TF2 - Dodgeball Gang D.B.G
TF2 - Dodgeball Gang D.B.G
Fundado em
30 de outubro de 2010
9 comentário(s)
Rasp 27/dez./2021 às 10:02 
Omg ty for invite finally I have been applying for 8 years now and no response
Alen 20/nov./2013 às 7:22 
This server has been shut down and we're not really looking to open a new one any time soon
Hummus 17/jun./2013 às 10:15 
whats the ip for this server
tom 20/fev./2013 às 15:54 
Guys This is for all dogeball Lovers.We Need Help to keep the best and only DMN dodgeball servers alive.Please visit the forums and Donate because we are one community and The Owners are having problems at home to raise the ammount of money to keep the servers Online.Plus If you donate you will be given vip for an amount of time with lotsof fun commands to use and to trol your friends.Please The best servers accross the World needs to be running.Donate now and get vip and more. D;
Alen 15/jul./2012 às 8:28 
There are certainly many good db servers out there, try this ip
Or this ip
Zaaroc 28/jan./2012 às 1:55 
Random question~ Any good EU based DB servers still out there? And with that I mean true DB servers, not those with weeeeird rocket paths..
[SS] мŖ. ρέทġὗﺂท™ 7/mai./2011 às 20:05 
How do I exactly play dodgeball?
Alen 2/jan./2011 às 15:03 
Merry cristmas and a happy new year wishes the admins of DBG
Ξ.D.ß.P.Ξ Laggy ツ 1/jan./2011 às 9:33 
Hope all you guys had a nice time over Christmas, and i hope you all have a Happy New Year :D