Christian Gaming Community CGC
Christian Gaming Community CGC
1 September, 2007
United States 
Gotta say... Not a great time lately... A friend from High School, I found out in 2019, killed himself...
Me and my friend CJ weren't exactly close... But... He was also autistic like me, and at the high school I met him at... He was very kind and welcoming to a good friendship. We always played Yu-Gi-Oh together, despite how much he'd wipe the floor with me, I believe to just show he cared about me and spending time together.

This being said, I only recently found out he had killed himself in 2019, and he was even a full-on atheist... So... It all hits hardcore to be honest. I wished he didn't end up killing himself, as I've even suffered the loss of a friend who was transgender trying to kill himself multiple times, and after successfully jumping off a building and injuring himself... He died in his sleep...

I've gotta say... Loss hurts a lot... And... Especially knowing CJ didn't believe... It hurts even more knowing I probably won't be seeing him in Heaven... 💔
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Sorry for your losses and grief. Losing people never gets easier. Just take it day by day.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

A beautiful promise for those who are in Christ and who trust in the Lord. May the Lord be your comfort during these difficult times.
Originally posted by Travis M - AOG:
Me and my friend CJ weren't exactly close... But... He was also autistic like me, and at the high school I met him at... He was very kind and welcoming to a good friendship. We always played Yu-Gi-Oh together, despite how much he'd wipe the floor with me, I believe to just show he cared about me and spending time together.

This being said, I only recently found out he had killed himself in 2019, and he was even a full-on atheist... So... It all hits hardcore to be honest. I wished he didn't end up killing himself, as I've even suffered the loss of a friend who was transgender trying to kill himself multiple times, and after successfully jumping off a building and injuring himself... He died in his sleep...

I've gotta say... Loss hurts a lot... And... Especially knowing CJ didn't believe... It hurts even more knowing I probably won't be seeing him in Heaven... 💔
If your friend CJ had no real knowledge of the gospel then it may just be that he will be judged according to his conscience instead. And if he just did his best to be a good person then that would definitely be in his favor. The Ten Commandments are written on the hearts of all humans, all humans have a conscience that is a witness both for them and against them.

Which means you might actually see him again in heaven. Only God knows the hearts of humans.
Completely unbiblical. I know your intentions may be good and you want to comfort OP, but we show love by speaking God's truth in Love and not by compromising His Word to appease the world. 'Trying to do your best to be good' can't and won't save a person. This is completely unbiblical. None of us are good. People are not given a free pass based on their 'conscience' either. If anything it points that they are without excuse as Scripture tells us.

Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless one repents and puts their faith in Jesus Christ instead of themselves and becomes born again, born of the Spirit. And that's why we are commanded to spread the Gospel truth, not a watered down version of it. Anything else gives false hope and may lead people astray on the broad road.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

I think all of us have loved ones who have passed away without believing in Christ. Just like we may have family members alive today who still do not believe. It is painful but not everyone will response to the Gospel, in fact most won't. We spread the Gospel and we should continue to pray for those who are currenly lost, that they may come to understand and accept the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Only God can remove the veil. And sometimes He may do so in the last moments of someones life. The thief on the cross is a good example of that. God is good. Keep spreading the Gospel🙏🏻
Last edited by Sandra ✧✞°•; 31 Aug @ 6:47pm
Originally posted by Sandra ✧✞°•:
Completely unbiblical. I know your intentions may be good and you want to comfort OP, but we show love by speaking God's truth in Love and not by compromising His Word to appease the world. 'Trying to do your best to be good' can't and won't save a person. This is completely unbiblical. None of us are good. People are not given a free pass based on their 'conscience' either. If anything it points that they are without excuse as Scripture tells us.

Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless one repents and puts their faith in Jesus Christ instead of themselves and becomes born again, born of the Spirit. And that's why we are commanded to spread the Gospel truth, not a watered down version of it. Anything else gives false hope and may lead people astray on the broad road.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

I think all of us have loved ones who have passed away without believing in Christ. Just like we may have family members alive today who still do not believe. It is painful but not everyone will response to the Gospel, in fact most won't. We spread the Gospel and we should continue to pray for those who are currenly lost, that they may come to understand and accept the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Only God can remove the veil. And sometimes He may do so in the last moments of someones life. The thief on the cross is a good example of that. God is good. Keep spreading the Gospel🙏🏻

I will now proceed to correct you in your error because you do err
ROMANS 2:14-16
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

People who have not heard the gospel are judged by their conscience. This is a biblical fact. (Btw, the "law" in this part of the scriptures refer the 10 commandments which is the MORAL law of God. It is eternal and forever.)

Otherwise all of the Native Americans and every other group of people on earth would die for nothing in the billions before they ever heard about the gospel, they would have never gotten a chance to reach paradise.
Every aborted child would go to hell, so would every braindamaged person as well as any other individual that was not capable of hearing or understand the gospel.

This is also how children are judged as well as handicapped people who are crippled in the brain, unable to comprehend the gospel. Aborted babies are also judged in this sense, they are given a second chance, judged by their conscience, by the law written on their hearts.

Paul and Peter mentions this a few times in the gospels.

You have been corrected. Now I expect you to admit that you were wrong.
Last edited by Eternal Victory; 1 Sep @ 4:11am
Mr_C_ 1 Sep @ 5:57am 
Originally posted by Eternal Victory:
I will now proceed to correct you in your error because you do err
ROMANS 2:14-16
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

People who have not heard the gospel are judged by their conscience. This is a biblical fact. (Btw, the "law" in this part of the scriptures refer the 10 commandments which is the MORAL law of God. It is eternal and forever.)

Otherwise all of the Native Americans and every other group of people on earth would die for nothing in the billions before they ever heard about the gospel, they would have never gotten a chance to reach paradise.
Every aborted child would go to hell, so would every braindamaged person as well as any other individual that was not capable of hearing or understand the gospel.

This is also how children are judged as well as handicapped people who are crippled in the brain, unable to comprehend the gospel. Aborted babies are also judged in this sense, they are given a second chance, judged by their conscience, by the law written on their hearts.

Paul and Peter mentions this a few times in the gospels.

You have been corrected. Now I expect you to admit that you were wrong.
What you appear to be supporting in your reply borders on universalism. The flaw appears when you support the concept of the "noble savage". You DO know, I hope, that Native Americans did NOT worship God--they practiced something closer to ancestor worship, much like Shintoism. They also worshipped nature spirits, much like African animism. Therefore, they do NOT get a pass.

Babies always got a pass. This is evidenced in Scripture: When King David's son was ill, he mourned. When the child died, David stopped mourning. When asked by his councillors why, David responded that they will be together again when he died.

Those who are cognitively deficient--who don't and cannot know right from wrong--get a pass.

So I agree with your post in part and disagree in part. I also disagree with your DEMAND for a retraction/apology--a very un-Christian attitude to take, and one that has attracted my attention.
I said what I said. For it is written. :GoldCross::shinealight::peace_dove:
BigRowdy 1 Sep @ 6:34pm 
If people could enter into glory by being "good" then what was the purpose of Jesus the Christ on the cross?
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