Fuck Ubisoft
Fuck Ubisoft
18 August, 2011
c3.SWIFT 5 Feb, 2019 @ 3:53pm
A level headed, less salty version of UBISHIT truth.
There is a LOT of proof that Ubisoft, originally from Montreal (A well known and documented Hell's Angels and Eastern Block Mob Hub), is really used for digital money laundering.

One thing we do know for certain: they are thieves, gangsters or not.

They have a few very novel and fun to play ideas that no other companies are producing.
HOWEVER. Their games are never finished when released. Usually, they are just never finished.

They have an extremely horrible customer support service. Usually requiring days before a response, and the Representative usually is about as smart as baby carrot.
This may sound like simply a salty customer... but the evidence is there. The bugs, glitches, crashes and laggy servers are obvious to anyone who has played their games.

Take R6:Siege. For someone who wants the complete game, it is just shy of $200 dollars CAD. NO, I didn't add a zero.
Yet, the servers still lag. The bugs don't get fixed.
The only thing they do is Nurfs. They do this for the money. The Pay-to-Win crowd is notoriously still very bad at games. So they complain when they can't figure out simple concepts, and UBISHIT bows to them, because they are the Pay-To-Win crowd... meaning they will continue to spend money on a broken game if it will give them an advantage.
Right now in R6:Siege, the P2W but BAS (bad at siege) crowd is complaining that people crouch and lean too much in the game. I'm not even kidding. These lazy twats are too stupid to press 'Q' 'E' and 'C' keys, so Ubisoft is going to change that so players cannot do this as often. Meanwhile a simple issue of not being able to spot the objective with your drone has been apparent since BETA testing 5 years ago, and they still haven't fixed it.

Gangsters or not, UBISHIT are a bunch of THIEVES.

I bought Steep when it released for $80. The game did not work. Crashed every time I went online... here's the kicker, initially (and maybe still) if you didn't go online, you couldn't even play the fucking game.
When posting a ticket, it took 4 days for a response. Their response was, essentially, 'Too bad, so sad.' No return of funds, and no fixes for the next 3 months whenever my son and I tried to Play. I haven't tried it since.

A relatively recent Assassin's Creed was so utterly broken, they just shut down the servers and launched a whole new game. NO refunds for anyone. Just 'Too bad, so sad.'

I feel like there must be a way to organize a formal lawsuit against them. To force them to repay what they have stolen. However I am not a lawyer... so I'm not sure how.
Just think about their actions though. If someone did this to you on the street, or at a local store... you would press charges and/or sue. AND you would win. It's straight up stealing.

Their Games are also riddled with racism and hateful harassment, but UBISHIT does nothing. Why? Because the crowd that is stupid enough to use racial slurs as a hateful attack in 2019 is the same group of Idiots that P2W. If Ubi bans them, they would lose money. So UBISHIT actually promotes it compared to other games, by literally doing NOTHING about it.

I really hope the CEOs of this company are taken down for their crimes against the public.
Last edited by c3.SWIFT; 5 Feb, 2019 @ 4:24pm