Solaris National RP SolarisGRP
Solaris National RP SolarisGRP
28 August, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Mars 12 Nov, 2017 @ 6:44pm
Economy and Industry
Every good faction needs a way to make money.

Class K Planets have a limit 10 Building slots
Class M Planets have a limit of 5 Building slots
Class J Planets have a limit of 5 Building slots

Manufactory: Requires class K or M planet, costs 10,000 Credits, yields 5,000 per turn.
Multi-Residence complex: Requires class M planet, costs 5,000 Credits, allows you to further colonize planets.
Deep core mining facility: Requires class K planet, costs 20,000 Credits, yields 10,000 per turn
Orbital Shipyard: any class of planet, costs 35,000 Credits, allows you to build ships
Armory: requires class K or M planet, costs 5,000 Credits, allows you to raise armies.
Mineral Processing Plant: Requires class K planet, costs 35,000 Credits, yields 15,000 per turn
Mass Energy Plant: requires Class J planet, costs 50,000 Credits, creates 5 Energy per turn
Mass Solar Energy Plant: Requires Hydrogen based sun, costs 75,000 Credits, creates 10 Energy Per turn
Trans-Systemic Trade post: Requires any class planet, costs 15,000 Credits, yields 2,000 per turn, allows you to trade with other factions

Basic Trade: Requires Trans-Systemic Trade Post, Yields 5,000 Base for both parties
Government-Enforced Trade: Requires one merchant navy, and the Trans-Systemic Trade post, yields 10,000 base for both parties.

Last edited by Mars; 14 Nov, 2017 @ 3:53pm
Date Posted: 12 Nov, 2017 @ 6:44pm
Posts: 0

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