 @ 0:45 
Midnight Euro TZ confirmation server restarted, all back to wasting your lives in lif guys!
Tirnuen 18 dec, 2014 @ 11:46 
server down today long time - awaiting admin - 20.40 CET

Awaiting admin to restart :)
Killjoy 16 dec, 2014 @ 7:03 
lot of griefing last night and a gatehouse burried in floating logs.
Connavar 8 dec, 2014 @ 20:18 
As of 10DEC2014 I'm going on Leave to see family and run duck down in go karts. While I'm at it might go throw rocks at midgets... who knows. I get back after New Years in a drunken stouper (pending jail) Until then there might be a lower GM presence so be nice. Help them out and lets keep the server good for all of us. BTW i will auhorize the use of throwing feces if it suits. Points for that.
Connavar 6 dec, 2014 @ 13:55 
Connavar 6 dec, 2014 @ 13:53 
Server went down via bluefang, resolving now