Deluks Gaming DGNews
Deluks Gaming DGNews
24 September, 2014
Deluks 30 Nov, 2014 @ 1:30pm
Group decisions
Since some of you have decided to join this group before I have done anything to promote it, I thought I would field a question to you all. What games would you like to see featured on the channel next?

I prefer newer or up and coming games as they tend to be missed by the masses, and there really are some gems out there, and I also prefer games that involve some level of strategy. Input from this group would be highly valuable to me as you folks are the people who took the initiative to seek this out when you really didn't even know it existed yet.

I also want to say thank you for your support and I really love you guys (in a manly kind of way) lol
Last edited by Deluks; 30 Nov, 2014 @ 7:26pm
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Showing 1-15 of 59 comments
OkkaOtter 6 Feb, 2015 @ 9:22am 
XD well itd be cool to see you do games With your subscribers <---- ;D like robocraft or terraria (sumthin like that)
Lonwol_ 6 Feb, 2015 @ 10:08am 
I agree to that. Also Team Fortress 2, Garry's Mod or maybe Firefall that would be pretty rad. XD
Last edited by Lonwol_; 6 Feb, 2015 @ 10:22am
Lofare 7 Feb, 2015 @ 5:47pm 
Yea Playing With Your Subscribers Would Be Awesome
WinningPrism817 10 Feb, 2015 @ 3:05pm 
robocraft, warthunder, world of warships, evan more reassembly and terra tech
WinningPrism817 10 Feb, 2015 @ 3:05pm 
even not evan
Laps 24 Feb, 2015 @ 11:30am 
Hello Deluks, well, since you like strategy elements, could I introduce to you Creeper World 3 Arc Eternal? That game's got a SOLID core concept. Entirely original enemys, and aswell as some fluid "nudge to the main enemy of the game" game mechanics. :)
Jimmy Johny Jamaica 28 Feb, 2015 @ 12:23pm 
KSP (kerbal space program)? If managing a 3D space program with not even an open world but with an open Solar system isnt strategy then i dont know anymore... Its modable with i think over 50 (good and working) mods. AND i think scott manley is the only youtube channel who plays this.
WavyCat 20 Mar, 2015 @ 8:46pm 
Deluks, starmade would be a great game along with gear up and star conflict, they are all MMOS and have some pretty nice features to them, star conflict is definately worth looking at. Thanks!
zxcv 5 Apr, 2015 @ 2:23am 
Planetary annihilation! It might be fun.
Critz 12 Apr, 2015 @ 3:46am 
I still vote for TerraTech :P
DutchTheGuy 17 Apr, 2015 @ 6:54am 
maybe you can play besiege. a fun game in which you build machines of destruction ( its not done yet though )
RAHHH 5 Jun, 2015 @ 8:21am 
Prison Architect is a pretty intresting and fun game
Pavel_lul 15 Jun, 2015 @ 2:03pm 
Hi Rob ! i think it would be a really nice thing to see you play Magicite its a roguelike game with a multiplayer so you could play with your subs and make many vids of it like challenges or something lika that and i am ready to kick ass in the next reassembly tourney ;D
munkeynorris123 27 Jul, 2015 @ 1:28pm 
trove. play trove
Conga Lyne 29 Jul, 2015 @ 3:39am 
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