2015 年 5 月 18 日
2,033 条留言
MOTOVOh 2024 年 7 月 3 日 上午 2:26 
wait so server up now? I'll subscribe to thread this time xD
SɅV 2023 年 10 月 27 日 上午 8:02 
Marco 2023 年 10 月 7 日 下午 2:46 
Tbh, I would be willing to give this game another try if Tripwire got their ass up and fixed that annoying sound bug with their engine.
LustyMagnum 2023 年 9 月 10 日 下午 12:14 
throw money? Really :) well you know what.., i needed a new system because my own desktop broke down. So i took the server system temporairy. Now i already have a new laptop for my own so i'm able to host the server again soon. Only need to prepair the server system for hosting purpeses again, and i need to travle to my dad's house again to install the server there. And than we can go play again. I estimate it will take me aprox a week from now on to be able to host again. :Fistofdosh::judy::RCThumbsUp::Sadclot::steamthumbsup:
MOTOVOh 2023 年 8 月 23 日 下午 10:54 
Yo is the server up? Got like 20 people who want to throw money into the server my dude
LustyMagnum 2022 年 9 月 29 日 上午 5:01 
Really i surprise myself in how much fun it has become the rise of the origional SheepKF clone servers. Common people give these servers at least one try and look if you like it.., because if your a fan of the Sheep moderaiting legacy than your going to really apriciate what i've done, i'm sure of that... So connect to: '' or '' and be plesant surprised in how well i've picked up this Sheep legendary KF2 MOD-RPG vision, where it has been abanded in the past. Times go forward and i also let evolution improve this populair concept into something thats even more fun than what ever were all used to from the origional Sheep!
LustyMagnum 2022 年 9 月 29 日 上午 4:15 
Ladies and gentlemen.., i have grait news. From now on i am hosting a exact clone of the SheepKF server when it went offline twice, with max 24 players each. I also menaged to slightly improve this successfull consept slightly with extra zeds and weapons. But the rest is precise how the origional Sheep intended. So come and take a look in one of the 2 server called "|SheepKF|Continuing Where Sheep Left Off-1 ip: open and |SheepKF|Continuing Where Sheep Left Off-2 with ip"
The Prior 2022 年 9 月 22 日 下午 12:49 
Press F3 then type in to console: Open
LustyMagnum 2022 年 9 月 22 日 上午 3:11 
The Prior 2022 年 9 月 21 日 上午 11:12 
Continuing from my previous comment due to message length limit:

The Server has been live for about a week. The admins are currently working on adding new weapons for each class, and bugfixing. Join the discord and come to the KF-Chat channel under 'MH-Reborn' if you have any more questions or want more information. The only thing the server is missing is players, but with enough people we can turn this in to the experience we all had on SheepKF years ago.
The Prior 2022 年 9 月 21 日 上午 11:12 
For anyone who has been waiting to play a server similar to SheepKF, there is now one live called Madhouse Reborn.
This isn't some spam post about a server that has a completely different RPG experience, this is the exact same RPG mod and gameplay to the OG SheepKF Server:

HoE Difficulty
7 waves of custom zeds, with scaling HP the more players are online. Pepsi Man, Baron, Tyrant, High King etc.
Boss wave including Both Hans & Patriarch
Endless Wave of 1 random zed such as Scrakes or Fleshpounds, with Full Metal Hans spawns if you survive long enough
Custom maps
New custom weapons which the admins are currently implementing
1-200 RPG with Prestiges

Server Name: Madhouse-Reborn RPG 1-200
Server Connection Details:
Discord Server:
LustyMagnum 2022 年 7 月 19 日 上午 11:34 
COME AND PLAY PEOPLE THATS WHERE THE SERVER IS FOR, and it's 24/7 online for up to 6 weeks now!

Subscribe to these 4 items in workshop, download them.

And than connect to ip by copying and paste in main menu console (`): open

Mega Custom Endelss RPG Server.

Discord Group =

Website Link =

Steam Group =
jadjad 2022 年 7 月 7 日 下午 5:09 
Is the source code for the server available? It might make a fun open development project.

Has there been any thought to post it on gitHub and open it to the community?

Or maybe consider, an annual event? I have no idea how hard it is to set up or host. I ran across KF2 on Epic for free and thought there might be an opportunity. The game has aged well.
Sea Base 2022 年 5 月 30 日 上午 11:41 
Missing Sheeps :( managed to find one server that's functionally the same (Fruitpunch Cluster♥♥♥♥ RPG) but it's not the same without the community this one had
vyrtua PRO 2022 年 3 月 9 日 上午 8:57 
my microwave 2022 年 2 月 24 日 上午 8:48 
Still dreaming of the classic sheepkf.
KingForKings 2021 年 12 月 20 日 上午 8:59 
first people should do something similar with the same player base then complain. It just makes people a egocentric person.
LustyMagnum 2021 年 12 月 15 日 上午 10:41 
Whats also a fact is that i'm not trying to mimmic Sheep server anymore. I'm going beond that with even more custom content and mods. Thats why i'm calling it "Mega Custom RPG Server", and that server also has it's own steam group and forum...
LustyMagnum 2021 年 12 月 15 日 上午 10:37 
Please play on my server first before you make any conclusions. I hope tomorrow my server will be online finally, otherwise the day after that. Having some issues with the server system lan connection. Something rong with the DNS. So when thats solved it should all be systems go.
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 5:26 
yeah sounds like your just using vanilla and changing the engine stuff to yes no. you need to recode not change engine lol.. pffs omgso basicall u need to change file numbers so engine picks up the variable . or re wright entire scripts before the engine looks at it so it recognizes before the engine runs it.. your just dabling around right now not re wrighting scripts hence fail
LustyMagnum 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:43 
Balance is crucial btw. I tryed infinite turrets but than it's no more challange so no more fun!
LustyMagnum 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:38 
... like you know what your talking about. By the way, your not awncering all my questions. So you think it's "cool" when a turret shifts it's position while it has no wheels or legs? Bots are there for... And for example "cover slip" means it can shoot tru other turrets. Like i say.., "if i turn anyone to true, you get crashes". I like to ask for the known way, just to see what somebody is about. Sorry for that.
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:18 
so basically its ♥♥♥♥ and have sheeps maps omg... byw bye bye good luck.. hire a coder
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:16 
mantle is squating lol.. leap is jump climb is ladders on a few maps .. omg put all true lol
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:15 
they should be true .. gaaah
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:14 
omg lusty using base not recodeing im done here
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 4:13 
all of this is movemen stuff dont change that
KingForKings 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 3:07 
I think these are these "special class perks" where the swat can still move when getting grabbed compared to any other class being forced to stop plus that turn should mean you auto aim at the zed to kill. I can not remember whether Swat was just quickly turn to shooting or and not move or berserker is the class that can move freely
LustyMagnum 2021 年 12 月 13 日 下午 2:09 
I don't understand your question rebelyell..,(if i can find a question mark). Prolly you mean a .ini scrtipt for the server witch has the setting you talk about, but could you explain to me for what kind of setting and also in what kind of script you want a change in. Look at these turret settings:


If i'm honest, i have no idea what every setting does when i make it true, exept that a server / client crashes... Could anybody explain to me what it all does without me having to test them one by one?
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 10:26 
we can keep going. ive seen i call bull zeds auto go for turrets past us that needs removed and copy that to other zed so . cuz theres 1 that always goes for turrets first not players hmm how too explain it getting techy now. every map different so some its ok some not. balance is key. i hope u can code good cuz you have alot to do
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 10:19 
it must be power ramped to too player count
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 10:18 
i miss my killing floor alot. last i checked yours it was wayyyyyyy zed over powered with no phases of how may are playing
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 10:15 
you will also need to put in wave dealys so it dont stack to fast so endless last for 20 - 30 minutes or more. cuz endless is what its all about right. if it isnt fun body stacking it isnt going to work . keep it simple make it fun they will come
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 10:05 
everyone should have enogh cash to setup turrets 2 times cuz front line turrets then bunker if we cant be ready for endless it wont be fun and if no fun noone plays get it
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:58 
i miss my atomic launcher effects lmao. you can actually add more dmg on that more coding not vanila . not much vanilla will be used other than the base or server will suk balls
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:53 
code up @lustymagnum if u have any questions on stuff or odd maps just ask i know them all and how they flow. code my lusty mag wink
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:48 
@lustymagnum keep in mind if we cant start building turrets rockets at wave 2 we be ♥♥♥♥. wave 3 all should have setup . on frontline and ready to rebuild in bunker wave 3 and 4 so must have the cash to do it or endless wont happen fun. turrets is the key as we build a bunker and my my lovley rockets
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:42 
@lustymagnum can u do it or are u just copy paste maps lmao
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:41 
im a master at disaster on killing floor i know all the tricks . like extending turrets radius left right turns . alot to recode @lustymagnum are you wrighting this down im telling you the secrets of how to build the server. i know it all too a T
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:37 
the big thing is wave 2 almost gotta have gun upgrade if u cant game over maybe. need faster cash cuz wave 2 is turret build time
not gun upgradeing or endless will suk
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:34 
yes i was 1 of the first on sheeps so i picked up alot on what and how they did it
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:32 
i remeber it al like yesterday can you replicate it i hope. .. well if you dont work and have all day u could do it in a year to get it all tweaked in 2nd year to polish it nice. and bring in new maps which require all new code per map. keep in mind each map must have diffeent code cuz of how it lays out
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:28 
must have rapid firng rockets cuz endless waves stack and health increases must be in too as endless grows. so that would require all new code from scratch for the fun part at end. if no fun end no good server . its all about the end pile of wang banging fun lmao and few guys saying omg my gpu cant hack this lol. then u know its fun
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:24 
rapid firing rockets not slow
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:23 
wave 2 should be enough cash to get any weapon cuz wave 3 up gets wild lol. make it fun . and they will come
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 9:15 
lustymagnum make it fun. get turrets fast to setup for endless , no distance regulation so we can stack tuurets . cool spot to bunker for blast infinite tunnels. 6 turrets per each not 3. fast cash to get loadout upgrades on turrets. thats what people want. and thats just the start tweaking eack map seperatley for distance and such . if your good very very good we be back. but as of now its like clunky dont work
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 8:59 
@lustymagnum if you want to try u must have atleast 3 phase zeds dependant on server count of people. i seen 1 phase. u need learn to code alot. it isnt easy . that took sheep long time but wow lmao so ♥♥♥♥♥ fun my guts hurt from laughing. if you can do that then yes ill drag all back. but u need be good grammer cuz not easy to algo that . if u do repost cuz ill be back in a flash.... alot of tweaks. like med heals power ups so welder can keep door welded lol as turrets kill beyond until pop .. not the simple version lol must be recoded no vanilla will work. period.. omg no
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 8:51 
so when zeds be climbing over turrets and us lol safe spot was under tuerret cuz zed cant kill under turetts lol . but you wouldnt know that. way crazy at best time. apperantly game has auto feature in or sheep did when room fills with no where bodyes pop out lmao of walls it was so funny. can you program that good or just copy paste map stuff gaaah. i checked u out i seen 1 phase power not 4 phase power zeds depending on people ingame . thats where 1st fail
rebelyell 2021 年 12 月 13 日 上午 8:45 
yes lusty is 10 i remeber but timer of disapation was a factor too lmao