Denizens of the Cave Denizen
Denizens of the Cave Denizen
게임 중
2014년 1월 8일
United States 
Denizens of the Cave 정보

Welcome all Denizens of TaffysManCave

Ladies and Gentlemen - Boys and Girls - Denizens of all ages; Welcome to The Cave!
Congratulations on finding your way here - welcome home.

Taffy's Twitch[]
Taffy's YouTube Channel
The Man himself - Taffy's twitter
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Welcome to The Cave!
댓글 14
Fish 2023년 3월 12일 오후 5시 03분 
Wow, I forgot about steam groups, look at this well preserved museum of Taffy! <3 Love you all
zombieronswanson 2020년 10월 8일 오후 7시 13분 
public-use bulgeslut 2018년 6월 7일 오후 3시 13분 
Hey guys, so I've been going through a tough time lately... My mom can't find a house she can afford because they're all too expensive. Considering she works from home on two jobs, you would think she makes a lot of money, but they're very low pay, but that's what she has to do to suport my childhood. I may have to move with someone else and lose everything I've loved and cherished my whole life. I'm looking for support, so if you guys want to contact me and lend a helping hand, it would be very much appreciated from us both...

Mick , A.K.A. Aplexii
Nathan Loves You 2016년 10월 12일 오전 10시 37분 
I came here to laugh at you
Seabass 2015년 8월 31일 오후 9시 26분 
What is Taffy's steam name? I wanna buy him a 24 cent game to say how much he means to me. (:<
TheReaper'sSin 2015년 6월 25일 오후 1시 51분 
Hey guys! Anyone still active in the group wanna add me, just be my guest!