The Hunt for Payday 2 Secrets ARGcont.
The Hunt for Payday 2 Secrets ARGcont.
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5 aout 2013
Verry solid proof of the location of some sort of a vault on shadow raid
Okay so where do i begin hmmm right lets take this poster for example it has the words: Stockholm Syndrome wich is the skill in the mastermind skill tree wich makes u able to interact with civs making them revive you here is a screenshot of the poster:
Aight so that doesnt really make any sense right now but when you look at the first page/card of the guide of bain there seems to be a downed heister and im thinking maybe you have to get a civilian to help u up with this skill.... but what about the armor? Anyway lets get to the second bit of evidence This <Roll 420 as shown in the right down corner of the picture here: No idea what the text measn but the O is replaced with the GOLD symbol from the guide and the arrow is pointing towards the garage to the left... Now that would apparently the position of the vault/gold/whatever the f word it is... Question remains whats is 420?
As a second bit of proof if you look at the windows of the same building as the possible vault possition you will see some windows as shown here:
Now at first i didnt even think they were a thing but what i managed to find out is that if u mark the broken window (Not concrete barricaded ones) with 0 and the lit ones with 1 the result you will get is: 23
So my theory beinhd these 3 clues is next to that building there is a dumpster my idea is that if we get all 23 lootbags on the map (Cuz thats the max) and then we get someone to die in the location of the chairs with the noose wich i just realized i forgot to mention here is a pic of it: that noose means death so my idea is if we can get a civilian there in some way to revive the downed heister than something will happen? ALSO in the first card of the bain guide wich i strongly belive that it is meant to be the shadow raid there is one more problem though... the candle and the torch i belive that the torch is the way you can kill yourself wich would be a mollotov and i belive that the candle might be the wrong item in the picture since it is singed CGO... lemme know what you guys think and if u wanna help me give this a shot add me.