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Do poor people choose to be poor?
Generations of poor people continue to birth hundreds of more people withing the same family. Is the cycle of poverty inevitable?
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Fun fact but a handful of homeless people are homeless by choice. I said some, not all.
YEP, fiscal responsibility is the fast track to perdition
majority no

but a big chunk yes

you have the guy who burn all his money in gambling and drug
As for the cycle of poverty I don’t believe in it. Sure… being born in a rich family does help but I am a first generation American. My family came to America with nothing and work their way up. It wasn’t a cakewalk but hard work overcomes all. And look at me now. I’m at the point where my parents don’t have to work anymore. The only person working is me.
In the United States? Yes. In the poor nations of the world? No.

And yeah, you can't cure poverty cuz you can't change human nature.
Poor people choose to be poor. All they do is complain about their poverty and do nothing to change it.
kbiz の投稿を引用:
In the United States? Yes. In the poor nations of the world? No.

And yeah, you can't cure poverty cuz you can't change human nature.
Meanwhile, you got people in places like New York City where they're one price change away from homelessness.
最近の変更はSir Seanicus, Esq.が行いました; 8月23日 13時31分
Norma don't read these threads
Lime の投稿を引用:
kbiz の投稿を引用:
In the United States? Yes. In the poor nations of the world? No.

And yeah, you can't cure poverty cuz you can't change human nature.

Cure. Fix. Solve.
Yes, they are the problem.
"why don't poor people just buy more money?"
最近の変更はkingjames488が行いました; 8月23日 13時37分
Poor people create your problems.
one thing's for sure anyways... rich people choose to be rich... otherwise they'd just give poor people their money.
Poverty and population go hand in hand, the higher the population, the higher the poverty. More competition for jobs will make labor worth less and material cost more.
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全スレッド > Steam 掲示板 > Off Topic > トピックの詳細
投稿日: 8月23日 13時23分
投稿数: 143