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What are the rules regarding having a VIDEO SHOWCASE displayed on profile page?

Can one have a showcase where one's favourite videos are displayed?
Like funny videos from the Seinfeld YouTube channel (example "No Soup For You!" | The Soup Nazi | Seinfeld)

What about public domain audio-books like "And the Hippos were boiled in their tanks" by William S Burroughs and Jack Kerouac?

or music videos from the official YouTube channels that various rock artists have... like the channel owned by ZZ TOP?
Postat inițial de Ogami:
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:

Public domain means there is no one who owns said content

Sure but you have to upload it to your own Youtube channel if you want to use it.
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Ogami 12 mai 2023 la 23:19 
You have to link the showcase to your own Youtube account and you can ONLY display videos that you personally uploaded to your own Youtube account.
Also nothing you dont have the copyright to.
So , you posting a Lets Play of yours or a game review you made is ok since that is created content, you posting some video someone else made is not ok and can lead to a DMCA strike against your account.
Editat ultima dată de Ogami; 12 mai 2023 la 23:19
Postat inițial de Ogami:
You have to link the showcase to your own Youtube account and you can ONLY display videos that you personally uploaded to your own Youtube account.
Also nothing you dont have the copyright to.
So , you posting a Lets Play of yours or a game review you made is ok since that is created content, you posting some video someone else made is not ok and can lead to a DMCA strike against your account.

Public domain means there is no one who owns said content
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Ogami 12 mai 2023 la 23:35 
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:

Public domain means there is no one who owns said content

Sure but you have to upload it to your own Youtube channel if you want to use it.
Postat inițial de Ogami:
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:

Public domain means there is no one who owns said content

Sure but you have to upload it to your own Youtube channel if you want to use it.

Then I will need to own and maintain a YouTube channel.

I have never had a prior need to own and maintain a YouTube channel. This is because being a content creator is not profitable for the little guy. This is especially true since the competition for getting monetised is often not worth the effort. One needs to jump through hoops and often follow unreasonable rules of advertising contractors whom only pay "peanuts" to those whom are not astroturfed by the giants behind legacy media.

It is no wonder why so few bother to display one or more VIDEO SHOWCASE on their STEAM account web-page as compared to the number of accounts on STEAM without a VIDEO SHOWCASE. For the regular user of STEAM it is not worth the effort.

Ogami 13 mai 2023 la 0:03 
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:

It is no wonder why so few bother to display one or more VIDEO SHOWCASE on their STEAM account web-page as compared to the number of accounts on STEAM without a VIDEO SHOWCASE. For the regular user of STEAM it is not worth the effort.


Correct. I honestly never seen anyone with the video showcase.
But Valve has not much choice, to secure themselves they have to make the user fully responsible for the upload and that means only from their own Youtube channel and only non copyright material.

You just need a Youtube account and upload those videos you want to share to it. If its public domain that should be no problem.
Editat ultima dată de Ogami; 13 mai 2023 la 0:04
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
What are the rules regarding having a VIDEO SHOWCASE displayed on profile page?

Can one have a showcase where one's favourite videos are displayed?
Like funny videos from the Seinfeld YouTube channel (example "No Soup For You!" | The Soup Nazi | Seinfeld)

What about public domain audio-books like "And the Hippos were boiled in their tanks" by William S Burroughs and Jack Kerouac?

or music videos from the official YouTube channels that various rock artists have... like the channel owned by ZZ TOP?

Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
Public domain means there is no one who owns said content

Jerry Seinfeld, co-creator Larry David and Comcast would have something to say about your public domain excuse.

But as Ogami stated, you must link your YouTube account with Steam (in a browser), upload videos to your YouTube and add them to your Steam account.

Editat ultima dată de cSg|mc-Hotsauce; 13 mai 2023 la 0:07
Postat inițial de cSg|mc-Hotsauce:
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
What are the rules regarding having a VIDEO SHOWCASE displayed on profile page?

Can one have a showcase where one's favourite videos are displayed?
Like funny videos from the Seinfeld YouTube channel (example "No Soup For You!" | The Soup Nazi | Seinfeld)

What about public domain audio-books like "And the Hippos were boiled in their tanks" by William S Burroughs and Jack Kerouac?

or music videos from the official YouTube channels that various rock artists have... like the channel owned by ZZ TOP?

Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
Public domain means there is no one who owns said content

Jerry Seinfeld, co-creator Larry David and Comcast would have something to say about your public domain excuse.

But as Ogami stated, you must link your YouTube account with Steam (in a browser), upload videos to your YouTube and add them to your Steam account.


I never wrote that the content of the official Seinfeld was public domain. So why did you feel the need to tell me that "Jerry Seinfeld, co-creator Larry David and Comcast would have something to say about your public domain excuse." ?

Please don't paint a false narrative of my intent.

While we are on the topic of public domain I have not written that the content of channel owned by ZZ TOP is public domain.
This is just in case someone tries to paint a false narrative of my intent by attempting to put words in my mouth or make comments to me that would makes it seem like I had written something that I had not or thought something I had not. This is also in case someone tries to edit my original comment of it's full content to fit some narrative other than my intent.

There exists a lot of older works of popular literature which has become public domain for various reasons. Such works of popular literature are published by many different publishing companies who do not own the literature because no one still alive owns it. Some family trees just end when there are no one left alive to inherit ownership of older works of popular literature.
Editat ultima dată de Nekoborg; 13 mai 2023 la 1:36
It's not like having a YT channel with a couple videos took any effort, you don't have to go full-on "content creator", neither is there any maintenance.

That said, your Steam video showcase is still for your stuff. If you want to show that you're a fan of something, put up a fanpage.
Postat inițial de ReBoot:
It's not like having a YT channel with a couple videos took any effort, you don't have to go full-on "content creator", neither is there any maintenance.

That said, your Steam video showcase is still for your stuff. If you want to show that you're a fan of something, put up a fanpage.

I am unsure what you mean by a fanpage and what that has to do with what I can and allowed to place on my STEAM account web-page.

Please keep to the topic of STEAM account web-page VIDEO SHOWCASE when posting in this thread so not unintentionally derail this thread.
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
Postat inițial de ReBoot:
It's not like having a YT channel with a couple videos took any effort, you don't have to go full-on "content creator", neither is there any maintenance.

That said, your Steam video showcase is still for your stuff. If you want to show that you're a fan of something, put up a fanpage.

I am unsure what you mean by a fanpage and what that has to do with what I can and allowed to place on my STEAM account web-page.

Please keep to the topic of STEAM account web-page VIDEO SHOWCASE when posting in this thread so not unintentionally to derail this thread.
Are you high? You said
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
Can one have a showcase where one's favourite videos are displayed?
I am adressing exactly this topic.

Anyway, if you want to treat your Steam profile as the box you ain't gonna leave for ♥♥♥♥, then the answer is "nope". Your Steam profile showcase is for YOUR stuff.
Editat ultima dată de ReBoot; 13 mai 2023 la 1:07
This thread has served it's purpose and I hope it gets locked or deleted by a moderator of STEAM

A word of warning to all who from now on post in this thread:

Don't give me reason to report you by posting anything that would paint a narrative other than my intent,

Don't take out of context full comments that I wrote if quoting me

Don't try to put words in my mouth by telling me things that are obviously not needed, example: "ZZ TOP would have something to say about your public domain excuse" when I never wrote anything that would paint a picture that I thought said was public domain.

I will occupationally visit this thread as long as it remains open and make sure no one gives me any reason to report them.

Don't expect me to reply to anymore comments.

Please just let this thread die by not posting in it.

Take care
Postat inițial de Nekoborg:
Postat inițial de Ogami:

Sure but you have to upload it to your own Youtube channel if you want to use it.

Then I will need to own and maintain a YouTube channel.

I have never had a prior need to own and maintain a YouTube channel. This is because being a content creator is not profitable for the little guy. This is especially true since the competition for getting monetised is often not worth the effort. One needs to jump through hoops and often follow unreasonable rules of advertising contractors whom only pay "peanuts" to those whom are not astroturfed by the giants behind legacy media.

It is no wonder why so few bother to display one or more VIDEO SHOWCASE on their STEAM account web-page as compared to the number of accounts on STEAM without a VIDEO SHOWCASE. For the regular user of STEAM it is not worth the effort.

You don't need to 'maintain' a YouTube channel - just have a free YouTube Google account, link that to your Steam and then select the videos you have uploaded on there to showcase via Steam.
I use the video showcase on my profile. I've had a youtube account for years that I post random stuff on. You don't need to be some content creator to just upload some videos.
can we now use videos captured with steam and display on profile?
Postat inițial de Lordimbroke:
can we now use videos captured with steam and display on profile?
You can try it out yourself.
Editat ultima dată de ReBoot; 15 iul. la 22:52
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Toate discuțiile > Forumuri Steam > Help and Tips > Detaliile subiectului
Data postării: 12 mai 2023 la 23:11
Postări: 17