กลุ่ม STEAM
กลุ่ม STEAM
2 กรกฎาคม 2012
United States 
Project Silence, Members needed
Attention all Modelers, Concept Artist, and Javascript coders with experience in Unity. This is a recruitment call for an MLP Horror Game in the works. As of right now it was a project we started last year, but soon fell to an unfortunate infinite hiatus due to loss of members as well as general inexperience in the remaining staff.

The original team only has about 3-4 members left and we really would like to see this project come to fruition. As of right now we have a general soundtrack developed, the general roughly-16 chapter story, a planned time-line of milestones, basic character concept designs, general game aesthetic, and engine.

The Overview The game aesthetic is to be similar to 1982's Clive Barkers “The Thing”, or John Bruno's 1999 film “The Virus”(we're looking as towards monster aesthetic not story).

This game is aimed to be (obviously) horror, with inspiration taken from the Dead Space, Silent Hill, And the Resident Evil games. We are looking to infuse both psychological as well as visual horror, not simply relying mainly on one or the other we want to have players be subjected to both, but not grow used to it.

The story is for the most part fleshed out but can still be modified, and for those wondering this is “Pre- Princess Twilight”, So there’s no worries for Flylightbarkle, nor any EQG. As far as story goes, all of the Mane 6 will be playable characters. This will be explained in detail later.

This is 3D game, any experience is welcomed anything and everything is needed. We've used Blender, 3Ds Max, and Maya. We’re greatly in need of modelers, due to it not being a skill possessed by the current members of our team.

We’re mainly in need of coders because, like modelers, it is not a skill known by our current team. As of right now Unity has been our best bet, so Javascript should be the language to know. But anyone with experience in Unity, or a willingness to learn is accepted.

Concept Artist
We have one concept artist who’s been with us since the beginning and is loyal to the project but he has a life, he has to go to college and work, and can’t do everything himself, plus making monsters in the aesthetic we want doesn’t necessarily fit in with that style. So anyone who’s good at making monsters that would fit in the aforementioned style would be greatly appreciated, we also need background/environment artist, so if you’re able to do that too awesome.

3D Animation/Rigging
Yeah, maybe the modelers/Coders could do this, but not everybody has oodles of free time, so we’re looking for anyone with the necessary skills. If you are capable of making clean enough rigging controls that they can be taught to other members of the team in order for animation to be spread out amongst members, that would be a benefit.

Sound Development
We currently have one member of the crew managing everything related to game audio and effects, so anyone who is good with sound effects, voice modulation, mixing/mastering, or general sound development would be good. Now this isn't a majorly required field just yet as we need things to add sound too, and that has yet to be done.

Voice Actors
A good game can be better with VA’s, and we want the best we can get. Right now as we are in early development, VA’s will not necessarily be required. (Unless we can start on the 2D animations), But nonetheless it doesn't hurt to have them on call. Right now we need VA's for almost every character. We would like quality as well as closeness to the show’s representation of the characters, but any(Original)Non-Show characters can be worked around. But ultimately we want you to try it out, who knows you might actually better than the original planned voices.

2D Animation
Yes, that's right we also need those capable in 2D animation, or at least those who can Sony Vegas/VFX and/or Flash. Why? Because we also have a planned 5-6 minute video mini-series that spans 5 episodes and details the Prologue, Meanwhile, and Aftermath points of the game. Seen in both a flashback as well as a flashforward.

P for Public, R for Relations!
Yes, there’s still more you can do if you absolutely, positively can't do anything to help. You can always link this journal to your account and spread the word. We need as much help as we can get! Got a group you can add this to? Copy, paste and submit it there. Don't forget to add the contact info below though. For every 100 people who get notified, even if just 1 submits something that's 1 item closer to completion. You literally can do anything to spread the word, make a blog, draw an ad, create a video, The possibilities are endless.

Making Contact!
If you are interested or you want to direct someone you feel would be interested, take the contact info below and use it.

What to do The following E-mail addresses are for those who wish to contact the current members of the team to let us know you want to help out. To send us an email that you want to join, follow the system below.

Subject line: Project Silence <Last Name> <First Name>, <position> – Animator/concept artist/Sound Dev/Etc.>
Example: Project Silence Peck, Alan, Animation
--List of skills
--What you want to help with
--Short bio of yourself
--What you hope to attain from helping in this project
--Extra info, things like whether you work well with groups, are adaptable. Any things that could deter you from working with the group or on the project.
End emails with-
<First name> <Last name>, <Age>
All information sent in will be kept confidential, and no one except those of certain importance will have it.

If you’re making an attempt to contact us elsewhere keep the basic system, but modify as necessary for the site, or message type. Please to cut down on reading time, be sure to only send messages to the person that would be head of your department and the lead designer. At most you need only send 3 messages.
Contact Info

Lead Designer – Colton Cook DeviantART - http://dreadmaster231.deviantart.com/ Primary Email: MrD1xon@yahoo.com Secondary Email: Steam: http://gtm.you1.cn/id/Dreadmaster231/ Facebook: Twitter: @Dreadmaster231 Skype: Dreadmaster231/Mr. D

Director – Andrew Wells DeviantART - Primary Email: Graphitescribble@yahoo.com Secondary Email: Steam: Facebook: Twitter: Skype: GraphiteScribble/Fitzhartz
Head of Audio Development - Ben Connor DeviantART - Primary Email: fyresale@hotmail.com Secondary Email:
Steam: http://gtm.you1.cn/id/fyresale Facebook: Twitter: @SenorBenicillin SoundCloud: Fyresale

Group as a whole DeviantART: TBA Primary Email: Gunny_Games@Yahoo.com Steam: TBA Facebook: TBA Website: http://ggcp-on.tumblr.com/
Project Backers
Below is a list of Blogs, Groups, and People that have backed the project(By Advertising for us or otherwise)
--DeviantART “Groups”

MLP-Terrors = http://mlp-terrors.deviantart.com/ Insane-MLP = http://insane-mlp.deviantart.com/ Source-Ponies-Jr = http://source-ponies-jr.deviantart.com/ 3D-PrintingBronies = http://3d-printingbronies.deviantart.com/

--DeviantART “Users”

Chiramii-Chan = http://chiramii-chan.deviantart.com/ CMCScootaloo = http://cmc--scootaloo.deviantart.com/ ArtyBeat = http://artybeat.deviantart.com/ CarbonNanotube = http://carbonnanotube.deviantart.com/

--Facebook “Pages”

Insanipony = https://www.facebook.com/insanipony PinkameniaDianePie = https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pinkamena-diane-pie/140493682811543 Murdershy = https://www.facebook.com/pages/Murdershy/357247224398371

--Facebook “Users”

Anthony Joe Rosengarten = https://www.facebook.com/anthony.rosengarten
Last notes and Info

As this is a fan made project please know that we cannot make any form of income
I and those of the original group would like to aim for a small team, and we don't expect too much of a response at the moment, But we are hoping to get somewhere with this. Upon receiving your reply, we will interview you through a Skype Text chat(Audio preferred). This is a required program, all members must make an account and download it if they do not have it, as this is the medium with which we communicate.

If there are any more questions please relay them to the lead designer’s DeviantART page or his Steam profile.

Please allow for 2-3 Days to get a response, while we will be checking constantly where this entry is posted, as well as our personal message boxes, we do have a chance to miss things.

We aim to keep a system of professionalism and want to keep a well-defined pipeline to keep everything moving in one direction. We do not want to put our hopes on something only for the person to flake out and not deliver.

Lastly, recruitment is aimed to last between March 18 – April 7, but we will still accept people after the week has finished. We will just be focusing more on pre-development projects. With that I look forward to having new work mates. Thank you for taking time to read this, and I hope to speak to you soon.

The Gunny Games Corner Productions Team.