14. Januar 2015
18 Kommentare
littlebattousai 20. Juni 2017 um 4:51 
It's almost been a year since someone posted here. Wubba lubba dub dub
달빛 3. März 2016 um 1:37 
What's up?
Fungi375 12. Okt. 2015 um 13:24 
mines broken
Goonch 12. Okt. 2015 um 12:06 
the cupholders are nice
Mon Ammy 12. Okt. 2015 um 6:07 
How are you all liking the new mobility scooters I bought ^.~
Goonch 7. Okt. 2015 um 14:03 
lemme tell ye bout wyla
Nay Gigger 14. Aug. 2015 um 0:00 
Hello hello hello, mates, how ur u? :beatmeat:
Fungi375 7. Juli 2015 um 12:15 
well this is doing well why by peoples randoms comments
Rat 22. Juni 2015 um 19:26 
110% legit fem gamer
Biscuit 10. Juni 2015 um 12:58 
Wesley Pipes 23. Mai 2015 um 2:49 
hello :D
Emperor Ing 21. Mai 2015 um 21:28 
Typing here because I can :B1:
ღHoloღ 25. Apr. 2015 um 11:17 
Mon Ammy 22. Apr. 2015 um 15:09 
Ah lovely,Well Sir Ashes let me tell you the story of the JessKnights.

Once apon a time there was a person who dident like moba games, Then a guy who I love called Alex tought me Dota2, I was about as smart as a stop watch with no hands, I derped for 400 hours of my short life and finally got the hang of the game.while this CRAZY event was taking place Jess had picked up a hobby called "YouTube" where she enjoyed making bad videos and seeing the sub count going from 40 - 41 and got exited, Subs ment a lot to her, Then she had an Idea,Why not combine YouTube and Steam together. Thats how This group was born, Took a lot of pushing and pretty sure it tore a little of my vagina but its finally here!!
Ashes 22. Apr. 2015 um 15:04 
Wut is dis....The Jess Knights ? :squirtheh:
Mon Ammy 7. Apr. 2015 um 14:19 
Slow and steady wins the race, or in my case. Give me 2 months and I can give you something !!
Mon Ammy 7. Feb. 2015 um 19:53 
^_^ Making new videos like..real soon just getting figer installed atm so thats why theres a lack of videos~
Shinhai 14. Jan. 2015 um 13:21 