Defence Of The Islands DOTIUKI
Defence Of The Islands DOTIUKI
2013. augusztus 27.
A(Z) Defence Of The Islands CSOPORTRÓL

UK & Ireland Dota 2

How this group works
This group was setup because 1 minute is not enough time to plan who fulfills what roles in Dota 2 or even plan a team that will work together.

You will qualify for this group if;

Have 100+ hours on Dota 2
Able to follow team captains orders
Speak English fluently and have microphone on your P.C.
Are based somewhere in or around the UK or Ireland
Have read pre-appointed guides in various aspects of gameplay and teamplay linked too at the right of this statement
You can treat your team mates with respect and only provide criticism\advice in a constructive manner i.e. not flaming like a 3yr old that has just lost his toys.

How to use this group;
You will be invited to join the 'DotI' Guild next time you are online by either me or a moderator, after that you can 'Open your Party to Guild' so group members can join you or you can search for parties to join. More Info on how too here; Guild FAQS

What will you get out of this group;

Ability to grow with a novice team
Confidence in your team (after a learning curve at the start)
Links thought this steam page to a poole off other players that have learned\read the same basic information as you
Open platform for discussion of tactics and future games
Try out different roles including team captain
Not have to play the russian roulette game that is matchmaking
You can report too me or other group managers about bad conduct from your team mates and they will be kicked (message with details including match ID number and I will review).

So that basically means that more time will be spent planning games till we get a feel for each others play style.

No-one will be kicked for sucking but will have to listen to team mates advice afterwards or try different roles till they get more practice

Your team will be learning at the same time as you so your input will be valid\appreciated

You can feel more confident knowing your team is balanced and has a plan

TeamSpeak Server
No Password

Must read beginner guide[]
Basic support guide[]
Group coordinator steam profile
The International 2015 aka TI5
Over 50 members !!
2 megjegyzés
Mr Sir 2013. szept. 27., 14:07 
If anyone's up for a game in the future, add me. Tired of playing random pubgames with people who fail to play as a team.
Fundamentals 2013. aug. 28., 9:04 
A little note about myself
It time of writing have 150 hours of playing DOTA 2 under my belt plus many more hours studying Pro-players games, strategy guides, hero guides, listening to friends with 400+ wins advice, practicing LHing with characters etc. but I am still realitively new and make wrong\bad calls in game and I am far from infallible in my gameplay. I like to play support\disabler, my favourite heroes are Windrunner so even if my lane partner is rubbish I can help carry the team (very useful in public games), Timbersaw because he can sap stats off carrys & Viper because I am good solo-mid from the start and that lets me own mid\late game.
2013. augusztus 27.