Band of Brothers Productions Mablus25
Band of Brothers Productions Mablus25
2013. május 28.
United States 
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Midas Magic Think Tank
HI, I'm a new officer and I was noticing that we have something of a lack of structure and the only people who seem to know what's going on and what they're meant to be doing (as far as I know) are DaRealSlenderMan and Blast Lord so what I propose is this: spell ideas go here and are split into different groups: Arcane/Eldritch, Shock, Fire, Water, Ice, Steel, Light, Holy, Air, Poison, Death, Darkness, Earth, Nature, or miscellaneous (includes stuff like force, Midas Touch (if we're still making that), and spells which don't clearly belong to one of the other categories (e.g. Slime Ball which seems like it should be poisonous but isn't actually poisonous in any way)).

After we have all thrown in our ideas, the scripters should say what they think is possible to script, followed by the graphics people saying what it's possible to make visual effects for.

After we have maybe 30-40 spells for each category, the level designers should design the dungeons/planes which the quest makers then fit the quests around whilst the monster designers are making creatures that fit the dungeon. Then scripters could maybe collaborate with the monster makers to make scripted bosses so fights have more depth to them than just hitting stuff until it dies.

Lastly, everything is sent to the animators: Spells which require custom casting animations get them and the bosses and mini bosses get custom, never-before-seen attacks and then the mod is realeased, we could do that as plane by plane updates and then we could just do updates as needed/desired after every plane has been released. Thoughts?
Összes téma > <BoB> Productions > Téma részletei