STEAM グループ
Beam Claws Beam Claws
STEAM グループ
Beam Claws Beam Claws
Beam Claws について

Beam Claws Steam Group

Steam Group for Beam Claws' community! I'll also most likely use this group for custom games in the future or community nights!

KYF on Friday, 26th August (~18:00)
Kill Your Friends on Friday's stream!:thehook:
Start time will be between 18:00 and 20:00 BST.

It'll be first come, first served and there will be a channel point redemption in chat to join the games (500 hearts). You'll be able to join as killer or survivor, although please expect killer queues to be much longer (every 3 games or so).

Rules are as follows:
1. Play normally (meme builds are fine, but avoid dragging the game on for the sake of it)

2. Survivor Items/add-ons of green rarity or lower (event items are fine)

3. No broken Killer add-ons (Alchemist's Ring, Pinky Finger etc.). Ask if in doubt!

4. No offerings for survivor. Killers can bring map offerings only/request a map

5. No stream sniping (mute/pause the stream if you're playing against Beam)

6. Avoid BMing and respect that some players won't have as much experience as you!

Queues will be most visible in Discord, so feel free to join! ( I look forward to seeing you then! :whiteward:

1K Follower Celebration Stream!
1000 follower celebration stream!:thehook:
Start time will be at 19:00 BST.

At the end of last month, we hit the big 1K- yes that's 1000 lil Beamers! Today I'll be having the celebration stream that'll feature multiple games, some of which I can play with you guys!

DBD: Kill Your Friends (19:00-22:00)
To join the KYF, please use the token redeem below the stream (channel points/hearts) and this will add you to the queue for the games. The amount of games you play will be determined by the role you select (please read the description of each token).

Rules are as follows:
1. Play normally
2. No keys (yes, this includes plundered)
3. No stream sniping (mute/pause the stream if you're playing against Beam) 4. No offerings for survivor. Killers can bring map offerings only/request a map, otherwise random map
5. Have fun and respect that some players won't have as much experience as you!
6. Survivor Items/add-ons of green rarity or lower (event items are fine)

Golf With Your Friends (22:00-23:30)
Up to 12 players, first come first served. We'll likely have collision on and play custom maps to make things more interesting!

Overwatch (23:30-01:00)
We'll do custom games if there is enough interest, otherwise just queuing for some casual games!

I look forward to seeing you tonight! :whiteward:
The full schedule, including solo games can be seen on Discord

6 件のコメント
G1ZmO 2021年5月26日 15時46分 
ChesPops 2021年2月26日 16時53分 
Very cool
rooc 2021年2月23日 13時09分 
Fourth :steamsad:
Ghostface's Wife 2021年2月23日 4時23分 
Hello there :whitekitty:
faqqeu 2021年2月23日 2時07分 
*Dabs on haters*
Beam Claws 2021年2月22日 22時51分 
0 チャット中