Christian Gaming Community CGC
Christian Gaming Community CGC
1. september 2007
United States 
Travis M - AOG 26. sep. kl. 12.05
Venting: Bad Times Lately In My Life...
I gotta say... Life has felt very challenging lately... I may not let depression push me towards suicide, especially because God and Jesus Christ is on my side... But... Man is it not easy just on an emotional level...

The main thing I've been suffering from for a while now, before I became a Christian, are these random seizure episodes that happens about once a month, the doctors have labeled it as PNES(PSYCHOGENIC NON-EPILEPTIC SEIZURES). While I will not cast out the possiblity of it being due to my sins and addictions I've had to address in life since becoming Christian, I definitely worry about my own health being a cause of this issue, down to where my depression got kicked up when a tooth of mine had chipped earlier in the year...

I've had to deal with my mom kicking me out for my addiction being such a hard battle for me, due to how I keep falling back and I haven't been able to just simply drop the addiction, as a chunk of it has to do with how I've used it to deal with emotional problems and depression in life. This was already hard to confess to my mom about, let alone to apologize for the effect it had on my sister's life, to which my sister hadn't even talked to me since I confessed and asked for forgiveness... My mom specifically just lost her patience in dealing with me because of the many times I've fallen back and struggled so much, and gave me two options:

Either I "give up" and go to live with my dad and grandma, or...

I go to this "Christian" rehab type of program in San Diego CA called "Green Oak Ranch...

I chose the latter, as she was simply kicking me out, and I was also sick of how much my mom believed I either didn't care to be rid of my addiction, or that I just wasn't even trying... So I went to Green Oak Ranch, and found out quickly that it wasn't very easy...

To spare details and sum it up, the addiction I've dealt with has been porn, and while at Green Oak Ranch... I was quickly noticing that they didn't care to do much for the people going there for this rehab program, aside from the food that they fed us with every day. They still expected us to pay for doing our own laundry, they also didn't care to have A/C installed in the housing that we all shared with 6 people in each room, and they got free labor out of us all. While this program is something you have to pay thousands for each month...

They also happily had people go there for vacations who were LGBTQ+ types with kids... Which was creepy to notice... And... I got kicked out for talking about my addiction to the others there... Or even asking for a meeting for porn addicts... Meanwhile, the other guys who were in the program were constantly talking about noticing hot women and wanting to pin them down and have sex with them... But me talking about my problem was too much...

I was kicked out, and my mom labeled that was me "failing", mainly cause I ever even complained to her about how it was there... Instead of mindlessly going "DIS IS A GRET PLACE, DA BEST EVAH"...

So, couldn't go back to her, and went to live with my dad finally, as we are teaming up to help my grandma... As she's very old and even deals with memory issues... But she also has given up in life and has a dog she refuses to let outside for going to the bathroom, and has turned her room into the dog's personal bathroom with poop and pee everywhere... I've just been trying my best to keep my eyes on what I wanna do in completing college and making something of my life.

While I had over 3 months clean from the addiction after the 1 month I was at Green Oak... I fell back when I came here, in part due to my depression with life... I'm getting better again, with no thanks to my mom, sister, and her family labeling me like I don't care about my life... And lately... I've dealt with the fact that my Medicaid from Mississippi won't be accepted to pay for an ambulance bill I had back at Green Oak from an episode, but now I've been trying to address a chipped tooth that had been an issue since earlier in the year...

The chipped tooth I've been finally trying to get ready to deal with, cause I finally shared with my grandma what I've been dealing with... And she offered to pay for it... But... Had been finding it ridiculous that I've been trying to get help from a holistic dentist, no help in how expensive it could be in the worst-case-scenario... And she won't even hear me out as to why a holistic dentist is important...

This documentary I've linked goes into many of the reasons why you don't just rely on your standard dentist and their procedures... And she won't even pay attention to the facts I'm sharing with clips from the documentary, involving real doctors who are saying this stuff... Going "are they holistic doctors saying this stuff?"... Just... Refusing to even consider the importance...

I'm mainly just so emotionally hurt and feeling defeated... As... I feel like even just my teeth I'm probably gonna have to leave this way since she won't even hear me out as to why this is important to deal with this way... And I can't even talk to my mom and voice how emotionally hurt I am over the fact that I've been treated as if I've not been trying at all...

I gotta say... If it wasn't for God and Jesus Christ in my life... I probably would be giving up and maybe even ending my life in how crappy everyone tends to treat me... My dad may not be a Christian, but he understands the struggle of an addiction and isn't labeling my struggle as me failing or not trying or not caring... Which means a lot...

I at LEAST beg for prayers, as this sucks right now... Hardcore... If not... Just... People to lean on emotionally right now... Cause this has not been easy lately... 💔😭
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Mr_C_ 26. sep. kl. 14.33 
It's difficult to know how to address this, so many thoughts came to mind while reading this OP. What it all seemed to boil down to, in my head, was, "Man, I have BEEN there."

Sex addiction works like any other addiction: it's all about the dopamine, that feel-good drug your body creates naturally, chemically similar to morphine. Sex on it's own creates the least amount of dopamine compared to drugs or alcohol, so they all generally go hand in hand.

Addiction is a downward spiral and ends in institutionalization or death, and I've seen or experienced examples of both. I strongly urge you to seek out a Celebrate Recovery, Reformers Unanimous, Sexaholics Anonymous, or Sex Addicts Anonymous group. In those groups, you'll find people who are similarly situated--I've attended meetings for all of them. In-person meetings are much better than posting things online, and the first 3 of those are strictly Christian-based (SAA is patterned after AA).

As for the dental issue, I can't help there. To be perfectly honest, I haven't visited a dentist since I was 18 because they scare me to death. I know I should go, intellectually--I have two broken crowns and a wisdom tooth that's hung in there like a hair in a biscuit. it's just too intimate for me, having them all up in my mouth drilling.

Hang in there brother. Life is full of troubles, but we get to shed these earthly tabernacles at the end, and it will be SO glorious!
Weaver 27. sep. kl. 11.43 
Ill pray for you brother. stay strong and remember God is with us always.
John 14:16-17
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
Prayers sent.
Take it day by day. Don't add to the stress by thinking too far ahead until the pertinent issues are manageable.
Addiction is created over time, so it will take time to erase; it won't happen over night, nor weeks or months. The exception, of course, would be if God removes that sin/affliction Himself, but don't expect it: addictions are problems we cause for ourselves. He will absolutely help, but you'll have to do the heavy-lifting. It's a tough pill to swallow but something you - and all of us - must choke down. Have patience. ;)

One thing about rehab centers: they'll force patients to work b/c that's part of the rehabilitation process. It takes the mind off the obsession/addiction; plus, physical work is good in general. B/c what's the alternative? Sit/lay around all day? The addicts' mind would focus solely on satisfying the addiction if it had nothing else to do.
Granted, I'm sure some rehab centers take advantage of that and really do use it for free labor, which may be what happened in your case, but there is merit to making patients take on added responsibility + physical labor.
Myuu 1. okt. kl. 3.03 
Keep your head up, things will get better as long as you stay by His side. I will pray for you!! Wish you all the best :el_flower_white:
Banelord 24. okt. kl. 21.37 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Travis M - AOG:
I gotta say... Life has felt very challenging lately... I may not let depression push me towards suicide, especially because God and Jesus Christ is on my side... But... Man is it not easy just on an emotional level...

The main thing I've been suffering from for a while now, before I became a Christian, are these random seizure episodes that happens about once a month, the doctors have labeled it as PNES(PSYCHOGENIC NON-EPILEPTIC SEIZURES). While I will not cast out the possiblity of it being due to my sins and addictions I've had to address in life since becoming Christian, I definitely worry about my own health being a cause of this issue, down to where my depression got kicked up when a tooth of mine had chipped earlier in the year...

I've had to deal with my mom kicking me out for my addiction being such a hard battle for me, due to how I keep falling back and I haven't been able to just simply drop the addiction, as a chunk of it has to do with how I've used it to deal with emotional problems and depression in life. This was already hard to confess to my mom about, let alone to apologize for the effect it had on my sister's life, to which my sister hadn't even talked to me since I confessed and asked for forgiveness... My mom specifically just lost her patience in dealing with me because of the many times I've fallen back and struggled so much, and gave me two options:

Either I "give up" and go to live with my dad and grandma, or...

I go to this "Christian" rehab type of program in San Diego CA called "Green Oak Ranch...

I chose the latter, as she was simply kicking me out, and I was also sick of how much my mom believed I either didn't care to be rid of my addiction, or that I just wasn't even trying... So I went to Green Oak Ranch, and found out quickly that it wasn't very easy...

To spare details and sum it up, the addiction I've dealt with has been porn, and while at Green Oak Ranch... I was quickly noticing that they didn't care to do much for the people going there for this rehab program, aside from the food that they fed us with every day. They still expected us to pay for doing our own laundry, they also didn't care to have A/C installed in the housing that we all shared with 6 people in each room, and they got free labor out of us all. While this program is something you have to pay thousands for each month...

They also happily had people go there for vacations who were LGBTQ+ types with kids... Which was creepy to notice... And... I got kicked out for talking about my addiction to the others there... Or even asking for a meeting for porn addicts... Meanwhile, the other guys who were in the program were constantly talking about noticing hot women and wanting to pin them down and have sex with them... But me talking about my problem was too much...

I was kicked out, and my mom labeled that was me "failing", mainly cause I ever even complained to her about how it was there... Instead of mindlessly going "DIS IS A GRET PLACE, DA BEST EVAH"...

So, couldn't go back to her, and went to live with my dad finally, as we are teaming up to help my grandma... As she's very old and even deals with memory issues... But she also has given up in life and has a dog she refuses to let outside for going to the bathroom, and has turned her room into the dog's personal bathroom with poop and pee everywhere... I've just been trying my best to keep my eyes on what I wanna do in completing college and making something of my life.

While I had over 3 months clean from the addiction after the 1 month I was at Green Oak... I fell back when I came here, in part due to my depression with life... I'm getting better again, with no thanks to my mom, sister, and her family labeling me like I don't care about my life... And lately... I've dealt with the fact that my Medicaid from Mississippi won't be accepted to pay for an ambulance bill I had back at Green Oak from an episode, but now I've been trying to address a chipped tooth that had been an issue since earlier in the year...

The chipped tooth I've been finally trying to get ready to deal with, cause I finally shared with my grandma what I've been dealing with... And she offered to pay for it... But... Had been finding it ridiculous that I've been trying to get help from a holistic dentist, no help in how expensive it could be in the worst-case-scenario... And she won't even hear me out as to why a holistic dentist is important...

This documentary I've linked goes into many of the reasons why you don't just rely on your standard dentist and their procedures... And she won't even pay attention to the facts I'm sharing with clips from the documentary, involving real doctors who are saying this stuff... Going "are they holistic doctors saying this stuff?"... Just... Refusing to even consider the importance...

I'm mainly just so emotionally hurt and feeling defeated... As... I feel like even just my teeth I'm probably gonna have to leave this way since she won't even hear me out as to why this is important to deal with this way... And I can't even talk to my mom and voice how emotionally hurt I am over the fact that I've been treated as if I've not been trying at all...

I gotta say... If it wasn't for God and Jesus Christ in my life... I probably would be giving up and maybe even ending my life in how crappy everyone tends to treat me... My dad may not be a Christian, but he understands the struggle of an addiction and isn't labeling my struggle as me failing or not trying or not caring... Which means a lot...

I at LEAST beg for prayers, as this sucks right now... Hardcore... If not... Just... People to lean on emotionally right now... Cause this has not been easy lately... 💔😭

Brother, its clear you’re caught in a battle, not just with the world around you, but deep inside yourself. These challenges you are facing, addiction, strained relationships, and physical suffering, theyre the kind of battles that strip away all the distractions and bring us face-to-face with who we are and what we believe. And believe me, that can be a terrifying place, especially when it feels like even those who should care for you have written you off.

Those seizures, that deep struggle with addiction, these aren’t simple things that can be prayed away or ignored. They’re heavy crosses, but they don’t mean you’re abandoned by God. On the contrary, the Lord often allows us to face our weakest moments because that’s when we’re most likely to turn to Him, broken and raw. Its not because of some simplistic “you sinned, so you suffer” mentality, no. Our faith is deeper than that. Its a mystery of how God works through suffering, how He can bring strength out of weakness, even when it feels like we’re suffocating under the weight of it all.

About your experience with that so-called "Christian" rehab. Its infuriating to hear they treated you like that, dismissing you for being honest about your struggles while tolerating behavior that was hardly Christ-like. Hypocrisy, it seems, is alive and well among those who think they are more righteous. But you have to realize, your faith isnt tied to their failures. The real Church—the true faith—stands above these flawed human institutions, even when they wear the right labels.

Your family... it’s painful when they can't see your efforts, when they label you as if you’re some lost cause. But their judgment isn’t what defines you. You're working on yourself, facing your demons, and that’s more than most people can say. Keep that perspective—every step away from your addiction is a victory. God sees your struggle, and He knows the fight you’re putting up.

Remember, Christ bore the weight of the world’s sins on His back, knowing that suffering would bring redemption. And here you are, with your own burdens, fighting to stay true to what He’s called you to be. Don’t let the doubts and despair drown out that truth. Reach out for that grace, keep walking forward even when it’s one painful step at a time. The Kingdom of God isn’t for those who give up, but for those who persevere through fire. And right now, you’re walking through that fire.
Sist redigert av Banelord; 24. okt. kl. 21.38
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